Preserved Sheet Aura Frisque

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Magical Batel
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
A Cave located in the EST timezone

"I am here to live in the moment and experience what life has to offer me."


Basic Information

ull Name
: Aura Frisque.
Age: 24.
Gender: Female.
Race: Fenrran.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Preferred Weapon: Her hunting bow.

[•] Aura has not been in Regalia long, coming only earlier in the year of 307 AC. She followed her eldest brother, Kailu, the newer Patriarch of their family, and many other of her family members there. Her living situation is with one of her similar aged sisters in one of their Varran district estates. Aura does not yet has a formal occupation in the city, but would be used for and a part of any missions.
[•] The Fenrran was born in the Frisque homelands, as a middle child of many. Her extended family is large as any other Varran's, with tens of siblings and cousins.
[•] Ambitions for Aura include furthering her training, exploring new environments, finding someone fitting to share her life with, and having
plenty of excitable events under her belt.


Skill Information
"Plan A is, they don't see me. Plan B is, I am faster. And plan C is, my claws."

Point Distribution
24 points for 24 years of age.

+10 Athletic Training (+10 from Varran Race)
+10 Unarmed Combat Skill (+10 from Varran Race)
+14 Light Bow Combat Skill (+14 from Points)
+20 Rogue Training (+10 from Varran Race, +10 from Points)

Body Shape
Physical Status
: 24, +10 Body Stat from Varran Race, +14 from Light Bow Combat Skill.
Body Shape: Athletic (androgynous).
Body Fat: Low.

Zcorr (learned as the native peoples tongue, 9/10)
Common (learned alongside Zcorr and used more frequently 10/10)


Visual Information

Eye Color
: Light brown.
Fur Color: Solid black.
Clothing: Varied fine fabrics, with no shoes and plenty of gold jewelry.
Height: 5'6".

[•] The Fenrran's skull shape would be that of an aardwolf, while her ears and snout resemble that of a jackal's, the shapes coming together to curve with elegance to shape her head's silhouette. It would be difficult for non-Varrans to tell her gender, though to ones of her race they would notice her larger eyes and more streamlined bone structure.
[•] Her height is nearing average for her race, while her body shape is leaning towards androgynous, with smaller breasts and curves, being lean in shape all around. Her fur is short-haired and solid black covering her body, but with her athletic shape, muscle still shows. Her body fat has been low all of her life, likely do to Varran genetics and her active lifestyle. And finally for the Fenrran's body outline, she has digitigrade legs and a long and thin prehensile tail, the same as the most common Warran's.
[•] For her fashion, the noble Varran lets herself enjoy a variety of fabrics and styles. Gold is by far her favorite metal, and more often than not the only one she adorns herself with, to keep a theme and color
palette going. Of this jewelry, she is one to wear, though not limited to, arm cuffs, ankle cuffs, rings, earrings, bracelets, and eye adornment pieces. Preferred colors for fabrics would be the richer and warmer varieties, but also white and blue shades. And as for carried items, Aura often always brings along spare coin, and if in the outskirts of a city or where it is appropriate, the Fenrran would bring along her bow.


"There is a balance, between the races, Varran, or other. And I am happy where I have found myself, if I am honest."
• True Neutral. "A neutral character (also called "true neutral") is neutral on both axes and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment, or actively seeks their balance."
Personality Type
• The Composer, ISFP. "They are fun to be with and very spontaneous, which makes them the perfect friend to tag along in whatever activity, regardless if planned or unplanned. ISFPs want to live their life to the fullest and embrace the present, so they make sure they are always out to explore new things and discover new experiences."
• The Faces of Baskarr, 8/10. "How the statues of Baskarr move is not known, even to the most studious of magic researchers, but a statue of Baskarr can, very rarely, turn its head on its own entirely without anyone touching it."

[•] Likes for Aura include luxury goods, travel, and aesthetically pleasing things. Luxury goods as in fine clothing, jewelry, body care products, and wine fit for the noble caste. As for travel, it would be visiting any new or foreign place with the freedom to explore it. And finally, for liking to view aesthetically pleasing things, this can range from architecture to landscapes to even other good looking Varran.
[•] Dislikes for Aura include tabacca smoke, sitting idle for too long, and being touched by anyone but a family member or lover. For tabacca smoke it is known to smell and not be good for the health to inhale. As for sitting idle too long, Aura is an active Fenrran, and likes to be able to do things. And finally, being touched by any other besides a family member or a lover, for, she just likes to keep her personal space to herself and her person clean.


Life Story

Birth: The noble Fenrran was born on the dawn of July 12th, some 24 years ago. Aura from a young age along with the majority of her siblings would be taught Common along with her native peoples tongue of Zcorr, most likely the former for practicality, and the latter for tradition and pride. She would grow close friendships with the lot of her similar aged brothers and sisters, playing and later training together.

Childhood: As a Varran, Aura's childhood seemed to fly by, not having many years to just play and act on a whim. Studies would become moreso, though nothing too intense, she would be taught to read and write Common, learning how to behave and hold herself a bit higher as a noble, and as well how her people's religion works. In her more free time, playing would continue, along with some roughhousing, and, 'sparring'. Aura as much as she liked playing and exploring, would to, delve into some alone time, discovering things on her own and learning what she liked independently. There would be few trips outside of her homeland for the young Fenrran at this time, except for the visits to Ithanina heading to her family's beachside estate, which Aura much enjoyed, and where she had learned to swim and start delving into other athletic activities besides roughhousing. Through these experiences Aura discovered that she loved to travel, and from then on it would be rare for her to turn down an opportunity to do so.

Teenage Years: As Aura was quickly approaching Varran adulthood, her true and formal training would start. With her quieter and more seemingly practical nature, the proficient members of the rogue-like disciplines in the Frisque clan would take Aura under their wing for training. The Fenrran learned sneaking, shadowing, and even assassination, for one day when she would fight and act in a mercenary company or on a mission for the family. And as for actual physical combat training, she was of course first taught how to use her claws and to disarm, but after those basics, a simple hunting bow. Aura would take well to archery, and the Fenrran would come around to be a well rounded fighter, though by no means a master of any lone combat proficiency, and with stealth remaining her best asset. This became the Fenrran's calling, and the thing she enjoyed doing most, because she was good at it, and liked the rush. She also learned at this time she was a thrill seeker.

Young Adulthood: Aura had blossomed into who she is today. She would be sent off with the other fighters of her family, usually on the ground, commonly to scout or give support with her archery. She loved seeing and doing different things every day, and the danger to many of the situations. These trips were usually contained to in and around Ithania and her homeland. In Ithania, as well, the Fenrran can now almost consider parts of the continent another home, as being near a certain beach spot of the region meant staying in the family's beachside estate again, reminding her of her childhood, and bringing back nothing but fond memories. Her training would continue, though now alongside with work, the work more now being considered the actual, real nitty-gritty training, if anything. Closer to the present now, not too many months ago, Aura's eldest brother migrated to an out-of-the-box place, Regalia, now also holding the head of the family. Very curious, as many of the family were, followed their nomadic leader, with Aura not falling too far behind, going to her next unexplored area of interest, not hesitating to do more of what she was trained to do.
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Hello, sunshine!
This is a very cute app! Just a few minor edits and you'll be set!
  • I'd like you to expand on the second and fourth paragraph of her personality paragraphs. They're a touch short.
  • Please expand on your life story! Toss in instances that display her personality or memorable experiences that have shaped who she is as a character.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done!