Preserved Sheet Aurora Cortez Ailemer

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The Alpha Stigma
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Order of Hawthorn| Sun Dakkar Clan
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Aurora Cortez Ailemer
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Ailor- Dressolini
  • Main Ambition: To bring great and overwhelming honor to her family name.
  • Secondary Ambition: Aurorahas a second ambition aswell. Wanting to change the rule against the female sex not being allowed to become viridian knights.
  • Special Permission: N/A
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Emerald Green.
  • Hair Color: Ginger/ Orange-ish brown
  • Hair Style: Straightened with a middle crown braid over top
  • Skin Color: fair
  • Clothing: Variety of clothing in the Ailemer house colours.
  • Height: 5 foot, 2 inches
  • Weight: 123 pounds
  • Body Build: semi-muscular tone
  • Weapon of Choice: Aurora's primary weapon is her brain, using her intelligence and high skill of manipulation to invoke the opposing mind, but if this fails then she will have no issue resorting to her Nicoloan fighting skills.
Personality Traits
  • Cunning - "As for bade your Mistress."
Aurora is a crafty one, utilizing he intellect as a form of weapon she can be very manipulative in various situations. Aurora as well has the fairness of being quite the achiever when it comes to certain tasks. She strives to be the best at what she does and namely lives up to that goal.
  • Inpatient - "Hurry up already!"
Aurora very much despises the amount of time it take for the activities in the world to go by. She herself would not mind it if thing would past on a lot faster than it currently does, there for she'd prefer to complete her orders with with quick and "cunning" haste.
  • Persuasive - "-Come now darling"
Aurora is oh so very persuasive. She, with her stature alone and deceive and alter ones mind into thinking and or doing any task that she feels she would like them to do. (promise i won't use this for power or meta gaming) or perhaps she would just prefer to enjoy herself by just playing around and seducing other with her indulging charm.
  • Cautious "Huh..who's there?"
    Aurora Doesn't seem to be always as calm as the other members of the Ailemer family. She will always be watching her back for ANY sudden disturbance, unnatural presence, or even just some rat scurrying around by the tavern entrance. She is not on to trust others very willingly so be ready for half a life time of none friendly encounters.
  • Honorable - "Oh, totally not..." One of Aurora's main goals it to bring an overwhelming amount of honor to her family name that they will not be looked down upon by any other noble family. She will not tolerate one condescending milk drinker bad mouthing the Ailemer family name, or she will have to deal with them personally.
  • Stubborn - "-Excuse me- but i'm correct, you're in the fault. Deal with it."
Aurora feels like she's always correct in every possible situation even if she is so obviously incorrect. She'll debate to the void and back if someone calls her out for being wrong or if someone holds a different opinion than her. As she was once young, she decided to run away for a few day due to an argument she had with her parents about her being wrong about not doing her chores correctly.
  • Nicoloan fighting - "Ha, let's see what you've got!" Aurora has spent the majority of her life practicing the art of Nicoloan Fighting, more specifically Traditional Nicoloan Fighting where she currently holds the impressive level of Usario. This most certainly gives her the upper-hand in combat seeing as she can un-arm and incapacitate her enemies with ease. Though she hasn't used her skills in actual fights, through practice she usually comes out as best in her class.
  • Intelligence - "I laugh at your stupidity." Aurura most defiantly does not have a lack of intelligence. She quite easily has an above average intelligence making her far superior in arguments, and political debates. Out of the Ailemers she is on the upper end of the scale for intelligence. During her younger childhood before she was able to start practicing her Nicoloan fighting skills she read for the majority of her free time. She read anything from Political journals and maps of the lands, to children books and fantasy stories. Though she usually stuck with more factoid based stories than fictional.
  • Stealth - "Beware what you don't understand " Aurora has unseen yet surprisingly well nit talent for being quite sneaking. Her skill in stealth is a great ability that she could defiantly add together with Nicoloan for an interesting combo. Aurora always use to sneak out at night past bed time and wonder around her small town doing all sorts of thing like Practicing Nicoloan, reading up on her studies, heck even stealing for some thrill and adrenaline.

  • Troublesome - " bad..." Aurora has a tendency to cause problems or arise difficulty in many various situations. Many people prefer to avoid travel with her or even just wonder around the regalian city due to how much annoyance and trouble is drawn to her naturally. Maybe those who enjoy trouble might find her to be a descent peer to connect with?
  • Missing lung - *pant pant* "Guys wait up!" *pant* Aurora was sadly born one lung short, this being a huge factor in he life seeing as she is not able to conduct any activities that require a fair amount of stamina usage. If Aurora ends up having to hold her own in combat, she prefers to make the encounter quick and simple so she won't tire herself out.
  • Anxiety- "..." Aurora as some pretty intense episodes when it comes to her anxiety. Mainly when it comes to the unholy vampiric race. She will refuse and task that involves ghost putrid creatures in order to keep both them and herself safe, cause if it comes down to it, she will just go insane and rampage. (not really)
Life Story

