Preserved Sheet Asaka Onenda

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Professional cynic
Sep 7, 2016
Reaction score
A... closet???


Basic Information
  • Full Name: Asaka Onenda
    • Nickname(s): Asa
  • Age: 25 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Altalar
    • Subrace: Lesarra
  • Sexuality: Knowledge (and maybe something else, who knows)

Inventory Information
  • Within 'Pockets':
    • Reading glasses (if not worn)
    • Regal pouch (25-40 regals)
    • Pocket knife
    • Cleaning cloth
    • House key
  • Within Bag:
    • Main Regal pouch (120-150 regals)
    • History books
    • Dictionary
    • Notebook
    • Quill pen assortment pack
    • Roll of bandages
    • Rubyflower alchemy (usually, will be bought/requested IC of course)


Skill Information

〉Total Points: 50 Core, 10 Hobby

  • +12 Writing Art (7 Core, 5 Hobby)
  • +10 Pathfinding Art (5 Core, 5 Hobby)
  • +10 Perception Training (5 Core, Racial Boost)
  • +9 Schooling (9 Core)
  • +9 Linguistics (9 Core)
  • +6 Arcanology (6 Core)
  • +3 Sanguiphobia (3 Core)
    • +6 Free Points (6 Core)

Body Shape

  • Physical Stat: 5
  • Body Shape: Slim
  • Body Fat: Low


  • Common (Free)
  • Altalar (Upbringing)
  • Allorn (Upbringing)
  • Plains (Points)
  • Isldar (Points)
  • Main Kathar (Points)
  • Ancient Altalar (Free)


  • Age Control 1 (Racial)
  • Arken Sense 1 (Racial)
  • Arcane Mastery 1 (Racial)
  • Inth Gift 1 (Racial)
  • Inth Gift 2 (Racial)
  • Inth Gift 3 (Racial)
  • Control Counter 1 (Racial)
  • Sei-Maan's Craft (Racial - Pantheon)

  • Archaeology (Altalar)
  • Espionage (Altalar)
  • Natural Sciences (Gepgraphic)


  • Artifact Knowledge (Points)
  • Arken Knowledge (Points)


Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Regalia Position: A commoner, living in a basic accomodation and getting by any means necessary, Asaka does not care much for luxury. She is there to simply study, and to learn - nothing more, nothing less. She has been there for around about three years now, though not shown her face much in public. In terms of occupation, she simply studies for the time being, getting by on excess funds. However, she wouldn't oppose some sort of work.
  • Upbringing/Family: Born in the Fyror Mountains to a Lesarra family, as an only child, she had a very meek and simple upbringing. Her extended family is fairly diverse, having some relatives that live in the Plains, though she does not associate with the others very much. She simply never got introduced properly and never sought them out.
  • Ambitions: To make some close acquaintances, to be able to have someone she can talk with. To get over her social anxieties and troubles.

Visual Information

  • Eye Colour: Dark blue
  • Hair Colour: Bright blonde
  • Hair Style: Unkempt, long and messy
  • Skin Colour: Pale white
  • Clothing: Simple, dull and practical robes
  • Height: 5'8"

Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Head and Shoulders: Asaka's face is peculiarly sharp, yet at the same time soft - as though her features are meant to be a bit more stern and menacing, yet never used in that way. Her eyes are fairly slim and sharp, coloured a deep blue akin to the Lesarra standard. Her ears are pointy and fairly long, with a very slight downward curve, slightly slicked back. She is usually seen with a soft, inquisitive expression. Her face is very lightly freckled, devoid of any scarring - however constantly plagued by eyebags from a lack of proper rest. Her hair is an absolute amalgamation - unkempt and let to grow wild, styled in no particular way.
  • Body: Her body is very slim and close to being fairly androgynous; lacking much fat. Her skin is pale and white, bones fairly small and frail - musculature near non-existent. There is a distinct lack of any body hair - much like is the norm for Lesarra. She does not have any body modifications like tattoos, however her knees in particular are scarred - presumably from frequent clumsy falls.
  • Fashion: Strictly practical, Asaka does not particularly care about fashion or being flashy. If anything, she strives to be the opposite the majority of the time. However, she does enjoy dull blue and has a bit of a guilty pleasure for some vibrant colour every now and then - very rarely stepping out of her normal type of garbs to spruce up appearances. She does not carry any jewellery. She carries a simple dagger as a means of self-defence, however much prefers to flee conflict due to a genetic condition. She is always seen with a simple bag slung slightly behind her, containing a bunch of books, tomes, pens, and general stationary that would be used for writing on the fly.
  • Voice: Soft-spoken and somewhat gentle, Asaka's voice is not very firm or sharp unless she is in a really passionate state, either due to severe emotional overbuilding or excitement. Otherwise, she defaults to being quite meek and tender, preferring utmost silence. She is fairly well-spoken when she does speak properly, but usually she stammers - being extremely shy about speaking. She also tends to repeat certain words twice. For tone and speed, she usually speaks in a fairly moderate tone - not very melodic; holding a certain flatness to it. On a normal day, she speaks fairly slowly and deliberately. She is very well versed in Common, Middle and Modern Altalar. She is fairly-fluent in speaking Plains and Sulvaley Altalar, and struggles with Kathar Altalar. In all languages, however, she is completely fluent at reading and writing them.




