Preserved Sheet Atticus Faulkner

This sheet was missing a prefix or has not been edited for a long period of time. Please create a ticket including a linkif your sheet was moved in error.
That indeed there was. I believe the overhaul has been sticky-threaded on the application page! It's more of a new skill system ;p
My Review:
  • Kalmarra as a culture does not exist anymore, Velheim(er) is the collective Northern culture that now exists and can be read about here:
  • Sadly, you have not figured out Proficiency points. The only major issue at this time is that you have a Cultural Proficiency in the normal Proficiencies section. Specifically, Instrumental Music. See here for a list of the Cultural Proficiencies: The full list is also on the Cultural Proficiencies page itself:
  • I also ask that you follow the format of the example character application as well as others with the parenthesis and +[number].
  • Languages don't need the aesthetics or the rating you've given them since now we employ a flat "Every ten years, 1 language and Common is free" but that is overall up to you to choose if you so wish.
  • Talents are no longer a part of the character application template, please remove this section.
Please tag me once the edits have been made in green @Jovee
I need to update his relationships. /Bad/.

Workin on getting this boy lore-compliant again! A few more tweaks with the life story should do it. <:
Sorry! I don't seem to be getting notifications for this bad boy.

I think I've managed rehauling this app. <: Thanks for stopping in!