  • 0-10 Aurora as one of the first born of Roselyn and Aldus, was expected to aspire as a praised daughter of the family along with her identical twin sister Aris, who was born only 4 minutes after Aurora. Aurora on one hand, was born unfairly next to her sister, see as she had only been born with one lung, which was somewhat of a problem in early years of her life to come. At the age of an year, Two more twins, had been born, followed by the names of Gabriel and Jasmine. At the age of 7 Aurora's parents made her start to read and take into studies of all sorts, specifically started of with history. Aurora was on a high intellectual level at a young age, and it didn't go unnoticed, especially when compared with her sister. She would flaunt her smarts around like she was giving out free candy to poor children. But even though her parents were somewhat strict and forced her to take on even more studies, culture, now another study that Aurora was required to undertake. She never really rejected the fact that she was forced to do these thing for her parents, she knew it would all be useful in the near future. She's driven by pride and desire to bring pride to her family name.
  • 11-17 At age 11 Aldus decided that he wished for his eldest daughters to learn some form of self defence, so he had them start training in Nicoloan fighting. Both she and Aris need a great amount of training to be even remotely close to being exceptional or even to satisfy there parents. As Aurora's training continued she'd adopt more studies involving many different forms of mathematics and sciences, able to be used in various basic and sophisticated situations. Though after some time between her studies and her training, or during those activities, Aurora would become very distracted fairly easily by even the smallest of things. She could be reading up on book dealing with her mathematics and scientific studies and a moth could be hovering over by a candle, it's wings beating to the rhythm of the song of crickets out side her window. but it really did take much time for her to swiftly get back on track with her work with the help of Roselyn dealing with studies and Aldus in training. Both parents were always the to keep Aurora on track and keep her motivated to learn and improve. If it weren't for them she wouldn't have even come this far. At fifteen, Aurora was told to go search for a distant family member. One of her cousins name Lucio. Roselyn wanted Aurora to be somewhat family oriented and thought going to stay with her closest cousin who was only 3 years younger then her would help with that fact. So Aurora sot out her cousin. After a month of living with Lucio she returned home to see that she now had a younger brother named Stefan.

18-23 Our young yet now mature first born daughters are now fairly experienced and well equipped in the art of Nicoloan fightingb and has come pretty far all thanks to her parents. Aurora and Aris are at the 20th year in life and are climbing high and fast to reach and make their ambition become a reality. The last the years both Aurora and Aris had been becoming very close with Stefan and would help more around the house with chores. The five of them were all fairly joyed in their current lives. Three years after,, on a brightened summer evening Aldus received a letter from Regalia, specifically from Family owner Jeffery, inviting Aurora and Aris to come and join them in the great city.
Aurora and Aris were happy to go meet the rest of the widely spread family, though Roselyn and Aldus stayed behind to care for the youngest child.
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~ Peer Review Time ~
Disclaimer; No Salt Intended~

Basic Information;
  • With the main ambition since you have two in one i reccomend choosing one to put as a second ambition and put it down as such.
Personality Traits:
  • With the Intellgence strength it kind of clashes with the easily distracted because if she was intellgent wouldn't she not get distracted? But that is with me however I would reccomend changing either trait.
  • I don't believe missing a toe is a weakness I reccomend changing it to something like, has a limp in whichever leg was attacked.
Overall Review;
Over all I believe this is a rather good character sheet and I wish you luck in getting it approved!
~ Peer Review Time ~
Disclaimer; No Salt Intended~

Basic Information;
  • With the main ambition since you have two in one i reccomend choosing one to put as a second ambition and put it down as such.
Personality Traits:
  • With the Intellgence strength it kind of clashes with the easily distracted because if she was intellgent wouldn't she not get distracted? But that is with me however I would reccomend changing either trait.
  • I don't believe missing a toe is a weakness I reccomend changing it to something like, has a limp in whichever leg was attacked.
Overall Review;
Over all I believe this is a rather good character sheet and I wish you luck in getting it approved!

thank you for taking the time to do a peer review, i'll make the changes ASAP.
Sorry about the delay! The weekday consumed my life. I've got a lovely break now, though, so let me chop out this review ASAP!

  • I have to ask. Aurora seems to have reached the Usario rank of Nicoloan fighting very young. It's possible, certainly, but it would take a lot of dedication. How has she managed to maintain a formal education as well to hone her intelligence?
  • A missing lung is certainly a huge weakness. This would make Aurora incapable of doing anything active for anything more than a few minutes. How did she acquire this? Was it just a birth defect?
  • Nicoloan fighting comes out of nowhere in Aurora's life story. There's no mention of it until age 11 where you mention she has improved. I think this is far too young to be learning an intensive martial art and expect actual results. I'd suggest moving her training up in her years a little, and be sure to mention when she starts.
Other than these edits, this app is pretty solid. Tag me when you've made the changes! Until then...
@Plecy I have made the changes and highlight them in Cyan!