Preserved Sheet Asha Fenira Nazari

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Mistress of the Beneath
Mar 13, 2014
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Asha Fenira Nazari. She simply goes by Asha, although some nickname her 'Ash'.
  • Age: 26.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Qadir, infected with the Ombratore bloodline.
  • Main Ambition: Popularity and adoration.
    • She wishes to maintain the adoration of others while keeping her bloodline hidden; she enjoys challenge. She also wishes to make herself known to others as the most beautiful and extravagant woman alive.
Asha and her brother have been here for but a few months, arriving a few weeks before the Lo occupation. They travelled in search of opportunity, but in Asha's case, partly also to keep rumours of her vampirism to a minimum after suspicions picked up in her town in Farah'd. Asha shares a house with her brother Saud on the surface, yet neither of them amass significant wealth. Asha has found herself without a job in Regalia, and has a difficult time adjusting to Regalian means of earning wealth due to her slightly dishonourable job in prostitution in Farah'd.

Asha was raised tightly alongside her twin brother Saud by her legitimate parents in the Faraddi deserts. The entire family lived a very nomadic, travelling life before slavery became an issue. Asha's extended family is very much unknown as the only her immediate family traveled together, the rest scattered throughout the deserts or deceased. On top of gaining popularity, Asha has a desire to beat her brother in their monthly competitions. It's a tradition they carried out ever since their vampiric infections, and a means of judging who makes the best use of their charms and abilities to get their way; in short, a way to keep their abilities sharp.​

A smaller ambition of hers is learning what non-platonic love is, as many describe this but she assumes it to be the same love as the love she feels for her brother, which is more platonic. She finds it slightly disturbing how somebody could sleep with someone they love in that way, and therefore strives to at least understand the concept.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: A brown so dark it almost resembles black. When feeding or using innate abilities, however, they shift into a bright crimson.
  • Hair Color: Raven black.
  • Hair Style: A frizzy, long mane of hair with red beads woven into it near her hairline, and otherwise left flowing freely down her back.
  • Skin Color: Heavily tanned, naturally brown skin. Typical colour of a Qadir.
  • Clothing: Revealing and colourful, often using reds, burgundys and oranges.
  • Height: 5'3, or 160 cm.
  • Weight: 115 lbs or 53 kg.
  • Body Build: Femmefatale, with endomorphic features.
  • Weapon of Choice: Innate vampiric abilities and her charm and appearance.
  • Asha's face is what would generally be recognised as pretty, although her beauty leans more towards sexual appeal than what would be considered 'adorable' and 'cute'. Her chin is finely pointed, her eyes evenly placed in either side of her button nose, and her lips are plump and slightly larger than an Ailor's. Her eyebrows are very dark in colour and rest closely near her eyes, giving her the stern appearance typical of Qadir, eyes shadowed and often looking slimmed and judgmental.

  • Her Qadiriq irises are a deep dark chocolate brown when light is shined directly at them or when she is in sunshine, but in dim light or darkness they look practically black, like two circles of void peering back at you. When using her innate abilities, her eyes turn a deep, almost glowing crimson red to anybody but her victim. Her eyelashes are thick and dark, the same colour of her hair, which is raven black with no highlights. Asha's skin is a healthy brown, typical of that of a Qadir yet slightly more tanned near the her shoulders and thighs due to her past nomadic lifestyle.

  • Asha's hair is a frizz of black curls and waves, almost always pushed and woven backwards to prevent her wayward curls from springing into her eyes or otherwise disrupting her vision. Her hair when straightened reaches to well around her tailbone, but due to its natural curls it hangs near the small of her back and additionally grows very fast due to her Qadir heritage, and therefore has to be frequently cut resulting in healthy, non-split ends. Near her hairline, crimson and red wooden pearls are woven into her hair for a little colourful appeal.

  • Without fail, Asha's body is one that many women would be envious of, and therefore one mostly used for seduction. While she is reasonably tall, standing at 5'11, she has her fat in all the right places and otherwise looks well thin, yet is far from as bony as a Nelfin. She doesn't have any substantial muscles in her arms, yet does have reasonable strength in her thighs and lower abdominals. Although body hair grows quickly, she's not squeamish when it comes to waxing and has a session every other week or so.

