Preserved Sheet Asan Shovvaldursson

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Aug 12, 2019
Reaction score
under a rock


"He likes the simplicity and peace. Is that too much to ask? Apparently... it is."



Basic Information
  • Name: Asan Shovvaldursson
  • Aliases: "Dragonfly," "Warden"
  • Age: 30
  • Race: Woaden Lineage: Fridurfolk Ailor
  • Sexuality: Asexual
  • Preferred Weapon: A recurve bow, with etched designs
Skill Information
Points: 50 Base Points + 10 Hobby Points

Core Proficiencies
  • +16 Heavy Ranged Combat (From Points)
  • +15 Stave Combat (From Points)
  • +10 Alchemical Sciences (From Points)
  • +3 Sorcery Spells (From Points)
  • +3 Linguistic Sciences (From Points)
Hobby Proficiencies
  • +10 Husbandry Arts - Erkibin (From Hobby Points)
  • +1 Hunting Arts (From Points)
  • +2 Instrument Arts - Violin (From Points)

Body Shape
Body Stat: 26
(16 Heavy Ranged) + (15 Stave) = 30 (Body Cap - Woaden)
Body Shape: Ripped
Body Fat: Low

  • Common (Free Language, taught at birth)
  • Fenekin (Taught by Parents)
  • Wa'an (Taught by close friend while in Raider group)
Special Traits/Skills/Magic
  • Hunt Sense 1
  • Wall Climb 4
  • Nature Gift 1

  • Light Mend 2

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Blue, Light Grey (Blind in one eye)
  • Hair Color: Varying Shades of Brown
  • Hair Style: Usually short, and slightly messy. When it is kept long, its usually in a bun.
  • Skin Color: Lightly Tanned
    - Marked with scars
  • Clothing: Mostly includes a hunter-esc outfit, or an outer jacket, with some sort of shirt underneath.
  • Height: 5'11

  • Asan has a slight stutter. While he did not have this quirk in the beginning, due to his lack of sleep in fear nightmares, have caused him to change in his speaking habits, sounding a bit distracted along with the added stutter. He is usually present with bags under his eyes due to a lesser amount of sleep than the norm. While this slight lack of stable sleep doesn't affect him too much physically, due to him trying his best to clear his mind and rest.
  • Asan's whole body is marked with scars. From ranging to smaller ones, to bigger ones, such as set of lash scars, marked burns, and a pattern of scars that form a crude picture of curling bramble with flowers. However the biggest and the most obvious of the scars is a huge patch of red that range from the bottom of the forehead, that traces over his blind eye, brushing a bit past his cheek, while most of it being unseen due to it being mostly on the neck, torso/back, and left arm, which is usually covered. The facial area is the most visible.
  • He wears a mask of a paled skin color that covers the part of scars present on his face, however this does not go over his eye and rather just runs down to his cheek. While his left arm is usually covered by a glove to cover his scar. He's fine with showing these scars, its just that the skin remaining is senstitive, and people around aren't always comfortable looking at them.
Personality: Core List
Choose your Character Alignment
  • Neutral Good: Asan varies in what sort of good he does. Chaotic or Lawful. Its really based on his preference, but he will take a stand for the people he knows and for others that don't. While still distrustful, his sense of justice is still there, though a bit stained.
Choose your Character Personality Type
Defender - Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.

Mixed with a:

Logician - These people tend to be reserved yet willful, They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.
These people tend to be warm and unassuming in their own steady way

  • Choose your Character's Religion
    Old Faiths 1/10

  • Asan has the habit of running his finger along the length of the masked burn scar on his face, whenever he feels awkward, or nervous. Its a habit he received after he had received the scar, unknowingly doing it at times as well.
  • Asan suffered from mild hallucinations of the smiling man who he served under and punished. More from the memory of the abuse he received rather than a mental hallucinations out of something else.
  • Asan mostly does not get good sleep. Either from his work attitude and his nightmares.

  • Animals, whether it is small as an ant, to as big as a horse. Asan likes spending time in the wild, observing and sketching animals and likes. He also likes to climb trees to observe birds, which leads to... unhealthy decisions when jumping from tree to tree.
  • Spending his time out in the woods. While he doesn't dislike social interaction in the larger city, he feels trapped by the larger societal norms, organization, conflicts, and rather much enjoy the peace and simpler conflicts in nature. In more ways than one

  • Alcohol. Enough said.

