Preserved Sheet Aumrauth Ravanan The Elder

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Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
Aumrauth Hagred Ravanan

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Aumrauth Hagred Ravanan/ Aum or Aumy
  • Age: 346
  • Gender: Agender of a male identity.
  • Race: Yanar using the shape essence of a Cielothar.
Skill Information

Proficiency Points
  • +15 Historical Knowledge
  • +20 Nature Care Sciences (Racial Boost
  • +22 Magical Knowledge
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 0
  • Average Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat

  • Common (Tutor)
  • Modern Elven (Native)
  • Imperial Elven (Tutor)
  • Alt-Regalian (Tutor)

  • Magic (Custom Magic)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Leafy green
  • Hair Style: Grown out long, drooping down to the beginning of his back.
  • Skin Color: His skin is of a lighter shade, it's texture leafy. He possesses varioyus large patches of bark on his skin, vines rapping around his forearms, as well as leaves about.
  • Clothing: Green and brown robes. Of Aloria (earthy) like colors.
  • Height: 5'8
  • Body Build: Skinny

Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: When first setting their gaze upon the Archmage, an individual may notice the butterflies which calmly rest upon his shoulders, those with knowledge seeing him as a mage. This may prove as a setback, since often in Regalia, the populace's opinion of mages is not the greatest. Though, when conversing with the elder Yanar, they would find a calm figure who has lived through years and years of hardships, celebration, etc. Basically, an individual with experience. They may find it strange to see that the Yanar has not Ovalated in what seems to be years as his appearance comes off as a mesh of leafy green skin and bark. Therefore, to sum it up, individuals first meeting or spotting Aumrauth would see him as an elder, barky creature who in the eyes of those knowledgeable in the Arcane, a mage as well
  • Second Paragraph: When viewing into the depths of Aumrauth, you may see a Yanar stricken with mostly one worry. One worry on a world scale. This main worry is the fact that if another Void Invasion occurred, would he be able to protect Aloria and the people who reside upon it from the demons of the black abyss, the Void. This is the same for any other large-scale conflict which effects most of the civilizations which have set themselves firm upon this world. Besides this large worry, mostly he is free from the chains of anxiety and his worries consist of the large one spoken of previously and small ones regarding the protection of himself and the like.
  • Third Paragraph: Besides the Nenya which are now extinct and his fellow Yanar which he considers family, Aumrauth does not possess a grouping of family members as many of the other races do as the elder Yanar was birthed from a Nenya on the eve of the Void Invasion. In their place, he considers his fellow Yanar family. For Yanar younger then him, he shall act as a guiding figure, with much advice held from the years of living. To those at the same age, he would act as perhaps a brother to these individuals. To friends which consist of the other races, he will act as a guiding figure, as most others are centuries under him in age. Therefore, the elder will usually act as a friendly guiding figure to those he considers family and friends.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Aumrauth in morality can be considered a good individual. He follows the laws of the Empire he resides under and does not attack without reason. He only uses his talent in magic when protecting himself or others from harm and will refrain from taking the life of the assailant unless they truly deserve such. Therefore, the elder can be seen as a good person who drives to keep the people of Aloria in a well state of being.
Life Story

Before Void Invasion

Aumrauth was birthed from a Nenya at the eve of the Void Invasion, 40 BC. The then youngling immediately set off to complete the mission which he was born to complete. Warn the Elven Empire of the impending doom which was to come when the demonic forces entered the Alorian plain. In his constant attempts to follow his orders and speak of the dangers of the void, the pride of the Altalar blinded them from the Invasion which was about to occur.

During and Slightly After the Void Invasion

As the demons descended upon Aloria, Aumrauth alike to his fellow Yanar searched and searched for a purpose. When Estel gave them the gift to relatively control the natural world, Aumrauth swiftly set off to fight back against the demons utilizing the immense power of nature and formed Colony Gardens with other Yanar. When the Night of the Fallen Star occurred and the Nenya were brutally killed by the hands of the Shendar, Aumrauth became confused as other Yanar did so, his connection to the Nenya being strong. At the death of Estel, many Yanar about perished, him fleeing to the depths of the forests.

After the Void Invasion

For nearly two centuries, Aumrauth wandered the lands of Aloria aimlessly. Though, soon magic returned. At this time, Aumrauth continued to travel. He also began to learn his magic which was unique to him. When Dulofall began to kill many Yanar, Aumrauth fled to an area which he believed was safe, the Regalian City. At this point, Aumrauth continued his studies and socialized, protected, and guided citizens of the Empire therefore making most of the occurrences uneventful.

The Move

At the beginning of the Regalian Pessimism, the Yanar migrated to Calemberg, continuing his studies in Magic. He resided here for the remainder of the Pessimism and other major events.


In the year of 306 AC, Aumrauth finally returned to the Holy City. He received a collar from the Azure Order as well. He spent about two months within Regalia, before departing to a Cielothar village. He joined the Yanar side of the wall, assisting both sides with their needs before departing from the village and returning to the Holy City. He currently possesses a collar from the Inquisition.
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Review time!
  • I see nothing wrong with this application, though I would like you to possibly list what races he has shape essence from.
Feel free to slip that in, but you're otherwise Approved!
Updated his appearance and therefore edited small pieces of the First Paragraph as some of it was on his appearance and the world's view of it! These edits are done in RED! @Rochelle_
Just fixed some formatting with the personality and abilities. Fourth Paragraph was doubled for some reason so deleted the second fourth paragraph and also spaced the paragraphs out to make them look better!
Requesting this be rejected as I wish to take some time to play a Black Mage which will likely be executed in the future by authorities. Therefore, I shall be returning to this character, though wish to relinquish his Trustee Permissions through rejection. @Rochelle_
Skill Information:
Generally only one language is native to someone as they learn it first. Can you decide upon Modern or Imperial Elven.
Specify which sort of Ellon Soul this character is.​

Make the above edits and tag me once done!
Did the updates for the custom magic! Apologies if some stuff has to be edited with that. Requesting a re-review for that though. @Vegemiite
Approved as per New Magic Criterions. Since this application lacks a reviewer, I will pass it off to @romeowo for future reviewing if necessary.