  • Delicate and feminine, her body is adorned with henna-patterned tattoos all over, focused more towards the left side of her body compared to her right. It's in black ink, but has slightly faded and therefore looks more like a natural addition to her skin with a slightly greyish brown colour to it. Cog and gear-like patterns are integrated into the swirls and circles, staying true to the typical tattooing patterns of Qadir. Additionally, she has the Qadiriq words "Spring's Pride" tattooed on the inner part of her right arm.

  • Asha's clothing style could be summarised as free-flowing and revealing, if nothing else, and in bright colours contrasting her skin. Her common wear consists of a crop top-length pink and white blouse, hanging loosely around her arms that are otherwise bare. Around her waist are two belts, hardly holding up her low-waisted blue striped trousers that end just below her knees. On her feet she wears black, metal-ended boots, with a striking red line across their top.

  • In terms of accessories and tattoos, she doesn't wear a little amount. In each earlobe she carries a golden hoop, and additionally her bellybutton is pierced with two golden studs that often dangle a little charm from them. She wears three necklaces, one a slave-collar-like one with orange glass gems, another of pearls and a third with small black seashells on it. On her left hand she wears three golden rings, one on her thumb and two on her index finger. In her right hand she almost always carries a string of orange beads with a tassel on the end. While not religious, she's come to put meaning into each pearl and treasures it greatly.

