Preserved Sheet Asher Deceres

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Scribma Male
Staff member
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
where the elf things are




Basic Information
  • Full Name: Asher Immanuel Deceres.
  • Age: 30.
    • Born: 3rd November, 275AC.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Half-Elf. (Anglian Ailor-Altalar.)
  • Sexuality: Heteroflexible.
  • Special Permissions: Knowledge (Exist) Silven, Magic, and Tome of Arken Knowledge.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Position in Regalia:
  • Upbringing & Family:
  • Ambitions:



Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 26 points. (+20 from Half-Elf Race.)
    • Combat Points: 20 points.
      • +10 Light Bow Combat Skill. (from Half-Elf race.)
        • Unused, due to career path.
      • +10 Stave Combat Skill. (from Half-Elf race.)
        • Unused, due to career path.
    • Knowledge Points: +26 points.
      • +10 Historical Knowledge. (from Points.)
        • Specialising in Elven Empire and the period immediately following.
      • +10 Magical Knowledge. (from 20 years of Magic.)
        • Specialising in Exist Essence and Silvenism.
  • Body Build: Slim.
    • Physical Stat: 0.
      • Calculation: 0 + (0 x 2) = 0.
    • Body Shape: Slim.
    • Body Fat: Low.
  • Languages: 3 Languages.
    • Common.
      • First language, taught by parents.
    • Modern Elven.
      • Second language, taught by parents.
    • Imperial Elven.
      • Third language, self-taught through manuals and practice with speakers.
  • Special Traits:
    • Exist Silven Muters:
      • Magica.
        • Can cast 1/4 more spells than a regular Mage.
      • Light Materna.
        • Can see events in the past as early as 50 or as late as 1,000 years ago.
    • Spellset:
      • Time Bend;
        • Items chair-sized or smaller are able to be forced to age, or have ageing reversed on them. Items reversed beyond their 'inception point' simply cease to exist and items aged too far will simply crumble to dust. Time Bend cannot be used on living beings or items larger than a chair, else the mage will develop a nosebleed and lose consciousness in a matter of seconds.
      • Backwards Sight;
        • When holding an object in both hands, the mage can turn their head skyward, and see everything in a random two-minute period in that object's history, though cannot hear anything. Whilst using Backwards Sight, the mage's head glows blue, and cannot see the present world surrounding them.
      • Visualisation;
        • When casting, the mage and the object being cast upon are blanketed in a light blue glow, which is luminescent in the dark.



Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Silver, with blue limbal rings.
  • Hair Color: Black.
  • Hair Style: Styled up into a messy quiff; rough stubble for facial hair.
  • Skin Color: Pale.
  • Clothing: Central around shades of blue; casual, slightly formal.
  • Height: 6'2", or 188cm.
Visual Information (Expansion)

Piece created by @Patsie & @MonMarty
  • Facial Features:
    • Features: Facially, Asher shares a great resemblance with his father and twin sister; much like them, Asher has a squared jaw, and pronounced, almost hawkish nose. As well as this, Asher's features sport the same thick eyebrows, high cheekbones, and fair skin tone. Due to this, Asher is very much recognisable as his father's son. However, there are a number of features that separate the two; Asher's face is much longer than his father's, and, due to his Altalar blood, his cheekbones are much more prominent.
    • Hair & Eyes: Asher's eyes are silver, ringed with blue, unlike the majority of his family, though his hair is similarly toned to theirs, being jet black. Asher takes great pride in his hair, styling it upwards into a quiff. He refuses to grow a full beard, caught somewhere between Ailor masculinity and Altalar preference for a clean-shaven face, so instead, Asher keeps his facial hair short, as rough stubble, rather than allowing it to grow out into a true beard.
  • Physical Form:
    • Form: Being half-Elven, some telltale human traits still exist on Asher. Below the neck, these are visible in his broad shoulders, body hair, which he keeps either short or shaved. Otherwise, however, Asher shares many of his physical proportions with the Altalar, being relatively long-limbed and slender.
    • Scars & Tattoos: Asher has so far shied away from tattoos, and has received no scars he can yet speak of, though he can only imagine what kind of lasting marks the future may hold for him.
  • Fashion & Accessories:
    • Clothing: Asher's clothing styles are generally simple, but aesthetically pleasing. His most recent choice of attire is a light blue sleeveless tunic trimmed with silver fabric, over a darker blue long-sleeved shirt, while is left hand is adorned with an elbow-length leather glove, upon the back of which is a small steel plate that covers the back of his hand. Over this tunic is a wide belt, and over that, a dark turquoise sash. On his legs, Asher wears simple white trousers, with knee-high, steel-toed boots.
    • Jewellery & Piercings: Asher owns three items of jewellery that he wears regularly; a pendant, hanging from which is a golden ring with an inlaid ruby, as well as Elven letters inscribed into the metal; a simple metal vial on a necklace, containing the ashes of his deceased grandmother; and a nondescript golden bangle, given to him by his mother. Aside from this, Asher wears little to no other jewellery, with no piercings marking his face or ears.
  • Voice:
    • Tone & Register: Asher maintains a friendly tone and a slightly sophisticated register, preferring to come across as a relatively average person, with no intent to



