Preserved Sheet Astrid Freydis Hadraga

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Phsycotic Horse Rider
Sep 21, 2017
Reaction score
Name: Astrid Freydis Hadraga (Freyr)
Race: Velheimer Ailor
Age: 38
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skill Information
Taught by father.
Total Points: 38
+30 Axes Skill (+20 Points, +10 Velheimer Racial Boost)
+18 Heavy Bow Skill {Crossbow} (+18 Points)

Body Information
Body Build: Ripped
Body Fat: Extremely Low Fat

10/10 Skodje (Learned in childhood via parents)
10/10 Common (Learned later in life while moving to Regalia)

Visual Appearance
Eye Color:
Light Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Style: Braided and worn long at the same time, the braid is rather small though and goes down her back
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Typically hide stitched together creating somewhat protective clothing that is effective for many things. In the winter it is stuffed with sheep wool to keep warm.
Height: 5.9

Personality & Abilities
First Paragraph: On the outside, Astrid typically seems tough and deadly to those that have briefly talked to her. She is seen with her Skagger tattoos on her face and usually has an Anglian Shepard or two around her at all times. She always walks with confidence, making it appear she knows what she's doing when she's doing it. She will likely never smile in public just to keep up her aura of toughness.

Second Paragraph: On the inside, Astrid is a very confident person, always thinking of the most effective way to handle a situation. Though, she does have her worries that her past will come back to bite her, maybe losing all hope for a job in Regalia. She does like to dream of having a good family, wanting to have many more children with her husband, hoping that they are girls.

Third Paragraph: Family is a touchy subject for Astrid seeing that they disowned her after she started raiding later in life. Though, with the Hadragas she is very comfortable and friendly with, smiling a tad more than with strangers. She is very good with her son and husband, yet she has no real friends so there is no telling how she would react with them. Though it is likely just the same as family.

Fourth Paragraph: Astrid has a neutral mortality, not good nor bad but somewhat leaning towards good. She does believe in Oldt Fayth but is not an active follower and does have a record of piracy and raiding along the Jorrhildr coast. She is a good and loving mother to her one child and a very sweet housewife to her husband, though she does plan on joining the guard.

Life Story
Age 0-10

Astrid was born to a very rich family in Drixagh, having five sisters when she was born and no brothers, she being the youngest. She was often babied as a girl but did not like this and tried to make it stop as she got older but to no avail. This irritated her knowing very well she could perform things herself but her family never let her. Eventually she convinced her father to teach her some of the Skagger practices, seeing that she didn't like being baby and it would be good for business. She loved the training, eventually beginning to train herself with a hunting crossbow.

Age 10-20
She trained viciously, day and night with the axe and another weapon, the crossbow. As she trained the more praise she got from her family for being a quick learner and never giving up, something that a warrior needs in order to be successful. She was best described as an animal when in a deep fighting trace, taking hard hits and then returning them. When she graduated, she wouldn't use this skill for a very long time. As she graduated, she got a large sum of money from her parents to buy a house, instead she bought a boat and recruited a crew of raiders, some of them being her classmates and sailing from Jorrhildr, her family seething in rage as she left.

Age 20-30
Sailing from Drixagh to Jorrhildr, Astrid stopped many of times along the way to raid and recruit for her crew, often taking food, supplies, and weaponry. Once she got to Jorrhildr she raided the first big coastal village she saw, not gaining much besides valuable Url slaves. She then took ten or so to Farrah Deen and sold as slaves for a hefty price. This is where her crossbow skills came in, often lighting the arrow on fire and then setting alight the mainly animal hide and wood structures. She took gold, crysteel, Black Iron, anything valuable and made it into a variety of things to sell in places like Regalia and even Drixagh. by this time she was long disowned by her family. But, she had met the love of her life and soon got married after selling Crysteel in Drixagh. They had one child and this stopped her raiding when she was only twenty-three, only doing it occasionally for money.

Age 30-Present
Gandalf (Her husband) and their child moved to Regalia when Astrid was thirty-one to open up job opportunities for their son and themselves. She became a stay at home mom until her son was ten, then becoming a mercenary until that was disbanded. She is now trying to be a guard and have children with her husband, desperately wanting a daughter. She is still training with her weapons and never regrets training with her father or sailing off from them, if she didn't, she would likely never have gotten married or had a son.
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You should emphasize on how Skaggers act somewhere in her personality. Skaggers wield good emotional self-control and maintain their composures. Maybe you should add that in
Aight I'll change when Cael says its cool
You can change up to 10 proficiencies or swap them around so long as it doesn't exceed the cap or interfere so much, but beyond 10 it will require a re-review, but for ease of notification just go ahead and tag me with the relevant changes for a quick readover if you're unsure, I'll let you know if something's out of place or needs re-review etc.
You can change up to 10 proficiencies or swap them around so long as it doesn't exceed the cap or interfere so much, but beyond 10 it will require a re-review, but for ease of notification just go ahead and tag me with the relevant changes for a quick readover if you're unsure, I'll let you know if something's out of place or needs re-review etc.
Edits made! Sorry it took so long, my boyfriend broke himself Wednesday so