  • Almost innately, Asha's voice has some sensation of lust laced into it, even if she doesn't mean to aim to seduce. Rather deep for a woman's, her voice is often rather soft and velvety, and she prefers to keep to a whisper rather than be loud and rambunctious, and hardly ever is she strikingly bold in her speech. When speaking common, she does have an obvious foreign accent, but it usually doesn't hinder her ability to be understood. Occasionally she has a few speaking quirks in common, one of the most notable being her tendency to forget colours and instead indicating them somewhere in her surroundings.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • Selfish (-)
Born from living in a very dog-eat-dog world with little resources and money and only her brother to keep her company, Asha has grown to be incredibly selfish, not to mention greedy. Even in slavery where she had no right to do things her way, it wouldn't be unheard of for Asha to influence and nag people about what she wants behind her owner's back. Several times she'd swindled her way into an extra ration of dinner this way. After freedom, her selfishness skyrocketed along with the stubbornness that came with it; as a result, she has a larger bedroom than Saud, who often gives her gifts as apologies when he steps out of line according to her. As such, she very much lives by the rule "my way or the highway", and is often perceived as egotistical megalomaniac by others.
  • Compulsive Liar (-)
Having had a childhood where she was very much forced to appease others and their interests, and later on adapting as a courtesan to others wishes, she seems to have no difficulty dropping a quick lie or two should the situation demand it. While feeling no remorse from lying, she admittedly isn't that careful with it all and have several times, especially in recent times in Regalia, been caught lying by others, especially about her identity or her past relations with others. This flakiness from her part would, with good reason, often entail others trusting her much less due to her obvious frequent lying. Seeing faking the truth as an easier way of living life, Asha therefore has trouble maintaining true friends and may be looked down upon by those who know her true intentions.
  • Unfaithful (-)
While having been surrounded by people loyal to her and willing to protect her from a young age, Asha has seen many people come and go, and with time deemed relationships too much effort for a single person. Straying far from the concept of romance, her idea of "faithfulness" isn't quite on-point; preferring effortless interactions with many at a time instead of being entirely loyal to one person. While this doesn't only apply to being dedicated to people in terms of sexual or romantic relationships, her unfaithfulness also affects her own opinions or feelings, as she has a tendency to flip-flop between facts to simply rely on what suits her the best in that exact situation. While this does not mean she cannot be loyal, she very very rarely is; the only person whom she considers adequate enough to be treated with respect being her brother. As such, it's not rare for others to perceive her as a cheating double-lifer, switching between people as quickly as she changes clothes. This is also a negative trait as she has personal trouble deciding on an aim and reaching it, often accomplishing things completely other than what she originally planned.
  • Indifferent (±)
To describe Asha as a person who cares about every whim of every person would be a vast overstatement - in fact, she's indifferent about most things, whether it be the opinions of others or the events around the world. This trait originated from being subjugated to so little cultural exploration as a child, leaving her confused about the workings of the world. Due to her very fickle and flip-floppy personality however, she's come to realise it is simply easier to not care at all about issues not pertaining to her than attempt to solve them herself. While others may see this as her being stagnant and not proactive, Asha sees it as more of a positive trait as anything as it means she can remain mostly unbiased in heated situations, but also makes it easier for her to avoid trouble in general. Since Asha believes the best way out is the easiest way out, her indifference and uncaring personality is something she greatly treasures although there are situations in where it's far from positive: She refuses to pick a side.
  • Distant (±)
Her compulsive lying and tendency to prefer the easy way out of situations has left her somewhat of a mystery to most. While she isn't actively trying to avoid talking about herself, it becomes a habit to focus on getting to know whoever she is conversing with at the time rather than indulging in tales about herself. She does this partly because of her vampiric past and her fear of it being revealed, but also because everybody loves talking about themselves - and when presented with a beautiful lady willing to listen, not much will cause them to hold back from spilling their heart's desires without a second thought. Due to this, she can often come off as seeming very distant to others. While this means that her identity isn't so much at risk, it sadly also means others hardly do anything to please her because they simply don't know what she likes. This also diminishes her ability to consider other people friends, although it's debatable whether she was interested in those in the first place.
  • Outgoing (+)
Having taken an inclination towards socialising and manipulating to achieve her goals rather than taking them with force, Asha has grown over the years to be an increasingly outgoing person, addicted to being surrounded by attention. Partially due to her frequent need for feeding, she surrounds herself by groups of admirers whether it's idle admiration or her customers. She has found that being an extrovert and involving yourself in things you might not need to be involved in is a great way of furthering your own needs - and on top of that, socialising allows others to trust you and disclose information about themselves. Due to her narcissistic personality and dreams of admiration, she never turns down a flamboyant party or the opportunity to be the center of attention. This not only allows others to see her more, but it makes her that much closer to achieving her goals of popularity. Frequently interacting with others also increases her ability to conform to cultures and be charming in Regalian eyes.
  • Sly (+)
Sometimes unintentionally but most times fully thought out, Asha has a tendency to manipulate others with ease. Keeping a sharp wit around her and having a good sense of how to act around people, it's not rare for Asha to be seen as a sly person - most of her actions thought out plenty before acting on them. Always sticking to her own plans, her slyness likely comes from her training within her old Vampire Coven to become a proper information extractor. Using this private Ombratore training to further her own gains later in life, Asha is talented in getting the information she wants out of people and leaving them none the wiser about her intentions. This is a core part of her personality as she always keeps that mysterious aura about her, never showing her true intentions or tricky schemes and remaining a mystery to anybody besides herself.


  • Innate Abilities
Born from her state as a vampire, Asha makes great use of her innate vampiric abilities on a frequent basis. Especially fond of her natural Guided Sensation Hex, this is one of her greatest strengths as it increases her ability to seduce others with her mind as well as her body. She generally keeps herself positively well-fed because of this ability, and it isn't one she ever wants to be without.
  • Natural Charm
Her promiscuity and past as a travelling courtesan is something that's nothing short of helped develop the charm that she carries today. Carrying herself with poise and speaking with an edge of playfulness in her tone, Asha is a very charming person both in appearance but also through her behaviour. This helps her tremendously in social situations as she has an easier time drawing attention to herself but her silver tongue is also very persuasive.
  • Agility
Once released from the shackles of slavery, Asha maintained a very toned yet malnourished body from the hard work and labour associated with the captivity. When training with the Coven of Ombratore however, she realised she was less of a brash physical type like her brother and preferred wit and charm over brute force. As such, she needed to become the ideal seductress and maintained her lanky and slim build, which increasingly led to her agility. Moving around in silence and twisting and contorting her body into unnatural shapes became a talent of hers and her flexibility assists her in getting out of sticky situations and remaining sneaky and unnoticed to this day.