Personality and Abilities
  • External | His Father's Son:
    • Much like his father before him, Asher's general attitude to strangers is somewhat amiable, if rough. Although never outright insulting or criticising a newcomer, he may give some so-called banter, making light of their appearance or the way they speak. Still, Asher is relatively welcoming, not shying away from the darker or dirtier themes of conversation, even around people he doesn't know all too well. Overall, Asher comes off somewhat as a mostly pleasant man, if not a little rude through attempting to create humour, always willing to talk about the events of the past.
  • Internal | Not His Mother's Child:
    • Asher finds himself largely confident in his skills, given his apparent unique leaning towards intellectual pursuits in his immediate family. As a result, Asher somewhat holds himself above family and friends when it comes to mental tasks, always looking for the next historical event or happening to immerse himself. In general, Asher finds himself glad that, in the least, he can distinguish himself in a field that his father cannot touch, but also finds himself frequently wondering if, being the black sheep of his family, he's something of a failure or a disappointment for not matching the martial prowess held by his father and sister. Asher hopes that, in the very least, he can be recognised as something other than the bastard son of Nathan Kade.
  • Friends & Family | A Valuable Handful:
    • Asher's general attitude towards friends and family is one of overall appreciation; given his scholarly pursuits, he finds little time to actually socialise and make friends, and so he values those he has emotional attachments to that much more. For his friends and family, Asher is much less likely to step in the way of their paths, believing that their roads are their own to take. Although he may still step in when things are clearly going downhill fast, Asher is unlikely to stop a close friend making a bad decision, generally seeing this as a consequence of their own actions that they should learn from, rather than being saved from a valuable life lesson.
  • Morality | Consequences Maketh a Man:
    • Asher's overall morality and worldview aren't specific or set in stone, apart from a few exceptions. He, generally, believes that context should always be considered, this view mostly stemming from his historical roots, and that understanding the reasoning behind an action may well justify it. Still, Asher considers some crimes reprehensible and unforgivable, mostly being the obvious and unspeakable. Asher considers topics like political corruption and conflict to be more interesting than morally negative, seeing them as important catalysts to the timeline of history.
Personality & Abilities (Expansion)
  • Quirks:
  • Likes:
    • Elves; One wouldn't devote twelve years of their life to living in the land of the Nelfin without having an intense appreciation for the long-lived, pointy-eared beings. Asher's one main passion in life is the pursuit of Elven knowledge, be it history or culture, no matter the flavour of Elf.
  • Dislikes:
    • Arches; Asher has a severe and almost psychotic relationship with arches. For some reason, his time spent in the Inheritor States has fostered an intense hatred for the classically Elven arches within their architecture. Although this could be attributed to being worn out to the point of utter contempt with conversation about the importance of arches to amateur nelfophiles, Asher himself doesn't know the precise reason why he hates them so much.
  • Weaknesses:
Relationships (Expansion)
  • Very Positive:
  • Positive:
  • Neutral:
  • Negative:
  • Very Negative:



Life Story
Birth & Childhood
  • Asher Immanuel Deceres is born to Alraesonynn Deceres and Madeleine Amalao on the 3rd day of November, in the year 275AC. His eyes are silver, ringed with blue, marking him as an Exist Silven.
  • At age 8, Asher's magic manifests. An early incarnation of his Time Bend ability, Asher continually works at honing this ability, seeing the usefulness in being able to maintain the freshness of food, or reverse the natural process of decay of things like furniture or clothing.
  • Asher is raised largely by his single mother, while his father is frequently away on mercenary contracts. The longest stretch spent without his father is the length of the Chrysant Wars; from the age of 11 to 16, he is the man of the house, assisting his mother in raising his younger sisters, Alice and Araidith.
  • He spends time bonding with his father, whom takes after much more than his mother visually, wishing to hear stories of his father's valiant battles and adventures as a warrior. Although these tales were often diluted for a child's ears, he still takes them to heart, though his own hobbies are much different.
  • During this same period, Asher takes up reading as a hobby. By chance, he happens upon a decently sized book on the history of the Elven Empire, and is quickly and utterly engrossed in it. His appetite for Elven texts becomes voracious, to the point where Asher quickly reads through everything he can get his hands on at home, and in libraries.
Teenage Years
  • Asher's teenage years only see a continued interest in the matters of the Elven Empire, and aged 14, he converts to the Faith of Estel, following Julleö'daéssä, the Lord of Order and Protection, drawn in by his aversion to chaos and unpredictability.
  • He continues to hone his inherent magical capabilities, working his way up to items as large as chairs, as well as reaching the end points and inception points of objects cast upon. He realises he can cause things to simply disappear this way.
  • Aged 18, Asher finally makes his first big move; gathering as much money as he can, as well as his meagre belongings, Asher heads off to the Inheritor States of Ríë. Although experiencing some degree of racism due to his half-Elven heritage in the successors to the Empire, he takes in as much history and culture as he can, immersing himself into the place.
Adulthood & Present Day
  • Asher practices his Imperial Elven in the Inheritor States, eventually reaching an acceptable level of fluency at the age of 30. He generally enjoys himself in the States, working through the racism he faces in the eight years he spends there, slowly planning to make a pilgrimage to Teled Methen.
  • Whilst living in the Inheritor States, Asher meets a number of mages willing to assist him in learning to control his magic. It is through this that he develops and his Backwards Sight ability, enabling him to see a random, silent minute or two of an object's history.
  • Before his pilgrimage can begin, however, he is met with dire news; a letter from his father, describing the death of his sister. Taking the money he set aside to go to the ruins of Ríë, Asher rushes back to his birthplace of Regalia.
Last edited:

Requesting re-review; made some large edits to the application.

Comprehensive list:
  • Added some nice aesthetic gifs for the theme I want for Asher.
  • Switched racial mix from Anglian Ailor and Avanthar to Anglian Ailor and Altalar.
  • Swapped +5 points in Battle Command and Horse Riding for a collective +10 points in Nelfin History.
  • Switched Dancing and Drawing; Dancing now has 10 points, while Drawing has 5.
  • Added Imperial Elven to Languages, because of Nelfin History points.
  • Changed Body Build from Muscular to Ripped.
  • Made very minor edits to Personality & Abilities to reference how his religious choices affect things like his internal perception of self, his treatment of friends and family, and his morality.
  • Fleshed out Life Story greatly; roughly twice as long, and incorporates the story of how he came across the Faith of Estel and became dedicated to Vaéllë-talceíä.
Edits marked in light green. Will be adding Elven names to the application soon.

Altered the app to fit the new Proficiency updates, as well as changed the skillset of the character, making relevant alterations to personality and life story to suit these changes.
You should be sorry you filthy degenerate. Reapproved.