Archived Auction Rules

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Dec 26, 2012
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

I'm starting to get really tired of all those people who doesnt know how auction are suppose to work. This is how it should ALWAYS be:

Going once to UWOTM8
Going twice to UWOTM8
And sold to UWOTM8

I hope the admins can come up with some rules on how to auction stuff cause some people don't understands how it works and it gives a lot more time for people to bet on their goods and its unfair.

Here's an exemple of what happens to oftenly.


We don't see him say twice on the screenshots but he said once twice thrice and then sold it.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
If it didn't look like you were trolling with all the added pictures... people might take you seriously...

But I do agree with what you're saying... I also hate when people drop out of auctions
If I knew I had the potential of getting more money from my goods by delaying it just a little longer, I'd probably use a thrice too.
But the auctions are designed to be biased towards the seller in some aspects. They're supposed to have the ability and freedom to say "why settle for less?" After all, they started the auction in order to gain the money for themselves, not lose it.
If it didn't look like you were trolling with all the added pictures... people might take you seriously...

But I do agree with what you're saying... I also hate when people drop out of auctions
What are you talking about with the troll and the pictures? The pictures I added are not trolls at all they are proof of what happened to me and the other one is my banner so whats the problem about it? Cause I have a funny banner I cant be serious?
It was an opinion, the way you took it was on you. But, it does look trolly and I honestly cant really take it serious with that banner.... And it just looks like you're trolling.. Sorry that you don't like my opinion....
How does my post looks troll if you dont look at the banner?
It looks like you troll because there could be a chat message in beetween that you didn't post
Fine fine fine, without looking at the banner it looks perfectly fine! Sorry for bothering q.q -crawls back to corner and cries-
I agree with this, the items should be able to sell themselves, and that's the idea with an auction, it's a risk. You could sell your items for below their value, or extremely far above what they're worth. Just because you're not getting enough from the one sale doesn't mean you need to prolong it/cancel the sale, as that's not how an auction works