  • Reserved
Very much due to both her mysterious and distant attitude, Asha has become very reserved with her emotions; although she has no issue appealing to the pathos of others, she seems to struggle with comprehending the intentions of others towards her, especially those within romance. Since she is entirely uninterested in that topic, she simply has never taken the time to learn to read others intentions and understand the emotions of others, and as such she struggles tremendously with comprehending situations requiring show of true emotion. This also makes it difficult for her to understand her own emotions sometimes; she is so used to not having to deal with insignificant feelings like jealousy and romantic desire that if she is presented with any of those, as uncharacteristic as it is for her, she simply won't know what to do. This puts her at a disadvantage in any conflicts revolving around her own emotions.
  • Narcissistic
Perhaps one of the strongest flaws to emerge throughout Asha's rise to adulthood is her extreme sense of narcissism and vain self; she often even goes as far as to point out to other people that they are not up to standard. This especially shows through the courses she's held throughout her first months in Regalia where her personal aim was to educate and teach the slimy and grungy "ladies" of the sewers how to be properly respectable ladies. Because she looks at other people and see them - if they are not up to her standards - as nothing more than dirt under her shoe, it makes it very easy for others to see her as snobbish, stuck-up and too full of herself; which, granted, she very much is. Because she believes fully that she is better than near everyone else, it is difficult for her to think of other people or to put the needs and wants of others first. She's never done it of her own want, and likely never will.
  • Illiterate in Common
While her brother Saud travelled and learned of many wonderful new things, languages and cultures, Asha delved in her own, very much different acts; namely seduction and manipulation of human emotion. While she is rather eloquent and charming and a great speaker and persuader, she has never focused on the written aspect of Common and therefore does not know how to read nor write or even how to comprehend the Regalian alphabet. Her Qadiriq handwriting is exquisite and beautiful, yet no matter how pretty her calligraphy is, it won't help her in Regalia. This leaves her at a disadvantage as others cannot send letters to her without an interpreter at hand. She also cannot read road signs or names of establishments, or books, or building rules, and even worse, if she was to be sent an official letter she would disregard it as if it were just another bother. This is inherently something that sets her at a disadvantage within Regalia, and the worst part is that Asha doesn't seem to have any motivation to improve this disability from her part.
  • Wounded left shoulder
Slavery was tough on both Asha and Saud, yet possibly harsher physically on Asha due to her fragile feminine structure. Her right arm being dominant, most physical labour was done with weight on that, so when Asha proceeded to fracture her right arm in a mining accident, she was left weakened and depending on her left half for a long while. While carrying rubble however, she struggled due to her already little strength being diminished, and as a result fell and caused her left shoulder to be shoved out of place due to the stone landing on it. While her right arm healed completely, her left shoulder never completely recovered and is thus stiff and has rather bad rotation. While it doesn't necessarily hinder her when simply moving around, she cannot put pressure on the shoulder or hang from her left arm as it would result in the shoulder snapping out of place again and causing her tremendous pain.
  • Dependency on others
Both due to her Sanguine curse but also as a result of having lived her entire life cared for and protected by Saud, Asha has an incredible dependency on others. She's a social and outgoing person and feeds very frequently, and generally has an innate need to be sociable and surround herself with a crowd. Additionally, one of her main ambitions is to achieve great popularity and to be adored by the mass, and she can't do that without a mass to witness her. As such, when left alone for more than a few hours, even when in bed, she'll begin to feel restless and uneasy. If she was to be left alone for an entire day, she would likely be going borderline crazy, as she can't entertain herself with her mind or with thoughts, as those skills always revolve around social interactions. She has a constant need to be around people or to talk or to generally have attention, and if this is not given to her, she will feel unstable, uneasy and become intolerable.


  • None yet​
If you feel your character should be on this list yet hasn't been mentioned, please feel free to leave a comment of complaint below and I'll promptly add you in. Thank you for understanding!

