Aurelius Manus


Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score


The Aurelius Manus is a group driven in assisting the noble peerage as well as commoners alike in healing and helping them. They focus on medical practice and working along with local alchemists along with other and more surgical healing techniques. Individuals will be able to apply for lessons under the current masters in the medical oversight within the group. The Aurelius Manus also offers an interesting addition among the medical group, they offer something called District Physicians which are trusted and high standing medical officers of the group who tend to nobles within their estates rather than having to take them to a clinic, offering more privacy overall. They also work as a mock Apothecary with various supplies for sale, more so medicinally for those who are injured and require proper alchemical supplies.

IC Letter
The two noble ladies Raina Wodenstaff and Rosalia Heinrich of houses, Wodenstaff and Heinrich have joined arms in creating a safe haven for those who seek medical attention, announcing of a new establishment to be formed in the Crown City, not to take coin for those who are lacking in funds, but to provide a clean and safe place where those know they can go to for help and guidance with curing illness, all personnel apart of Aurelius Manus are proud to be apart of such a fine foundation, we also await to take on young and aspiring generations who wish to follow in the footsteps of our own Doctors and surgeons, to soon become the fresh new face of Aurelius Manus.

Headmaster of Aurelius Manus.

Approved by The Overseer of Aurelius Manus.


Goals in Mind
This group will be pursuing medical prowess and general wellcare for the citizens in Regalia by doing so they aim to;
  • Provide medical care for all races besides Kliens and Rashaaq's.
  • Provide medical teachings to those wishing to learn or to give basic first aid lessons to all first class citizens.
  • Provide proper aftercare for any injuries brought to them, usually providing further checkups and other medical supplies.
  • Work to assist medical charters and offer further training and hands on work.
  • Work to provide a general comfortable air to doctors, going as far as to tend to nobles within their homes if requested.

Aurelius Overseer;
The Overseer of the group is the main head and the one who handles the newest recruits via figuring out a way to train them as well as working with everyone in the group individually. They are the one to go to regarding any questions as well as the one who teaches anyone who asks them to. They are the one who everyone answers to and listens to within the group.

@Nesstro | Raina Wodenstaff

The Headmaster is the one who takes care of business while the Overseer is away, generally the most trusted and most advanced within the group. They are generally the one who handles teaching new recruits and handing out assignments for those newer in the group. They are the one that everyone reports to about any questions or concerns. They typically handle most problems and inquiries about the group.

@_Owlet | Rosalia Heinrich

District Physician;
District Physicians are those of high medical standing that tend to people privately in their own estates if among the noble privilege. They also tend to be the ones called upon during medical emergencies and if they cannot get to a proper clinic. They are required to carry proper medical supplies for general emergencies and are typically requested by going to either the Headmaster or the Overseer.

@mochalattes | Marie Heinrich

Grand Maesters;
The Grand Maesters of the group are the ones left to teach the current apprentices and to assist the various medical hands throughout the group. They are the ones that have the most experience under the Overseer and Headmaster and are normally given tasks to do every week and to do daily reports.

@DivineBoxer |Maxence Regner

Medical Hands;
The medical hands of the group are the general people within the group that are either experienced in their craft or they have proven themselves worthy enough to work within the group past apprentice level.

@Posidem|Olivia Ombre

The apprentices are the starters and lowest of the group, they are the ones who are the newest recruits of the group and are either learning medical practices at the time or they are just new to the group in general.

N/A | N/A


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Activity Level [ 1 - 10 ]:
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IC Letter to The Overseer:

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