Preserved Sheet Astarael

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Level 20 Collector
Aug 12, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Name: Astarael Telmorros.
    • Age: 40.
    • Gender: Male.
    • Race: Central Altalar.
    • Weapon of Choice: Atraves Stave.
Skill Information
  • Total Points: 40.
    • +10 Historical Knowledge. (Race)
    • +10 Magical Knowledge. (Race)
    • +20 Atraves Combat. (Points)
    • +20 Athletic Training. (Points)
  • Body Shape:
    • 60 Physical Stat.
    • Athletic Body Build.
    • Low Body Fat.
  • Languages:
    • Common.
    • Modern Altalar.
  • Special Traits/Spells/Mutations:
    • Ring of Cae-Maen:
      • The Ring of Power of Cae-Maen allows the wielder to transfer pain, wounds and mental suffering from the target onto themselves in the form of sickness.
    • Altalar Cult:
      • Cult of Dronnal.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Light blue.
  • Hair Color: Light brown.
  • Hair Style: Short.
  • Skin Color: Fair.
  • Clothing: Never flashy, attire worn for comfort.
  • Height: 6'10.
Personality and Abilities
  • Alignment:
    • Neutral Good.
  • Personality Type:
    • The Executive. (ESTJ)
      • Astarael embodies integrity and zeal. He makes it his purpose to provide others with counsel, and actively strives to bring people together for a common purpose or goal. He does not shy away from taking on a leadership role, being quite confident he has everything it takes to lead.
  • Religion:
    • Altalar Estellian Pantheon. (7/10 Devout)
Life Story
Astarael was conceived into a large port town on the western coast of Daendroc, not far from a major Altalar city, which was down shore. The town was equally as baleful as the jungles that threatened them from the northwest. The Nelfin that inhabited the town were all apart of the Cult of Dronnal, most of which had spent years preparing themselves for Voidling encounters. Furthermore, the town's eldest had spent nearly their entire lives either gathering knowledge of the unknown or honing their combat prowess. Within the dense jungles, hordes of Vampires sheltered themselves from the sun's radiance. The town essentially served as a bulwark between the Vampires and nearby city. When dusk fell, the town's guardians took their positions while children and the elderly took shelter, as the land was soon to turn into a warzone of bloodshed.

The Sanguine and Elves forces would clash throughout the night until the Elves proved mostly victorious. After the Sanguine retreated back into their wasteland, infected cultists would be hastily cured while the injured prepared for their own recovery. The townsfolk now waited for the next attack, which could be in a few days or weeks. This was the lifestyle Astarael grew into. By a young age, he was already indicating signs of courageousness in the form of childish daredevil pranks. He also expressed a great interest in combat. When his adolescence began, he ventured into the nearby city to be professionally tutored in stave combat by an esteemed Daendroque soldier. He ultimately developed an unbreakable bond with the tutor, resulting in him never bearing the same racial prejudice other Altalar have. By the time he was adequate with his stave, he was ready to commence his Estellian pilgrimage; the Year of the Bright Star. By now, he had matured into a virtuous, zealous elf with an impressive balance of physical strength and dexterity. He journeyed to the many Inner and Outer Pantheon shrines, spending days in prayer and leaving offerings before departing to the next.

elven shrine2.webp

After many months of visiting the altars of marble and gold, he made his final migration to the shrine of Talea, submerging himself into the mirrored pools. He sat in deep meditation, looking up at the mosaics that domed the temple. After much inner deliberation, he chose his patron deity: Cae-Maen, of the Outer Pantheon. A magical ring, embellished with an assortment of uncommon gemstones, appeared before him. He promptly donned it onto his hand, which had already adorned many other gleaming articles of jewelry. The ring locked onto him, and he immediately felt a surge of altruism flow through him. He returned to his family in his hometown soon after, only to find most of the townsfolk had been killed during his time away. With some of the remaining townsfolk mourning, Astarael was able to make use of his ring, transferring others' emotional pain to himself. He endured many weeks terribly ill whilst also depressed over his own family's fate. The town began its steady decline, with the Sanguine forces growing more powerful by the day. Astarael, for the next few years, would join in protecting the town. His developed combat skill gave him natural valor during the vampiric incursions. Despite valiant defense efforts, the town was eventually overrun by Vampires and the surviving cultists, led by Astarael, were forced to flee south. Back in the city which he learned his stave craft, Astarael was able to reunite with his former tutor, Desiderio Ruiz. Ruiz spoke of the new fortunes his family had obtained in the City of Light. He encouraged Astarael to join him in sailing there, ensuring it would be an improvement to life in Daen. Astarael wasn't easy to convince, but the charming Daendroque would eventually sway him. Astarael was doubtful his band of cultists would have much further success in fulfilling their purpose if they stayed. Astarael, Ruiz, and a handful of Dronnal cultists including Astarael's brother departed from Daen and voyaged across the cerulean sea into the Regalian archipelago. Astarael stepped off onto the docks, curiosity brimming. He entered the city with just an Atraves stave, satchel of gold, and Ring of Power. Although he already had many experiences under his belt, his true adventure had only just begun.
Last edited:
  • Replaced his training in Blades Combat with Staves Combat in Basic Information, Skill Information, and Life Story.
  • Replaced Ring of Vallea with Ring of Cae-Maen in Skill Information and Life Story to better reflect his personality, and in turn, reduced body build from Muscular to Athletic.