Life Story
  • Asha is born together with her twin brother Saud as legitimate children to a Qadir mother and a Songaskian father.
  • The two were raised predominantly by their mother until the age of six.
  • Once the Songaskian side of the family took note of the intermarriage, a series of mocks and shunnings followed before the father's side of the family eventually overrode every decision and sold the mother and the twins into slavery.
  • The twins were drilled into becoming submissive slaves from a young age, yet met with their mother, a target to physical and sexual abuse, several times to keep hopes of freedom alive.
  • Their father at first attempted to buy back the family at a series of auctions, yet stormed off at one of them and wasn't seen again.
  • Saud grew very protective of Asha from this day forwards, taking beatings for her and stealing extra food for her.
  • During one meeting with their mother, she was taken away, raped and killed. While this turned Saud bitter and violent, it made Asha crumble in on herself and hide her emotions.
  • Saud promises to protect Asha, and in turn, Asha promises to make sure he remains sane and doesn't do anything idiotic.
  • When the twins were 13, an Ombratore had been taken as slave with them. He offered the twins the same power as him if they offered him blood and submission.
  • The Ombratore's Coven eventually came along and freed the Ombratore and the twins. They set the twins a test and told them to murder their captors if they wanted to be worthy.
  • The twins did so. Asha used blunt weaponry and force to crush heads. She has promised herself from this day forwards that she would never let go of her emotions again.
  • The twins are turned to the Ombratore bloodline and joined the Coven.
  • While Saud learned to fight and wage destruction, Asha's feminine appearance made her an ideal information extractor and manipulator. She trained to be a courtesan for three years.
  • For two years after this, while 16-18, she worked for the Coven and gained information for them through the means she learned.
  • During the time Asha had become more of a manipulator, Saud had murdered villages out of anger together with the Coven. Asha persuaded him to change his ways and start anew.
  • When 18, the twins left the Coven. Staying in Farah'deen, Saud began to culture himself while Asha set up a reputation for herself within grand, flashy towns as a fine courtesan.
  • When 21, the two decided to visit other continents of Regalia, and settled in Daendroc for a while. Saud visited monasteries and learned Nicolean fighting, while Asha stayed near Hallonq and Daenshore to build up her reputation again.
  • Drawn to Regalia because of safety from the bone horrors, Saud brought Asha with him to the Holy city.
  • While Saud has a stable job, Asha is currently jobless and living off of the funds she earned during her 10 years as a courtesan. She wants to reestablish the culture in Regalia, though Unionistic beliefs have proved to get somewhat in the way.
  • Asha and Saud Nazari are born as legitimate fraternal twins to Fatima Nazari, a commoner Qadir, and Abu-Ahad Shawari, a respected Songaskia within a rather modest village in Mooriye. The Twins were raised primarily by their mother for six years as Abu-Ahad was busy working. During this time, Asha primarily spent her time holed up indoors, reading books on art and calligraphy. She was a surprisingly asocial and clever child, which became subject to change over time.
  • Once the Shawari side of the family found out about the Qadir-Songaskia intermarriage however, they shunned Abu-Ahad and eventually forced Fatima and the Twins to be sold into slavery in a camp in Farah'd.​
Introduction to Slavery
  • While their mother was sexually and physically abused during her time as a slave, Asha and Saud, being young and still with moldable minds, were drilled into becoming submissive and obedient slaves to their masters. The Twins did not lose hope of freedom, however; they were both too young to understand the implications of "slavery", but their mother's ability to withstand the abuse and keep a high head helped nurture their hope.​
  • While Asha's father did attempt to purchase back the family on numerous occasions, he was continuously mocked by his Songaskian kin and eventually essentially abandoning his family as his hotheadedness got to him and he stormed off. While Saud took great effect from this, Asha, as a young eight-year-old, didn't quite comprehend what was happening. As Saud was already at this point becoming protective of Asha, she was shielded from most of the pain. To this day, she doesn't even recall the event, and only knows of it from her brother's biased rantings.​
  • Asha, being a fragile girl even at this time with no good understanding about the happenings of the world due to her previously asocial attitude didn't know how to take care of herself, and therefore became incredibly reliant on her brother as he didn't seem to mind protecting her - and this wasn't an offer she was about to turn down. Therefore, even in heavy slavery with physical abuse, she remained mostly indifferent about the happenings as she practically knew nothing else of life. Most of her beatings were also taken from her by Saud, too, so her own emotions never really had time to develop. Due to this her time in slavery didn't actually affect her much mentally.​
A Family Torn Apart
  • The only exception to the above is when the normal lifestyle in slavery was interrupted for Fatima. While Saud kept his wits about him through occasional meetings with their mother, Asha tagging along, the meeting was one day cut short when the slavers found out. Unhappy with the close familial bonds, the slavers raped and then killed Fatima before the Twins to teach them a lesson. While Saud's method of coping was through intense anger, Asha retreated more into herself, and began not sharing basic facts about herself with others. She'd frequently lie if it meant getting off potentially easier, and Asha eventually evolved into a compulsive, distant liar even when rather young. To her it was all games. Games to forget.​
  • While Asha coped through forcing herself to suppress emotions and pretend everything was fine, Saud grew cold and possessive of Asha, doing unspeakable things for her safety and wellbeing. This is one of the things causes Asha to have an even closer bond with her brother - he is as much her white knight and protector as he is her twin. In return, Asha promises herself she'll protect his mind and sanity, since Saud in return protects Asha's physical prime and body. In turn, however, she devolves and learns through the experiences of other slaves that romantic love can only lead to separation and anguish, and therefore gives up on the ideal of romance from a very young age. This turns into an ideal she will continue to protect with all her beliefs.​
