Preserved Sheet Astelia, The Storm Of Knowledge

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Apr 3, 2020
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Name: Astelia Neik'kineil

Nickname: Lady Tempest, Failarina, Blizzard Princes, The Storm of Knowledge

Age: 70 years old. Physical Age: 20 years old.

Gender: Female.

Race: Half Model Kathar (Saivalthar/Solsithar).

Sexuality: Asexual (In regards that she doesn't feel sexual atraction)


Total Points: 50 Core Points, 10 Hobby Points, 10 Talent Points.
  • Statecraft Command: 5 Core Points + 5 Racial Points
  • Dagger Combat: 5 Core Point

  • Theatre Art: 10 Hobby Points
  • Perception Training: 10 Talent Points

  • Stealth Training: 10 Core Points

  • Sorcery: 15 Core Points

  • Lingustics Science: 9 Core Points

  • Arcanology: 6 Core Points
Body Shape:
  • Physical Stat: 5 Dagger Combat + 5 Theatre Combat = 10 => 5 (Zikiel Cap).
  • Body Shape: Slim.
  • Body Fat: Low.
  • Common (Free)
  • Kathar Atlatar (Taught by Mother)
  • Modern Altalar (Taught by her Master in Teled Methen)
  • Wyld Altalar (Lingustic Science)
  • Middle Altalar (Lingustic Science)
  • Allorn Pack (Lingustic Science)
Special Traits:
  • Base Kathar Abilities:
    • Dread Rebirth
    • Dread Binding
    • Dread Tampering
    • Dread Linking
    • Dread Pact
  • Half Model Kathar Abilities:
    • Secrets Masks (Saivalthar Primary
    • Sollerian Insight (Solsithar Secondary)
  • Arcanology:
    • Artifact Knowledge
    • Arken Knowledge
  • Sorcery:
    • Chaos Sorcery:
      • Ability: Stay Put/Can't Hold Me Down
      • Aesthetic: Don't Like Thing
    • Darkness Sorcery:
      • Ability: Spreading Darkness
      • Aesthetic: Shadows Within
      • Ability: Forced Betrayal
      • Aesthetic: Shadow Guise.
    • Arcane Sorcery:
      • Ability: Wailing Ward
      • Aesthetic: Quarrelsome Quill
      • Aesthetic: Opulent Orchestra
    • Elemental Sorcery:
      • Ability: Elemental Orb
When Astelia enters her Lich Form, her flesh slowly crumbles into dust and rotten paper. On her skull, a third eye emerges, centered in her forhead. The eye is red, with several indescriptable writings surrounding it, symbolising Anu. Her skull darkens and shapes into one of a cat, to symbolise the Trickster Lord, and lastly several tendrils of void emerge from the skull, resembling fluctuating hair, to honor Ythennos. The rest of the body remains as the one of a normal skeleton, while leaving behind a trail of Void Energy wisps that die in a matter of seconds.

Sveral whispers, akin to the whispers caused by the Aesthetic Ritualist Ghostmutter can also be heard. While they still remain aesthtic, the mutters of the dead reveal different types of emotions, fear, happiness, anger, sadness,... Some whisps resembling shapeless faces may also emerge from Astelia, while the air around her may cool down, though not to un uncomfortable degree. Her height also reachs 6'10, but this gives Astelia no aditional advantages, with her clothes only adapting to the change in height.


  • Eye Color: Blue. The whites are more grey than usual. Her eyes are of a misty appearence.
  • Hair Color: Pearl white.
  • Hair Style: Long straight hair.
  • Skin Color: Light Grey.
  • Clothing: Purple tunics with Gold Complements. Black Gloves on the hands.
  • Height: 6'8 ft.
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
Astelia would twitch the right corner of her mouth upwards, flashing all her teeth in a half-smile.​
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
In the case of experiencing fear, Astelia will remain silent, still and observant, trying to better understand the situation.​
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
If she experiences stress, Astelia will bite her lower lip, and/or slowly massage her temples, forearms, or upper chest.​
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
From her point of view, all Law and Authority should be obeyed...As long as it aligns with Astelia's views and ideals.​
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
While Astelia does believe in a certain degree of Kathar supremacy over all other races, she believes that obteining knowledge from all Races is more beneficial. Except Solsithar. Astelia hates all Solsithar.​
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
Astelia is a proud believer in the Dark Ancients, more specifically, she's a proud believer in Anu, the Prideful Scorn, as while she desires knowledge, said knowledge is only to ensure her rule over others.​
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
Astelia believes that the Arcane and Magic are things that should be understood, as anything that can be understood can be used.​
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
Astelia despises her family, especially her mother, and can't wait for the day that she will die, and Astelia will earn her possessions. She despises her dad for being a Solsithar.​
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
Her perseverance. She has gone from being a mere reviled mixture of Kathar into a powerful and manipulative force.​
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
The prospect of power, to rule over all others, and to destroy those unworthy of living.

The birth of Astelia was a...peculiarity, to say the least. Her mother, Shireina, a valuable Saivalthar diplomat, was captured by the Oscithar, and was applied the Sols'tirc Solstice Curse by a Solsithar who took pity on her. The two of them slowly grew closer and closer, until eventually, a beautiful child was born from their union.

But the forces of the Dread Empire, fearing that Astelia's mother could reveal any sensitive information, and aided by her parents, two rich merchants, send out a squadron to infiltrate the Oschitar Kaahl where the diplomat resided, and retrive her. And so, by the rising of the sun, the Solsithar woke up in an empty bed, his partner and daughter gone.

