Archived Attributes To Non-magic Users.

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The Leader of the Great Nebula
Dec 29, 2013
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Since of the new upcoming magic plugin i thought. If everyone used magic, wouldnt it be bad? They must have a downside to it. If not it will be a plugin that older players use to bully others.
So my suggestion is this, mage slayering vote items. Make mages weak to a certain thing like make them take 5seconds to fully cast a spell, or 5second between intervals. Users who do not practice magic will have a 50% resistance to the spells. And the spells takes uses to level up. Fair enough to reborn the difference between the strong and the weak.
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Since of the new upcoming magic plugin i thought. If everyone used magic, wouldnt it be bad? They must have a downside to it. If not it will be a plugin that older players use to bully others.
So my suggestion is this, mage slayering vote items. Make mages weak to a certain thing like make them take 5seconds to fully cast a spell, or 5second between intervals. Users who do not practice magic will have a 50% resistance to the spells. And the spells takes uses to level up. Fair enough to reborn the difference between the strong and the weak.

I think all this is already going to be part of it. I'm sure the Admin's have some way to make it fair.
I think that they should make every spell drain food, the bigger and more powerful the spell, the more hunger. This will make it hard to use in the midst of combat and will make it so that you can chain more lesser spells but not spam out major spells.
If they would make it like this magic would either be used from a safe range or as a last resort in combat, or by someone with enough bodyguards.
If they were add a levling system as you suggested, maybe make it so that higher levels have reduced food loss?
I already get the feeing there will be ways to put lapis on your weapon as an anti mage weapon, but non magic users being 50% resistant doesn't make much sense, it would make more sense if mages had resistance considering they are magical conduits and all. also, on the topic of making it so "Bob continuously casts dizziness" isn't a thing, I imagine there will be a cooldown and some sort of restriction to casting, for example, if you were to cast for an extensive amount of time, you'd start hitting the tipping point and start starving, taking damage, getting status effects such as dizziness or wither. And there most likely will be a sort of leveling system that will probably be tied into your rp character in some way.

As our MassiveCraft overlord said, (MonMarty), everyone will be capable of casting spells, as for they do not plan on coding a plugin only 5-10% of the Player population can use.

Though it would be understandable how you worry on older players being magical abusive players, but you most understand that the magic plugin will be extremely hard to master, as you need to know the Seraph words... which I would assume will be extremely hard to find or even formulate to use, that such might be in par with the premiums not losing their items on death.

Due to lore, also, Lapis Lazuli is capable of weaking your relation with the Void, and therefore blockades magic to an extent... so if you have a stack of Lapis, you would hardly be affected.(?)

BabaManga could explain further more, as for he is responsible for creating the current magic lore (with maybe Posidem) with MonMarty.
How about 2 magical sides?
Lapis dependent, or lapis independent?
This makes a 2 way leap between each other. Having certain spells blocking each conflicting spell. Making mage battle a battle of words.
Or only such that you can cast the spell only if you have a magic book in your inventory, wheras dying makes you lose it.
Along with the basic spells that stay with you forever. Or coding the magic onto the tomes instead of using words, makes the fight more interactive.
I massively support this. It makes no sense to have magic be a thing that everyone uses like MCCMO skills. There should be something in the magic plugin that gives non-magic users special traits to stop everyone from being a magic user which is the opposite of what RP is supposed to be like. I think that there should be some sort of extra thing given to non-magical users. However I am very specific in this statement. I think it must be a buff not a debuff on the magical people. The reason is lets face it, magic is cool. That is the main reason it is so heavily used in fantasy books, and roleplay. So in order to stop everyone from using it it not only has to be not godly in the game mechanics, but there also has to be something, at least a couple small things to make it a least mildly interesting to play as a normal person or else it will turn into Vampires during Solaris where everyone was one despite what real RP said was acceptable and true.
I think that they should make every spell drain food, the bigger and more powerful the spell, the more hunger. This will make it hard to use in the midst of combat and will make it so that you can chain more lesser spells but not spam out major spells.
If they would make it like this magic would either be used from a safe range or as a last resort in combat, or by someone with enough bodyguards.
If they were add a levling system as you suggested, maybe make it so that higher levels have reduced food loss?

I like this. Combine this with an actual timer cooldown, and it would be very hard to spam certain spells. It also gives a physical drain to the spell. Though, most spells should probably have their own ingredients. One that involves fire might use a blaze rod/powder? There are lots of options for balancing this plugin. Can't wait for it!
This is a good idea but on the fact of old players trolling noobs with magic, that already happens with all types of god equipment used to fight.
๖ۣۜI almost feel like certain races should have more resistance to magic based on scale. Since Elves are one of the people who learn magic the fastest and in some cases is more stronger, I feel like they should be weakest to it. Races such as Vespid who take forever to learn it should have the most resistance. If the lore states certain races learn magic slower/weaker than others, why not actually make it true? Besides, from what I current see, the races' speed on learning magic seems to change, almost like an order of their natural strength. Elves, very fragile yet very stealthy, learn the fastest. Vespid, who are very solid and very hive-minded, learn the least.
I massively support this. It makes no sense to have magic be a thing that everyone uses like MCCMO skills. There should be something in the magic plugin that gives non-magic users special traits to stop everyone from being a magic user which is the opposite of what RP is supposed to be like. I think that there should be some sort of extra thing given to non-magical users. However I am very specific in this statement. I think it must be a buff not a debuff on the magical people. The reason is lets face it, magic is cool. That is the main reason it is so heavily used in fantasy books, and roleplay. So in order to stop everyone from using it it not only has to be not godly in the game mechanics, but there also has to be something, at least a couple small things to make it a least mildly interesting to play as a normal person or else it will turn into Vampires during Solaris where everyone was one despite what real RP said was acceptable and true.

I agree and I am a "pvper" I think that magic should be something you should have to devote yourself to and not something you can also have 2k axes with
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