Preserved Sheet Ashira Maari

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Bestest Bean
Jun 2, 2015
Reaction score



Theme: I |II |III|




  • Full Name: [ Saadia Talat Maari ]
    • Goes By: [ Ashira Maari ]
  • Age: [ 21 ]
    • [26 July 285]
    • [ ♌ Leo ♌ ]
  • Gender: [ Female ]
  • Race: [ Qadir - Cielothar Halfbreed ]
    • She is more human than elf, but has slightly pointed ears, giving her some semblance of being half Cielothar.
  • Sexuality: [ Yes. ]
    • She's bisexual. Don't worry.~
  • Religion:
    • [Faith of Estel] - In private practice.
    • [Unionism] - To the public eye.

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Total Proficiency Points: 11 (-10 from school)
School: School of Undercroft

Proficiency Pool☽ |

+13 Sneaking (+10 from School of Undercroft, +3 from points)
+20 Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Undercroft, +10 from Cultural Bonus)
+10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from School of Undercroft)
+ 8 Alchemy (+8 from points)

☾Cultural Pool☽ |

+15 Clockwork Engineering (+10 from Culture, +5 from points)
+ 11 Dancing (+11 from points)

+ 5 Horticulture (+5 from points)
✦ Languages

Faraddi (Mothertongue)
Modern Elven (Fluent)
Common (Fluent)


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  • Eye Color: Heterochromia;
    • Left- Green, Right- Dulled Brown.
  • Hair Color: Chocolate Brown.
  • Hair Style: Loose and wavy.
  • Skin Color: Tan
  • Clothing: Casual wear, usually in shades of cream, blue or black.
  • Height: 5'3"
  • Body Build: Sinewy

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[To Strangers] Ashira is seen as ambitious and will use any means necessary to get what she wants. Using a combination of charm and cunning, this feisty lady will charm the last regal out of any poor sap who comes into contact with her. She also has a habit of being bossy, and that has gotten her in more trouble than she can count. Upon meeting her, people will automatically think she is sly and say that she's a good-for-nothing troublemaker who only looks out for herself, and can diffuse the most hostile of situations with a quick wit and charismatic tongue.
[Her Inner Workings]: ..Are an enigma, even to her. Deep down, Ashira is incredibly sensitive and is prone to crying in a corner if someone has pushed her too far. She is insecure to a fault, and has tried for years to bring her self-confidence back up to where it was. Haunted by the taunting voices of her past, she is fearful and will act like a scared kitten when those sins are brought to the forefront. But even further down, she is unstable, always ready to burst at the snap of a finger.

[Loyalty and Honor]: If one thing could be said of Ashira, is that her loyalty is unwavering, despite her rough upbringing. This young woman is fun-loving and is always found cracking a good joke to liven their spirits. Her only flaw that she shows towards friends and family is her overbearing nature; her maternal instincts kick in and she has been known to push those close to her over the edge with how much she frets for their well-being. If she were to ever find someone to settle down with, she would give them her undying loyalty, but that's even if she can find someone that can tolerate her more brash nature.
Ashira believes herself to be chaotic neutral, as she plays by both sides of the coin. She follows the rules governed to keep everyone safe, but does so by her own means. While she sees herself neither good nor evil, she is willing to kill in cold blood, but she will not harm children or let them come to harm. She has standards, after all. She is willing to harm the innocent, if to advance herself in the world. If someone around her is corrupt, Ash sees this as competition, and will use any means necessary to take them down a few pegs in order to keep herself on top.


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Ages 0-10 ☽ |
Saadia came into the world quiet on the 26th day of July in 285 in Windgarden. As the firstborn child of Talat Maari, a traveling Qadir watchmaker and Lu'ra, a Cielothar, Saadia was well loved by her mother but not so much her father. Shortly after her birth, Talat took the next ship out, heading back to his homeland of Farah'deen. Distraught, Lu'ra raised Saadia on her own, doing the best she could to provide for her only daughter. When the young halfbreed turned four, her mother had remarried, bringing three more children into the world with her new husband. Saadia's joy of having more siblings turned sour when her mother suddenly grew ill and so, at the ripe young age of eight, Saadia quickly became the 'troubled' child, resorting to pickpocketing and thieving just to get attention. The child was reprimanded harshly for this behavior, but she had grown to where she didn't care. This new side to Saadia had greatly upset Lu'ra and it eventually led to her passing. Furious, the Cielothar cast the halfbreed out, forcing her to hop aboard the next ship.

