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Played Character Astraëa Hadal Alväes

This character is actively played.


Oct 12, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Astraëa Hadal Alväes Bel-Tal Nassäle Lathai (Astraëa Alväes)
  • Heritage / Culture: Fin'ullen/Lanlath, culturally Lanlath
  • Age: 75 (Looks early 30s)
  • Gender / Pronouns: Agender, He/Him
  • Religion: Devout Estelley
  • Occult: Ordial Mageborn, God Magic
  • Character Occupation: Brightmoon Paladin / Bodyguard
Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Blue/Green Heterochromia
  • Skin Color: Olive complexion, darker skinned
  • Hair: Black and short, underside shaven.
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Body Type: Broad and muscular. Very built.
  • Additional Features: Dark features; thick eyebrows, hooded eyes, roman nose.
Skill Information
  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic Hobby, Medical Hobby, Cleric Talent
  • Mechanics: Mundane Oceanic Pack
    • Fin'ullen can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    • Fin'ullen can breathe underwater without any Abilities, and can also see perfectly underwater without it blurring their vision, allowing them to stay submerged indefinitely.
    • Fin'ullen can Transform into Daphalar, turning part or whole parts of their body into Aquatic humanoids (think Merfolk), this is not a Disguise.
    • Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
    • Lanlath are supremely difficult to inebriate with traditional alcohol, requiring a stupendous amount of liquor before they even begin to feel a mild buzz.
  • Languages: Altalar, Common, Sign
Astraëa was born to Fin'ullen (mother) and Lanlath (father) parents in the city of Tal Nassäle, alongside his "twin," Astraios (who fell to Aloria from the stars). During childhood he stayed in the custody of his mother, learning the ways of the Fin'ullen and his own strength. When of age, he cast away his Fin'ullen home and left to live with his father. There he was Starborn under the Star of Guardianship and dived headfirst into the ways of the Lanlath, fully embracing it and enjoying his life with his father more than with mother. He appreciated the slower pace of life and absorbed himself into the practice of Estelley. Astraëa is obsessed with the idea of righting injustices and protecting those that cannot protect themselves. There he discovered his desire for knighthood and joined the Senleya Order, under the Brightmoon Chapter as a paladin. When he is not actively outreaching, he guards over his "twin" as they both travel Regalia.
He worships the Empresses and the Ordained (bias towards Artarel).

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat:
Strength (3)
Defense Stat: Faith (3)
[8/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Strength: 3
    • Concussive Blow
    • Technique Parry
    • Diving Tackle
  • Constitution: 2
    • Shield Wall
    • Shield Slam
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 3
    • Divine Stance
    • Divine Revive
    • Divine Rescue
  • Magic: 0
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