  • Religon, Asan dislikes/hates religion. While he isn't as vocal about it, well at least not anymore. He feels pity about the ones who do. More on the opinion that the people around him blindly follow a power which causes so much conflict and struggle in the world.
  • One of his scars. The longest scar that stretches from his neck down to his torso. Its uncomfortable for one, looking at it all the time, along with the people who stare. It also reminds him of uncomfortable memories.
  • Sleep, really. He doesn't like it. It... isn't the best thing for his health.

  • Is quite skilled in hiding his pain, allowing him to do actions or fight through in smaller injuries without being distracted or hindered by it. Meaning that this may also lead him to ignoring cuts and bleeding, ignoring treatment.
  • Hiding his emotions, Asan is good at hiding his emotions. Most of his outward appearance and behavior is met in a natural way, without showing what he's actually feeling at the moment.
  • Sketching somewhat competant at sketching drawings of things he sees.
  • Cooking and growing a few plants. He's not really exception or expanded this skill, but he memorize recipes and follow them to cook things, and care for a few plants. He is Fridurfolk after all.

Life Story

Childhood and Teens
He remembers the early training sessions with his mother. Asan remembers them deeply, and misses the time he could bickering with his brother while shooting targets and hunting animals. He misses his culture, no matter how foolish it may seem. He was trained with a hunting bow.

The Fridrufolk was known as a foolish society, one based on peace. Almost never raising a hand to protect themselves. Constantly pushed around, by the higher powers beside themselves. Asan remembers, the constant burning of villages, at so many times that he grew used to the smell of smoke.

No matter how many the people around him prayed, or begged. There was no warning. No help. Only the bitter pain of the people surrounding him. Asan slowly grew disdain of his own faith. As he grew older, he was tired of his family, and the kind people around pushed. He tried to convince himself that he was wrong.

That beings were protecting the others. That beings were the ones controlling everything. However no matter where he looked he saw no evidence. He drew a conclusion, and decided to leave his village. Tired of their foolishness.

As he lived, he learned that the Velheim, one of the peoples who attacked his people followed the same faith. Learning to this, he stormed off to his home in anger. His opinions were correct.

He arrived home. Stating to his family that he would be leaving. They all looked at him with shock, he didn't believe it. He laughed, before dragging his brother out. He thought that this place was no where to raise someone. His mother tried to stop him, but he simply ignored her. Leaving the only place he knew was home. And he hated that he thought of it as home.

He was stopped by a two of the people who had raided his home. They expected him to run, to cry.
He wasn't going to. He left their forms on the side of the road. Whether they were dead or not. He didn't care.


They arrived in another settlement, a small one known as Lannfair. He decided to stop and live there. Hunting and working for money along with his brother. The settlement did not treat them as well. Most of them did not treat the ones of "pagan" religion as well anymore. His hatred of what religon was, spread to Unionism.

Though through the mistreatment. He continued to work there, raising and teaching his brothers, in an manner that he thought was correct. Though they did not have the same experiences as home, living in times that were cold and hungry. They no longer lived in an environment that was constantly in danger.

He met an individual. Asan was easily influenced by his bitterness and his experience. Asan doesn't remember the man's name.

There were powers outside of everyday's being. The ones who followed them were foolish, as that these powers did not care for them. And the ones following the faiths did more harm to the world. In a way, it was correct. Asan had heard about the Void invasions against the Fridurfolk back in the past. Along with ongoing wars and prejudice of the ones involved with the Kathar now. The settlement he was living had done the same. He urged Asan to come join his group. Asan declined, he had bigger worries, but told the man that he would find a friend. They departed ways, but the man's word had been etched into his mind.

As he grew older surrounded by the experiences he had. He was tired. He thought of the man that showed him this view. He searched for him, before finally finding him in a crowed. He joined the group. What he did not realized was that the group was involved what was very much destructive. Asan was blinded, and manipulated by both charm and fear into following his word. At this point of his life Asan had traveled for a long time.

This lead to him in trouble with various authorities of smaller towns and settlements. Asan still followed the word. Asan helped attack a small settlement. This settlement was familiar to him, before he saw where he was. Llanfair, the place where he left his brother. He heard a voice call out his name, it was his sibling. Asan tried to call out, but his brother ran dragging another person away. He looked at the town, it had grown, but it was now in shambles.