〉Option One: The Question List

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • With a lack of general expressiveness, she tends to express happiness and being content with things rather subtly; barely showing outward excitement unless it is an extreme amount, at which point she will be far more springy. It is possible to tell if she is super into something if she does not display any tics, however.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Depending on the amounts, it ranges from a severe cold sweat and bodily shaking - all the way to a fearful outburst to escape the situation. If it means she has to fight, she will - but she prefers to take the flight approach and preserve herself.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Far more visibly than any other emotion, stress shows on Asaka's face and body like a sore thumb - from slight changes in expression to downright sinking her teeth into her own fingers, she isn't as good at containing stress as the other emotions, but she does her best to do so. Prying about stresses can result in her downright snapping.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • A means to an end; the guards and upper people are there to ensure order and prevent complete chaos an anarchy. As a result, Asaka is content with their existence, so long as they do not get in her way.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Toward non-Altalar, Asaka is rather critical and overly analytical at times. She strongly believes that Altalar are superior and have roles to fulfil in society, however she is not as keen to outwardly express that disdain - especially if she believes she has something to learn from them. The more infamous and evil races stir curiosity in her - simply because she wishes to understand more about their history and logic. All in all, she feels mixed, though that disdain never truly shows unless something is done against her to provoke a more intense reaction.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Following the Faith of Estel, as well as the Fallen Seeker; Asaka is rather devoted in a traditional sense. She is loyal to the Allorn throne above all else, and believes in history as told by the Obelisks in Avela Travinda. Her main source of devotion is, as expected, Inth - who she offers silent prayer to in isolation on various days, hoping to learn from the great being. Unfortunately, she has never heard anything from the god, but avidly believes it exists. Other faiths, she does not personally care much about, but she does study them deeply for the sake of clarification and to be able to understand other people's thought processes, so that she can perhaps prove them wrong if incited to.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Holding a great respect for the arcane and magical side of the world, Asaka believes magic is a key cornerstone to the betterment of society and a key part of Altalar power. While she does not interact with it herself, she views those that do as inherently talented and curious individuals.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Oddly. She respects and cares about them deeply, but she does not hold a strong connection with them, preferring to go off on her own in pursuit of her goals; as would be expected of her in the first place. She writes to her family regularly, and likes to visit them occasionally, but otherwise, does not restrict her goals based around family whatsoever.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Her heritage and perseverance are key points that she is proud of. With little slowing her down in her pursuit of knowledge, she feels greatly accomplished for her rather young age, and aims to only go further.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • The Wheel of Time, her very being - a Lesarra's duty is to acquire knowledge. That knowledge becomes power - and is priceless. That is all she needs to be able to keep going forward - a goal to know more. She intends to share knowledge someday and find someone she can truly trust, but that remains a distant, far off goal.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Her ability to speak with people. She cannot cope with large crowds and finds it much easier to simply stay away, hoping to be able to overcome the insecurity one day as it would help her learn from people far more directly - however, as of yet, she is a hopeless, nervous wreck beneath her somewhat calm exterior.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Losing her memory. Asaka, being faced with losing her memory and knowledge would have a mental crisis and do anything to avoid it - even throw the majority of her morals away and succumb to any task presented to her in order to preserve her mind. Even if her race proves to be nigh-impossible to erase the memory of completely, the fear still lives inside of her.


  • Socially Inept - Asaka struggles with interaction a lot and tends to be flimsy and awkward unless it's a subject she herself is very interested in and with a person she is very comfortable with, in which case she will break her usual behaviour and babble on. Otherwise, she tends to prefer simply being entirely mute, letting written notes carry her words as they make getting her thoughts out easier and more concise - less prone to awkward mistakes.
  • Poor Eyesight - Struggling with vision since a fairly young age, the Lesarra requires glasses.
    • While not wearing any glasses, her PERCEPTION stat becomes ZERO.
  • Self-insufficient - She barely gets by, basically. She is simply too absorbed in her studies and in her role in the Wheel of Time to truly look after herself and live properly. This leads to bad sleeping habits and many meals being skipped.
  • Clumsy - Despite her general demeanour and ability to be very composed, she is actually quite a clumsy person. She is not as bad as she was when younger, but still has a tendency to occasionally trip and fall, or drop things on the floor - much to her utmost distress.
  • Stage Fright - Having all eyes on her induces a sense of panic in her, and she will do whatever it takes to avoid any situation like it.
  • Agoraphobia - Tying heavily into stage fright, Asaka hates the idea of being in a place she can not easily leave.