The Dark Promise of Power
  • Around the time the Twins were 13, another slave claiming to be infected with the Ombratore Bloodline tempted the two children - primarily Saud - with the promise of great power like his own if they'd be complacent and willing to offer him blood as needed. By the time the vampire's coven arrived and freed the twins and their fellow member, the vampires made the decision to present Asha and Saud with a task; namely, kill their captors with whatever methods necessary to assure the task is done well; with however much power and violence is necessary. The Coven offered the twins to join their ranks and gain the same power as them through releasing unbridled emotions of anger, despair and resentment. Asha beat down her captors with blunt weapons until their brains were scattered across the walls. To this day she swears never to lose sight of her own emotions again and never let them free.​
  • The twins are successfully turned to the Ombratore bloodline. Asha initially didn't really want to, but went along with it due to the inherent fear of drifting apart from her more motivated elder twin. While Saud relishes in his newfound powers and abilities and strives to harm the world with his anger, Asha once more crumbles in on herself and decides to not use her powers for meaningless bloodshed. While in no ways a moral person, she dreaded the day where she'd lose control of her tucked away emotions again. She feared her own capability for murder.​
  • The Coven, however, needed Asha to be useful; they were providing her with a place to live and as such required work in return. After some mild internal disputes, the Coven leaders settled on training Asha within the arts of manipulation and seduction so that she may accomplish her goals that way. This training went on for about three years and has become essential to who she is today. Even though she was distant, Asha learned to socialise and take her mind off of her own emotions by focusing on those of others and using them to her advantage.​
The Key to Seduction
  • Eventually this turned into a major skill that she could wield effectively in very many situations, and to this day, her advances have only been rejected very few times. To conceal her true intentions, she worked avidly as a private courtesan for higher-ups in the two years after her training, when she was but 17. After all, her beauty had begun to shine at this age; she had really become an irresistible woman just by looks to many. This further worked to her advantage as she built up her personal charm.​
  • Meanwhile, Saud was training avidly in different fighting classes and slaughtering villages and camps alike on his rampage of frustration, anger and bloodshed. This was his way of releasing his feelings of injustice into the world - by carving scars into its surface with a bloody blade.​
  • Asha, sensing disturbing change within her brother, could no longer take the direction he was going in. They hardly saw each other for the few years they individually trained, and Asha still very much depended on Saud - not in terms of being able to get by, but she needed the one person she could mentally connect to to be there for her. As such, she persuaded him to change his ways and he became a more peaceful man at heart, taking up studies in culture and language, purging his disgusting and disgraceful ways with a fell blow. Asha meanwhile didn't stray from her previous teachings, having become sadly very talented in her art and unwilling to give it up. In a manner of speaking, she was addicted to the mental release she got from focusing on others. That and the mindless, meaningless intercourse.​
Finest Courtesan of Farah'deen
  • When the twins - now again reunited - turned 18, they made the decision of leaving their Coven. No issues followed here, and the two spent the next three years studying their passions individually.​
  • While Saud went off and studied engineering, Asha decided to rake up her own funds and stayed more native to the flashy and upstart cities of Farah'deen where she made quite a name of herself with the locals. Eventually gaining the position of becoming an icon of brothels of several cities, she became addicted to the sense of popularity that came with wanting crowds and lust-glazed eyes; she needed the attention on her, and only her. She wasn't spared any of this attention during her time as a fine courtesan, and she gained quite the sum from her services over the course of three years. Her infertility and lithe, slim body from vampirism only helped.​
  • While her career as a courtesan was fruitful in Farah'deen, it was nothing compared to when she turned 21 and travelled together with Saud around several major continental regions of Aloria, Saud experiencing culture and language and Asha experiencing the charm of different genders, physiques and mindsets - essentially instilling a predetermined idea of what all these are likely to be to date. This is a major thing that helps her determine what approach to take around someone today.​
Travelling Abroad
  • Drawn to the bustle and desires frequent within Daenshore and Hallonq, Asha continued to further her own popularity while Saud busied himself with boring monastery studies. For the next five years, Asha learned very few specks of Daendroquin and built herself a small fortune and a parlor of her own. Therefore she was quite reluctant to leave a place where she'd made a name for herself once again; but Saud was a determined being and Asha didn't want to be left behind.​
  • As Saud decided to travel to Regalia during the end of Freya Lo's dark reign, Asha of course followed. While Saud had plans for his future, Asha was at a bit of a loss - open services as a courtesan were harder to advertise without being discriminated upon in the Holy City. Due to the funds she'd already acquired over the past ten years however, she has no issue living without income for a few years.​
  • Currently, Asha has taken it upon herself to build up a reputation once again. She'd avidly learning about the diversity in races within Regalia and building her knowledge on manipulation off of that, but she knows she still has a long way to go. Her dreams of becoming desirable are however still adamantly stuck to her thoughts.​
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ill rate it nice when the letter dividers stop burning my eyes