He decided to leave what he had joined. However, what he hadn't known was that the one's who remained in this, hadn't left out of fear. He was jailed, and mistreated. The days and months that passed for Asan was left by scars he had received. The nameless man who had pulled him to join, was the one who was torturing him.

The fear and abuse of the man had etched his mind. After being moved to another room to kept watch, he managed to take a key of a lazy guard. And opened the gate. He let the others in that prison escape, he finally lit the area on fire. An explosion happened near, burning the sides of his face, and losing his eye. He would face the nameless man, pushing the man into the fire, uncaring if that killed him or not. In the midst of the fire, the riot, and the fighting.

The distraction allowed him to run.

He went back to the village. His brother did not like him after that. Asan found himself far from what he could do, as his brother out of remaining love, did not turn him over to the community.

Asan broke at that time, doing whatever he could, centralizing himself within the alleyways and dark. However... at that point he had a realization. That through all and all... he hated himself. That meant some good was left in him. Right? He had to change thinking to... action however.

Finding himself far away from the man. Through hard work, he regained the trust of his brother, and even traveled with him back to the original family to make amends.

He helped Lannfair, becoming a warm member of the community. While still not really as clean he could be. He learned how to gain love and happiness back. Extending this to the community, while also organizing the small settlement in how to defend themselves from the group he was a part of, as he knew how to care for them.

But this was a form of a double sort of life. Asan seemed to let go of past scars, but the Smiling Man still was etched his mind, still continuing to stalk him every action he took he could still hear their words being whispered in.

His life was in two pieces.
He wishes his fellows and his brother good luck, and sets of for Regalia. The shadow follows his path.

After tumbling around the sewers, fighting in gangs, as finding jobs around as an alchemist and hunter. Finding complicated relationships with his friends and fellows. He again starts to have trouble with relationships. The shadows continue to stalk him.

His sleep and mind... slowly drifting apart.

He wants to be free. And at this point... it may be his breaking one.
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HELLO, grabbing this for staff review! Expect a reply within the next 24 hours.
Hello! It's review time!

My Review

Basic Information

  • Preferred Weapon: Please pick a singular weapon that he prefers to use.
Personality and Abilities
  • Fear: It looks like this sentence was left half written! Please finish it.
  • Other Points: Also please look over some of the responses and make sure that they include two sentences worth.
Once these changes are made, please tag me!
@Ethan Cho
Hello! It's review time!

My Review

Basic Information

  • Preferred Weapon: Please pick a singular weapon that he prefers to use.
Personality and Abilities
  • Fear: It looks like this sentence was left half written! Please finish it.
  • Other Points: Also please look over some of the responses and make sure that they include two sentences worth.
Once these changes are made, please tag me!
@Ethan Cho
Okay I fixed it using your advice!
Hey there! You're above your age + 5 boost for your proficiency. Ailor no longer are given a +15 prof point boost, but rather everyone strictly gets 5 points.
  • For instance: 35 age + 5 boost = 40 points to spend. Please correct @Ethan Cho
CHONK! Sorry for the wait! Looks like a misplaced a few applications so I'm taking care of them today (it's my day off)!

My Review

Basic Information
  • Race: This section is blank, please fix this.
  • Languages: You've Modern Altalar however you do not have a parent who spoke this nor grew u in a region with this language spoken. Please remove this or add linguistic points to have this language.
Proficiency Information
  • Sorcery: Please list your sorcery points spent as well under your Core.
  • Missing: Your backstory is uh, missing. Please readd this.
@Katiesc. I was working on it, but due to some... incidents it kept getting erased. So I had saved it... in case something happens again.

Another incident included construction in my house turning off the power in my room... and losing a part of my backstory.

Its not completed at the moment, and I will try to get it completed as fast I can.
Sorry about that...
@Katiesc. I was working on it, but due to some... incidents it kept getting erased. So I had saved it... in case something happens again.

Another incident included construction in my house turning off the power in my room... and losing a part of my backstory.

Its not completed at the moment, and I will try to get it completed as fast I can.
Sorry about that...
I'll DM you your old history logs over the Forums Conversations, one moment.