Preserved Sheet Asgeir Alfsson

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King of the Gingers
Jul 1, 2017
Reaction score

Asgeir Alfsson, A Hildolfr of Drixagh
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I am the unknown Will,
The Anger that threatens glory and ruin:
Lord of Storms am I,
in heaven high and caverns deep.

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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Asgeir Alfsson
  • Nicknames: Hildolfr, Alf
  • Age: 55
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Velhiemer)
  • Main Ambition: To lead an army of soldiers for his people and Regalia, to help the community of Velheimers in the city by any means.
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Skill Information (Required)

Total Proficiency points: 55 points (From age)

Proficiency points:
  • Skagger Axe: 25 (+10 from School,+10 loyalty to the Skagger Code, +5 from points)
  • Tracking: 10 (+10 from School)
  • Battle Command: 15 (+10 from School, +5 from free points)
  • General Command: 25 (+25 from points)
  • Diplomacy: 10 (+10 from points)

Cultural points:
  • Vocal Music: +5 (+5 from Cultural points)
  • Ship Sailing: 10 (+10 from Cultural points)
  • Smithing: 40 (+40 from Cultural points)

  • Skodje (10/10)
  • Tunge (8/10)
  • Common (8/10)
  • Als-Tunge (10/10)
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Visual Information (Required)
  • Eye Color: Ocean Blue
  • Hair Color: Greying Brown
  • Hair Style: Shaven
  • Skin Color: Velheimer pale
  • Clothing: Simple Velheimer clothing mainly colors such as brown and dark green he wears a mix of leather and chainmail in battle
  • Height: 5'9
  • Body Build: Ripped
  • Weapon of Choice: Twin Skagger Axe
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Personality and Abilities (Required)
  • First Paragraph: Asgeir is perceived as a temperate man who is a calm and controlled person showing self-control and is overall mentally composed, this is due to his years of Skagger training. From seeing the man for the first time anyone other than Velheimer would see him as barbaric animal due to his many skagger tattoos and his rugged beard, however, on closer inspection, he comes off as an intelligent and values competence. He's a man who abides by the laws mainly that of Jovr's Laws seeing as he was once a Rakhr, and traditions of his people. He's kind to an extent.
  • Second Paragraph: Asgeir is mainly a confident man who feels like he's lived and is living his life like he wanted to that being following the warrior's life, living by his two Axes. He's confident in his abilities as a warrior and his abilities as a leader. His two main concern is dying an honorable death with his weapon in hand and the preservation of his culture feeling like that the velheimers in Regalia will eventually all imperialise, he wants to guide them back to the Old Ways and teach them what it means to be Velheim but also helping them live in the Regalian Society and to brush off most stereotypes about the Velheimer
  • Third Paragraph: Asgeir travels a lot however he often keeps in touch with his family, he's loyal to them and caring and if in need he'll come for the Skagger values family deeply. He is however far more comfortable around his kinsmen, close friends, and fellow comrades, he drinks with them, sings songs with them and fights beside them. He often acts as their counsel offering advice and wisdom towards them when needed putting him in a leadership position most of the time.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Asgeir is Lawful Neutral he believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as such as honor, order, rules, and tradition. He's strongly religious and upholds the laws of his faith and will try his best to preserve his traditions. He is definitely disciplined.
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Life Story


  • Was born in 251 AC as the youngest of four to Alf and Brita upon a rocky fishing boat off the coast of Drixagh.


  • Lived the simple life from 1-10 years old he'd help his father on the boat his father and mother would teach him the ways of their people raising him in the old fayth. From a young age, Asgeir developed an interest in warfare and military often reading past military tactics and warfare texts. His ability to read was definitely uncommon being born to a Fisher, however, his mother was educated and was able to teach him.
  • At 10 like most, he joined the skagger in hopes of bringing honor and reputation to his family.


  • Begins training in the School of Skagger
  • Learns to become a Skagger Berserker, trains in the use of Skagger Axes he learns how to track a target and how to lead as a Battle Commander.
  • Graduates at age 20 becoming a fully fledged Berhednar, he earns his Skagger Tattoos. This fills the young Skagger with pride for his culture.

Young Adult years

  • After his training as a skagger, the Velheimers nature of war increases, he begins to teach himself the art of General Command and military theory through texts.
  • To supply himself with the needed coin Asgeir gets into the mercenary business.
  • Set up a mercenary company mainly composed of Velheimers, leading this company.
  • Hires numerous amounts of tutors to supply his General and Military Theory

Adult years

  • In 286 AC the breakout of the Chrysant, Asgeir serves in the war for Regalia, he gained a reputation for his brutal fierce fighting, at this time the men he leads into battle gave him the nickname, Hildolfr meaning "Battle Wolf."
  • After the end of the war 5 years later Asgeir goes on a pilgrimage to connect more with his faith.
  • Spends the next decade of his life leading a mercenary company.
  • In 295 AC Asgeir feels confident in his abilities as a commander and General finishing his learning.
  • Fights and leads in a number of wars from 302 AC including the first and second Songaskian war, the Elven war, Hadravian war and the battle of Curag fields earning him a number of scars along the way.
  • 306 AC the grizzled Skagger now reaching 55 years has lived a life he deems worthy, however, he decides to travel to the crown isle in hopes of aiding his people and lead men in battle for regalia.

Last edited:
  • Skagger Axe: 40 (+10 from School of Skagger, +10 from being Velheim Ailor, +20 from free points)
  • Tracking: 10 (+10 from School of Skagger)
  • Battle Command: 20 (+10 from School of Skagger, +15 from free points)
  • Commanding Speech: 5 (+5 from free points)
  • Judicial: 5 (+5 from free points)
My only comment left is that you please re-examine your Proficiency points and double check which one is correct. Numbers need to match up and total the correct amount. Tag me once this edit has been completed.
@HydraLana Edits done marked in blue, numbers should match up, and removal of the judiciary.
@HydraLana Changes made to proficiency due system update 1.1, nothing big just swapped the reason of the +10 to the loyalty of the skagger code.
@HydraLana Changes to proficiency and life story, also spiced up the character application looks wise