Preserved Sheet Athdur Gaethaere

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
Athdur Gaethaere



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Basic Information

  • Name: Athdur Gaethaere
  • Age: 54
  • Date of Birth: July 9th, 254 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Lesarra Altalar
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Books

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Skill Information

(50 points)
[15 Points for Learning]
  • +15 Writing Arts (+5 Points & +10 Hobby Points)
  • +15 Arcanology (+15 Points)
  • Artifact Knowledge
  • Ward Knowledge
  • Affliction Knowledge
  • Archblood Knowledge
  • Arken Knowledge
  • +12 Linguistics Science (+7 Points & +5 Racial)
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Talent Points)
  • +6 Order Sorcery (+6 Points)
  • +2 Fist Combat (+2 Points)

Body Shape:

  • 2 Combat = 2 Body Stat
  • Type: Thin
  • Fat: Low Body Fat
  • Common [Free Language]
  • Modern Altalar [Native Tongue]
  • Middle Altalar [Linguistics 3 Points]
  • Shalota [Linguistics 6 Points]
  • Twi Dialect [Linguistics 9 Points - Elven Pack]
  • Ancient Altalar [Linguistics 9 Points - Elven Pack]
  • Dragon Script [Linguistics 12 Points - Mythic Pack]
  • Meraic Alphabet [Linguistics 12 Points - Mythic Pack]
  • Seraph Dialect [Linguistics 12 Points - Mythic Pack]
Racial Abilities & Sorcery:
  • Racial Abilities
  • Age Control I
  • Arken Sense I
  • Arcane Mastery I
  • Inth Gift I
  • Inth Gift II
  • Inth Gift III
  • Control Counter I
  • Order Abilities
  • Prevent Chaos
  • Enforce Normality
  • Sorcery Aesthetics
  • Arrange
  • Restore to Perfection
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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Long & Well-Kept
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: Average
  • Height: 6'5"
  • Alignment
    • Lawful Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Mastermind (INTJ) - INTJs are true introverts. This personality type tends to be quiet, reserved and comfortable in their own company. INTJs are usually self-sufficient and prefer to work alone than in a group. Socializing significantly drains the energy of this personality type, causing them to need to recharge. Do not weight down an INTJ with small talk! They are more interested in big ideas and theories. When observing the world, INTJs regularly question why things happen the way they do. Uncertainty is the enemy of the INTJ. They excel at developing plans and strategies for every eventuality.
  • Religion
    • Faith of Estel [9/10]

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Life Story

  • Athdur Gaethaere was born in Ves Ivaëlle to two loving parents on July 9th, 254 AC
  • His parents were both researchers, but decided to use the funds they managed to raise during their time as researchers to where Athdur would have a steady living during his childhood
  • The young Altalar was taught how to read and write by his parents at first, but decided to have him learn more in-depth writing skills to try and understand the true passion of being a researcher and perhaps a historian
  • At age 12, his parents became too delved into their research, and decided to send Athdur with an apprenticeship for more advanced writing
  • The apprenticeship lasted until he became 18, in which he returned home to work alongside his parents with their research, beginning to learn more and more about writing and even studying a bit more ancient languages
  • After about 10 more years, being 22 now, he had managed to become an expert writer and even learned more about the ancient languages that existed, where he learnt Shalota and Middle Altalar due to their more ancient ties
  • He left Ves Ivaëlle to go to the Regalian Archipelago, beginning to learn the arts of Arcanology as he became more curious about the unknowns that delved itself into history
  • During his time within the Archipelago, he encountered a Chaos Sorcerer and an Order Sorcerer battle each other within the woods, as Athdur was originally wondering around for inspiration for a new book
  • After the fight, being now 36 years old, Athdur begged the Order Sorcerer to teach him the ways of Order Sorcery
  • Luckily, the fellow Altalar decided to accept him, only teaching him a bit as he didn't have much time to sit around and teach everything he could
  • However, Athdur learnt about 8 more years under the Altalar until they left to travel the world and help deal with the evils of the world
  • This inspired Athdur, who was continuing to write his book. But he finally decided to go to Regalia for even more inspiration
  • During his time in Regalia, being 48, he was taught some basic throwing tactics to defend himself from attackers
  • Gone through the many events in Regalia, he had kept to himself away from the city for a few months until he returned, now wanting to provide more for the city as a local historian, linguistic, and writer
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@Nesstro With the new Altalar Re-Write as well as Throwing Combat being removed, I changed the 2 from Throwing Combat to Fist Combat and I added the new Racial abilities.