Preserved Sheet Atty Rourke

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catgirl enthusiast
Nov 11, 2017
Reaction score

Full Name: Aithche Ní Ruairc Uí Blathmaic
Used Name: Rourke
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Clochar Ériunin

Skill Information
10 Linguistics Knowledge [Racial Bonus]
Her upbringing taught her that language is the key to understanding the world.
5 Heavy Bow Proficiency [Points]
Training in the Guard has taught her the value of modern technology. A crossbow does a sling's job with a fraction of the training.
5 Unarmed Knowledge [Points]
Courtesy of her late husband, Atty Rourke was trained in tearing a man down with no weapons. It has come in handy for bar fights.
5 Blunt Proficiency [Points]
Staving off wolves requires judicious use of a club from time to time.
2 Shield Proficiency [Points]
A good shield-woman is a valuable ally in battles both near and afar.

5 Throwing Knowledge [Points]
A shepherdess need know how to use a sling, for they make corpses of giants.
2 Nature Care Sciences [Points]
Good stew is worth its weight in gold to hungry soldiers.

Body Build
(5 Heavy Bow x 2) + (2 Shield) + (5 Unarmed x 2) + (5 Blunt) + (5 Throwing) = (10 + 5 + 10 + 5 + 2) = 32 Points
Ripped Physique, Low Body Fat

Languages Known [2 of 3]
Roughly Fluent, Illiterate
Everyone knows how to speak Common, even peasants.

Fluent, Illiterate
The language of her home.

Visual Information
Eye Color:
Hair Color: Burned Orange
Hair Style: Medium Cut, Short
Skin Color: Fair
Clothing: Peasant's Garb
Height: 5' 11"
Personalities and Abilities

A shepherdess from old Ériu-Innis, Atty Rourke comes across as a boisterous, if rather slow-in-the-head woman. Young and inexperienced, she seems to view the world with nothing but optimism, always seeing her glass in life half-full. Easy-going, never in a particular rush, she is a tortoise in a hectic city that never sleeps, going at her own pace. Patient as can be, Atty Rourke embodies old world peasant values to a tee.

Atty Rourke is as genuine as one can be, though one could see that not all is what it seems. She still struggles with her late husband's death, and even if she emits airs of confidence, she still doubts herself time to time. That being said, the Atty Rourke the world knows is roughly the same as the Atty Rourke she knows she is.

Rourke is loyal to the bitter end to her family and her friends. She would never put them in harm's way, and would even take the hurt herself if it meant that they would come out unscathed. Though her family is still back in Ériu-Innis, she still loves them. But one group she is absolutely loyal to are Raude's Reavers. The Reavers are a second family to her, and she would do anything to make sure that that family succeeds.

Rourke generally speaking tries to do good, but she finds that loyalty comes first. Without loyalty, she reckons, there is no good, and nothing is worse than a traitor. She believes in harsh punishments for any and all affronts, and is a vindictive soul. Retribution, not rehabilitation, is the way to justice. Rourke is lawful, but as she grew up in Ériu-Innis, what 'lawful' means is really quite different from the Regalian definition.

Life Story
Atty Rourke was born early in the month of May, the second of what was to become five siblings that lived to adulthood. She grew up one mile from Silledimmach in a family of sheepherders. Life was never luxurious, for noone has ever heard of a sheepherder in luxury, but the struggles of life made her strong. Even in youth, Rourke had an optimist's look on the world.

In her adolescence she took up the family trade, keeping the flock in check and the wolves at bay with her siblings. By sling and baton she tended her family's bleating wealth, but even then she became interested in the world around her. Silledimmach offered a view into a world filled not with Aithechs and sidaige, but powerful magics and enormous armies. She learned their strange speech and some of their customs, but influence from home kept her from fully assimilating, to the relief of her parents. They were worried they were raising a race traitor, and thus made every effort to instill in her a healthy pride in their culture, which succeeded.

Going into adulthood, Atty Rourke married Donnan Dermot in a spirited celebration. Donnan was a courageous, ferocious man who was as passionate as he was short-sighted. Donnan was a warrior, and like many warriors he craved gold and glory. So three weeks after their unification in matrimony, Atty and Rourke set sail for the Archipel.

There is, however, terrible humor in seeing a man who has prepared for battle all his life, die before he even sees the field. Donnan Dermot was one such black-humored case, who died on the way to Regalia, weakened by bad food and finished off by lack proper care. Atty Rourke was devastated; this had been his dream after all. But she moved forward, for what can one do except move forward? Landing in the Archipel, she wandered, subsisting on supplies that quickly dwindled, for who would ever need to hire a shepherdess?

That was when Olvar Raude took her in. Raude, she saw, was this knight in shining armor who showed her the way to success, a man who taught her the skills to survive in an unfriendly land. He was no Donnan, but he seemed to be the next best thing, and she remains loyal to him to this day.
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