Back on Paärthalaär, as her curse was lifted, Shireina nearly killed her newborn daughter out of disgust, seeing her as nothing but a mistake that should be erased. But perhaps some sort of semblance of true love remained for the child, or perhaps the curse wasn't fully purged. Whatever the case may be, Shireina decided to take care of the child, and to raise her.

As Astelia grew up, she was a child of silence, always observing the people that surrounded her, but never stating her mind, her eyes always showing some sort of desdain and melancholy. From very little, the girl developed a terrifying ability to mask her emotions, with others never being able to understand what crossed her mind.

Shireina mostly homeschooled the girl, afraid of what others would say if it was a widespread fact that the girl was born out of a Solsithar, teaching the girl about management and geopolitics, as well as instructing the girl in the languages of Atlatar, both Modern and Middle.

But on her fifteen birthday, Astelia revaled to her mother the reason she was always focused on small talk, she could understand the emotions of others, and even comprehend what they hid. And she knew, despite any affection Shireina showed her, that her mother hated her, with every fiber of her body. Shireina had Astelia be beaten down, and informed her that the Half-Mixture would no longer be welcomed into her house.

Astelia then traveled to the house of her grandparents, who despite disliking her origin, actually saw an oportunity in her abilities. They enrolled to a local sorcery school, where Astelia shocked everyone with her ability to comprehend the rest. Being able to understand the true emotions of others, it meant that she could manipulate others, using and discarding them as if her classmates were mere puppets. Her ambition led her forth, and she quickly got enrolled to a Sorcery School of a higher status, further located towards the center of Paärthalaär, where even members of Zolathar and Saivalthar nobility attended.

Astelia was humiliated by her classmates and teachers many, many years, due to her coming from a lower status, and the matter of her being a half mix. But at night, she would sneak from her bedroom into the forbidden areas of the schhol, only reserved by instructors. There, she learned about Artifacts, and other magical creations.

One day, a stranger arrived at the academy, who Astelia learned from the excited whispers of her companions to be a powerful regional Zikiel Vampire. Many trials and combats were celebrated in honor of such individual, who was searching for a worthy individual to call his apprentice.

Astelia's was brutal. She had always held back, against her oponents, but her words were venom, and her magic ruthless. She insulted her adversaries, being able to sense their insecurity of being in front of the Zikiel, yet she didn't mind. She exploited their weaknesses, sliced with her dagger, striked from the shadows and diseapering in them as well.

But once the final Henate duel was about to begin, the Zikiel rose, and indicated Astelia to speak with him in private. During their conversation, she understood what was the matter with the Zikiel, it simply saw the Kathar as a tool. And she remarked on the fact. The moment she saw the inner, unrecognizable emotion of surprise, Astelia knew she had won him. That same night, she did the Void Zikiel Ritual, and left Paärthalaär. Before leaving, though, Astelia made sure to spend one last night in the forbidden section of the Academy, and absorbed every single piece of knowledge on those books, which caused her to learn the Allorn languages of old. And so, they both parted for Teled Methen.

What happened during the next 45 years is unknown, except for her Master and Astelia herself. She dabled in the dark arts, learning everything about other Vampires and their bloodlines, using her shift state, high stealth and ability to lie to infiltrate facilities of knowledge to absorb it's knowledge. And unknown to the Apprentice, she made sure to make him speak as much as he could about his knowledge, using Quarrelsome Quill in secret to write down everything he could say.

Eventually, Astelia felt like her master could not teach her anything more, so during his sleep, she slit his throat, and slowly killed the Shadowbroods that favoured the Zikiel over her, seeing them as nothing but inferior bugs that should be purged to honor Anu. Those that didn't oppose her, she allowed them to leave, and to spread chaos all over Aloria. After that, she absorbed every piece of written knowledge her master had kept from her, gaining an incredible understanding of the Arken. Before leaving, she thanked to Anu, the Trickster Lord, and Ythennos, as she felt empowered by them, having fullfilled their goals. But Astelia knew that this wasn't enough. And so, Astelia left towards the capital, in her eternal puruit for knowledge and power.

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@DarkPhoenix976 Hello! Here is my review:

Basic Information
- No issues here!​
Skill Information
- Theatre Arts cannot be bought with talent points
- Perception Skill cannot be bought with hobby points
- Please add a physical stat calculation and tell me your racial stat cap
- Please clarify which languages were taken for free and which were bought with linguistics
- I am curious to know your justification for giving a Prideful Scorn follower Ritualist Cancel and Ghostmutter. You don't have to put this on your app, just give me your reasoning in your message telling me you've made your edits.
- Lore of the gods does not permit a character to take mutations. Rather, its wording means you get all the abilities on the Zikiel page. Any aesthetic mutations would have to have been gained willingly from a ritualist, and you cannot take Genos mutations as they are avanthar exclusive.​
Visual Information
- No issues here!​
- No issues here!​
Life Story
- Your life story's beginning starts off well, however, I would like you to rewrite it's second half. Apprenticing under a vampire turned by Zeer-Kahel himself is something that would require a canon backstory permission, since it links your character to an important figure in history, even if indirectly. You're free to say a powerful or regionally well known Zikiel took your character as an apprentice, but it shouldn't be a character that has extreme historical relevance.
- Blood collars cannot be used to force people to harm themselves, and I find the tidbit about the shadowbroods in your last paragraph unsettling. I recommend removing the mention of self-inflicted suicide. You're free to say that she murdered them for her ancient gods, or something along those lines.
Please make these edits in a separate color, then tag me when you are done!
Hey @Lizmun ! Thanks for your review! Before anything, I inform you that I used pink to identify my edits!

Skill Information:
-Fixed all remarks!

Life Story:
-I suppose I did aim to try something new, and went too over the top. Fixed!