Peer Review
(Firstly, beautiful art at the beginning of the sheet.)
  • Only one major problem stands out, Your life story is much larger than the 3-4 paragraph 900 words max. To quote the page "It is required to limit your Life Story to about 3-4 paragraphs with no more than 800-900 words." Now by no means am I saying scrap your life story. In fact I think it would be suit you to put that in life chronicles. I do however think that to combat the above you should take out any key information along with compress those a bit if you think you have a ton of information very pertinent to your points above Life story and string these together. Your life story should be holding all crucial factors of your character. Make these changes and I'm sure you'll be golden
Likely due to her difficulty to remain loyal to one person, Asha has come to terms with the idea of being aromantic and feeling no purely romantic intentions towards anybody. Having only ever experienced platonic love, she cannot understand how others feel something different; to her, people dating are people perceiving each other and loving each other like family members, but with the sexual intent too - which she finds disgusting, vile and creepy. Therefore she's stuck with the idea of only taking sexual advantage of others and staying far away from getting her own emotions involved. While this means she takes less to no damage if people are unfaithful towards her, this also means she's never experienced love - and probably never will, with her opinions towards the matter. Due to this she has a great tendency of rejecting or swerving around offers or temptations of love, not only leaving her as seeming reluctant to others, but also often causing frustrations due to her vague answers.
  • The only real error I could find in this app is that aromanticism is not considered a personality trait. However, you could encompass it under a broader trait such as "Uncaring" or "Detached", which you could go more into her psychology, and why she doesn't (or perhaps refuses to on a subconscious level) feel any romantic love towards anyone. Aside from that - well done! I'd like to see Asha about sometime.
@PonyoWantHam I changed Aromantic to Indifferent! Can't highlight the colours since I'm on my phone, but I replaced the whole trait so it should be kind of obvious.