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Played Character Aurunn

This character is actively played.


Oct 6, 2023
Reaction score
  • Full Name: Aurunn
  • Race / Culture: Bralona/Bronn
  • Age: 42
  • Gender / Pronouns: Non-applicable
  • Occult: Exist
Core Concept
Aurunn is essentially a light cleric without being a cleric. He uses a mixture of light-based magic and technology to create solid light constructs to aid him in his wanderlust, and he yearns to discover everything new and that this world has to offer.

Appearance Information
Aurunn stands at 6'1", and differs slightly from a more traditional Bronnian appearance, his metals shining gold, and his body covered in some pearl-like materials. He doesn't seem to have visible eyes, rather, he has one large pearl like orb socketed into the golden "mask" that makes up his face. His body is covered in intricate swirls reminiscent of fancy elven armor, and he tends to dress more extravagantly, with a preference towards materials much like that which makes up his body. Everywhere he goes, he adorns himself with a white hooded cloak, trimmed in a fashionable gold and layered with a light amount of decorative plating. He enjoys looking like a paladin in pearlescent white and gold, despite it really just being a part of his body, and he accentuates that with everything that he wears.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Wisdom: 7
    • Tech Armory (Free, Bralona)
    • Tech Defense
    • Tech Hook
    • Enchant Bolts
    • Enchant Oceana
    • Enchant Mimic
    • Medical Resist
    • Medical Barrier
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • Radiant Revive
    • Radiant Push
    • Radiant Feather
    • Radiant Bolster
    • Radiant Relocate
    • Radiant Barrier
    • Radiant Shield
  • Faith: 0
Common, Brix

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Having been warped in with the rest of the Bralonan forces, Aurunn was more fascinated with the new world he found himself in against his will, and split off from the siege to discover what this magnificent land full of life had to offer, using magic to create hardlight constructs in conjunction with his hardlight tech to defend himself as he explores this strange new environment.

Wanderlust | Aurunn wants to see new places that are alien to his experience in Basalon, and will go to great lengths to go to places with creatures he has yet to discover, or landscapes which differ to those he's seem before.
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