Preserved Sheet Ashryn Nortumal

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Always smirking
Jun 3, 2019
Reaction score


"Some are born to sweet delight,
some are born to endless night.
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ashryn Ena Nortumal
  • Age: 142
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar, Silver Skinwalker
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Simple Wooden Stave

Skill Information
Total Points: 70 (60+ 10 from Hobby)

  • + 20 Magical Knowledge (Shatterology, Sanguinology, Dimenthism, Artifactism, Eventism)
  • + 10 Literary Arts (From Hobby Points)
  • + 10 Athletic Training
  • + 10 Perception Training
  • +20 Alchemy Sciences

Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 5
  • Body Shape: Slim
  • Body Fat: Extreme Low

  • Common
  • Plains Elven

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Silver Skinwalker Mutations:
  • Blackwald Aging
  • Blackwald Dance
  • Blackwald Flickering
  • Blackwald Lording
  • Blackwald Summoning
"You didn't need a weapon when you were born one."



Visual Information
"Black as midnight, black as pitch, blacker then the foulest witch."

  • Eye Color: Silver with no pupils.
  • Hair Color: Dyed black, natural metallic sheen to it.
  • Hair Style: Straight, chin length cut
  • Skin Color: Sun kissed, tan.
  • Clothing: Typically adorns free flowing fabric of varying darker colors, sporting a necklace with ruby beads, along with silver earrings with ruby colored beads.
  • Height: 5'3

Personality and Abilities
Option Two: The Core List
  • Character Alignment: True Neutral
  • Personality Type: Logistician
"Logistician personalities are no-nonsense, and when they've made a decision, they will relay the facts necessary to achieve their goal, expecting others to grasp the situation immediately and take action. Logisticians have little tolerance for indecisiveness. Logisticians have sharp, fact-based minds, and prefer autonomy and self-sufficiency to reliance on someone or something."

  • Character's Religion: Faith of Estel 0/10


"A witch ought never to be frightened in the darkest forest..because she should be sure in her soul that the most terrifying thing in the forest was her."


Life Story:
  • Born into a small Cielothar community in the deep forests of the wild-lands in 166 AC, Ashryn was one of the unfortunate infants born close to the winter solstice, and hence was the unlucky infant to be chosen during the lottery process to be delivered to the Silver Skinwalkers. Ripped from the arms of her mother, the infant was left to the edge of the forest, adorned in silver silks and taken by the Silver Skinwalkers.

  • From then on, Ashryn was raised among the Skinwalkers within the wilderness. As a child, she was more on the timid side, which only grew as she got older into childhood, quiet and shy, she was often found away from the others and perhaps to much delighted in the thrill of the feeding and hunting then others, which isolated her further. Because of this, she often stuck alone and took interest in alchemy. Upon reaching her young twenties, the Skinwalker grew bored of what felt like a dulling life, this causing her to split from the Skinwalkers she'd grown with and move off on her own to seek adventure and what life had to offer her.
  • The farther Ashryn traveled from the wild lands and forests she knew best, the more she began to feel the persecution against her, the judgmental, resentful eyes against her. From Daendroc to Ithania, the shun of the Nelfin slowly formed a knot of hate inside her, against all of Aloria. She preyed far more often, and became impulsive and reckless in her actions and hunting, feeding on innocents. She was death itself, a devourer, hunting and feeding sometimes only for the sport of it alone, delivering her own twisted sense of justice, until she was driven from Daen entirely.

  • The stings of the wounds she'd endured from Daen made her become more hateful and isolating towards herself all the more. Timid, quiet shyness became blunt brutality, with a fast distaste for anything that annoyed her on a whim. The woman spent ten years traveling and feeding upon people all across all of Aloria, seeking some place for herself and her aging immortality in the world. When her reckless lifestyle became boring too, feeling as if she was living a loop, she became more subdued and quietly traveled the world, nothing more then a shadow. But then the call for knowledge and learning all she could about the world became a most tempting goal, something she knew would keep her busy for her long, long years. At fifty years old, she began to seek what she could relate to the most, knowledge of the unnatural, shunned, and dangerous.

  • The hunt for knowledge came to an abrupt halt in Calemberg when she turned sixty. The Skinwalker being caught by a fair number of those disgusted and reviled her, for what she was, they threw the woman into the deepest depths of a prison to rot and decay away till her death, as some extreme punishment to what she was. A monster in the eyes of the Calembergers, she endured excessive pain and troubles in her imprisonment. This went on for quite a while, until it grew old, and she was simply left to rot away and die within the cell entirely. She would have perished if not for the cell-mates she sustained off of that came and went, emerging and feeding on them when they slept, kept only on the brink of survival and living for years, and left this way from disgust and spite, yet became almost little more than rumor to her jailers as the years wore on.

  • In her 136th year of age, in 302 AC, with peoples distractions turned unto the Battle of Calemberg, knowing it was now, or endure more years of imprisonment, the Skinwalker had finally managed to gather the little of what remained of her strength and escape the prison that had nearly forgotten her existence, fleeing Calemberg entirely with a bitterness and coldness in her that would never quite subside.

  • Once recovered, though damaged and somewhat foreign to Aloria, the Skinwalker resumed her quest for knowledge, devoting the remainder of her days to studying the unnatural, to sate her thirst of satisfying some goal. Ashryn ceased her travelling when entering Regalia, finding the company she so secretly craved within a pack of Werebeasts. Taking up with the pack, Ashryn has become firmly loyal to them while continuing her studies and interests on the side.

"And plenty of monsters knew how to play at being human."​
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