☾ Ages 10-20 ☽ |

The salty sea air was freeing to Saadia, and it gave her a sense of wanderlust, but soon, the wanderlust was replaced with fear. She had gotten aboard without knowing where the ship was destined. After what had seemed like an eternity to the young girl, they arrived at Regalia. She had never heard of Regalia, but she had heard the crew talking of how it was the "Holiest City' and how it would bring them a new life. Excited, Saadia left the boat, and vowed to live a new life here under the name of Ashira, choosing to keep her last name. While this was a new start for the girl, her sneaking and pickpocketing continued here, until one day, she managed to pickpocket the 'wrong' person. Apologizing profusely, Ashira dropped to her knees, begging the man to spare her life. Instead of killing her, the man took the girl under his wing, bringing her to the Undercroft, where she learned to hone her skills. It was also at this time where she decided to take up clockwork engineering, after discovering that she had a natural born knack for working on gears and such.

❖ ☾ Ages 20-Present ☽ |
Now having lived in Regalia for eleven years, Ash knows the 'Holy City' like the back of her own hand. Living there has had its ups and downs, with a good majority of her situations being better than others. She has not made any friends, having chosen to live most of her life there in the shadows. But now, after the occasion of her twenty-first birthday, she has made the decision to come back into the light and see where the winds of luck take her.
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Hello! Here's my review!~
Proficiency Pool☽ |

+15 Sneaking (+10 from School of Undercroft, +5 from points)
+20 Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Undercroft, +10 from Cultural Bonus)
+10 Syndicate Contacts (+10 from School of Undercroft)
+ 6 Daggers (+6 from points)

☾Cultural Pool☽ |

❖ + 11 Singing (+11 from points)
+ 10 Ship Sailing (+5 from points, +5 from Culture)
+ 5 Brewing (+5 from points)
You currently have two listed cultural points, Qadir Racial bonus and Daen Cultural bonus, you may only have one or the other, additionally if you choose the Qadir's bonuses, you recieve +10 clockwork engineering instead, you may only choose the benefits of a singular race unless in the case of a half breed, like a half-elf, half-orc, or half-human, two humans interbreeding automatically defaults to one of the two races or cultures.

Growing up, her father would take off to continue his "daunting" career of sailing, leaving Saira to raise their daughter on her own in Windgarden.
Windgarden is the last Cielothar bastion against the Daendroque colonies. It's very unlikely a qadir, much less a Daendroque Ailor would be welcomed as the Avanthar forcibly drive any Daendroque settlers away. Consider changing this to somewhere else!

This caused strain on Catriona, and thus she turned to a life of pick-pocketing at the young age of six.
I would like to ask you describe a bit more on her motivation to start pickpocketing, was it for fun? Did they not have enough coin or was she beginning the stages of growing up to be a naturally rebellious child? Why would a six year old attempt to pick pocket others? How was she punished for this, how did this affect her? Did she begin pickpocketing to get by after her mother had died? Describe!

Be sure to tag me and highlight edits in blue when you're done!
Howdy-ho neighborino @Caelamus !

After reading your suggestions, I fixed everything that you recommended and made them in that pretty blue color! I made it easier for her to have been born in Windgarden, fixed the racial bonuses and even went into more detail on her pickpocketing 'trait'. I also changed her name to fit her new upbringing.

If there's anything else that needs to be done, please let me know!

P.S. I changed the title of the post. Sorry for reverting it back to "Needs Review" :/
Qadir - Cielothar Halfbreed+20 Quick Fingers (+10 from School of Undercroft, +10 from Cultural Bonus)+15 Clockwork Engineering (+10 from Culture, +5 from points)
I see you've decided to make her a half race, I'd like for you to clarify whether she's half elf or half human! As well as add in the appropriate bonuses!

Hey hey, Cae. I made some changes to her basic information, visual information, points, and some to her life story. They were made in this color.
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