Preserved Sheet Athreos

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Partnered Streamer Pog
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score

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Full Name | Age | Gender | Race

Athreos Vlosyrós | 24 | Male | Etosian


General Proficiencies: 29 Points + Hobby Points
+5 Fast Blades Combat
+10 Athletics Training
+4 Sorcery: Darksight [Constant Passive]
+2 Sorcery: Creeptastic [Toggle Passive]
+8 Magic Points
Hobby Proficiency:
Theatre Arts +5
Literary Arts +5
Body Shape
Body Shape: Athletic
Body Fat: Average Body Fat
Etosian Dialect (Native)
First Language, Fluent, Literate
Second Language, Fluent, Literate


Eye Color
Skin Color
Hair Color
Light toned, travelers garb.



Character Alignment

Chaotic Good
Character Personality Type
Character's Religion



Athreos was born in Thessalo in the year of 283 AC to a household of two parents, a younger brother, and an older sister. Athreos's family wasn't well off, and managed to scrape by without their children suffering.

In more recent times civil war plagues the Regalian Archipelago. Borders are shifting, years of venom pouring on the backs of once neighbors as cultural tensions rise. The effects of the end of the war on elven soil has sen his siblings each their separate ways. Athreos choose to initially stay by his mother's side.

Life for Athreos improved overall as time went on, but he never could understand himself, or who he was meant to become. Athreos bloomed as a sorcerer and would begin to apply his skills towards service for others as well which at the time had been enough for practice. His heritage and culture he made this detraction from the normality of Etosian life made him a black sheep in the eyes of the public.

With the rise in conflict all around his homeland, it was becoming an unstable powderkeg in which his mother desired for him to escape. It wasn't his fight, and he still had room to grow rather than die on a battlefield, so she begged for him to leave. Though he regretted leaving his mother behind, he pushes forward knowing he's honored the memory of his family, the love they had for each other, and will demonstrate that worth and willingness to grow.

"The path I've walked has set me up to become great. I'm sure."

Athreos had successfully immigrated to Regalia, the center of the Empire. Whilst there he stumbled upon many notable figures in his life. Mentors, friends, and whomever was yet to come. During the crisis of what was dubbed as a 'Void Invasion'. Athreos' story was almost cut short. He had been decapitated by said creatures, but in the minimal amount of time that he was dead, Mae Draylas revived him.

In his second life, Athreos is plagued by an entity which has latched itself onto him. His knowledge of sorcery washed away, replaced with a newfound power, which he relishes. Though there is a cost. He knows not what it is, but the maddening words his shadow whispers pries at his mind. The young naive man now faces his greatest challenge yet, himself.
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subtle change, removed a sorcery spell - felt like too much, added +5 athletics to justify being able to dodge some things | and changed Umbra to Shadow's Embrace
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Updated backstory, removed father history and have phased out Kethis. I felt the roleplay has been dissinent to the way the character is developing and changed from Nature to Lightness.
Ah, I should have fixed it- also WOW the 29th of April i did NOT get that notification back and totally forgot