》Personality (Expansion)
  • Quirks: When deep in thought or under stress, Asaka ends up biting her knuckles or right pointer finger - or pen, generally sinking her teeth into things as a means to help focus or relieve stress. When writing, she tends to have frequent moments of tapping the pen against the surface of a desk or page. If embarrassed or under pressure, she'll twirl a pen or finger through her hair locks, sheepishly diverting attention around the room. Finally, she will never make eye contact - finding it impossible to maintain.
  • Lesser Skills/Abilities: Asaka is actually quite into chess, and other strategic games. She also brews tea quite nicely due to frequent experience, finding it to be a necessary addition to a book in a dim room.

  • Reading/Writing - Pretty much her entire life, the Lesarra is constantly reading and taking notes - listening in on conversations and jotting things down that are said, eager to learn and discover things about people.
  • Peace and Quiet - Important for gathering thoughts and staying focused, Asaka prefers an orderly, quiet location over a loud and cluttered environment any day.
  • Hot drinks - Soothing and relaxing, hot drinks can help her focus. Not to mention, some help her stay awake for extended periods.
  • Soft spoken people - People that speak calmly and respect her desire for order and silence will get along with her much better, especially if they don't ask her to speak too much.
  • New books - The newer book smell, the Lesarra has a habit of taking a good whiff to savour it. Of course, the odds of coming across a brand new book are small, but those rare times she has have proven special - even with her preference of reading older history.
  • Page turning - A page turning in a book and the papers scuffing against each other produces a sound which Asaka finds an odd satisfaction in hearing.
  • Dancing - She simply cannot get her hand around dancing, following music is hard for her and with her clumsy nature, it is a recipe for utter disaster asking her to engage in a dance.
  • Disorder/chaos - Disorder and chaos serve to disrupt the delicate thought processes in her mind, making her prone to stressing out. She may be able to tolerate it if it is necessary, but if she can avoid it, she absolutely will.
  • Alcohol - Anything that alters the function of the mind disgusts her. She has an inherent hate toward alcohol and the likes as a result, and will never touch the stuff.
  • Sleep - Why sleep when you can be learning more? Unfortunately, Asaka thinks quite like that, and has had many episodes of simply passing out after getting too comfortable in a seat due to horrible sleep.
  • Loud people - Tying again to the disorder and chaos, she dislikes people that constantly disrupt her and disturb the silence - especially those that question her and pry.
  • Smoke - If she inhales any smoke, expect a violent coughing fit from the Lesarra. She absolutely hates the stuff.


Life Story


  • Born into a fairly average household within the Fyror Mountains, the Land of Peace, Asaka was thrust into a simple upbringing as one would expect of a Lesarra. Raised surrounded by books by her parents who took turns looking after their daughter, Asaka developed a keen interest in learning from an early age.
  • Taught to read and write very early on and catching on due to frequent schooling, she was able to catch on alarmingly quick. By four, she had the basics down.
  • Asaka lacked much of an active childhood, spending the majority of her time indoors and in a library - however, this was not something she disliked, no, the tiny Altalar was set to become just like her parents from an early age.
  • This lack of an active childhood proved to be a saving grace, as the odd few times Asaka cut herself, she bled quite severely and wouldn't stop bleeding without some actual treatment - believed to have a genetic condition that stopped her blood clotting properly. Thankfully, her father was versed in alchemy, so it was easy to treat her during any early clumsy falls.
  • Brought up to respect the Faith of Estel and the Fallen Seeker in particular, she developed a devotion to the religion.
  • By the age of five, she had already learned three languages thanks to constant exposure and a youthful mind being at its best for taking in languages, slowly becoming a polyglot much to her parent's shared delight.
  • At the age of six, Asaka was taken on by a mentor, an older Ol Lavei Altalar named Almer. Almer, a rather experienced Est'Allorn, eagerly taught a group of four. He passed on much knowledge, and Asaka found her own ideals and goals to learn of within time, developing a keen interest in archaeology and geography - particularly of the Altalar, and their vast history. All in all, she wanted to learn as much as possible... but set her sights primarily on those things.
  • Despite her eagerness to learn, however, something became quite apparent - she struggled with social skills quite a lot. In a group, she would barely say anything; only when alone with Almer, or her parents, would she really truly express her desires and goals, and even then with some trouble. This was not fully fixated on as it did not get in the way of her learning even slightly, and as such, the problem only ended up getting worse.
  • By ten, Asaka began to develop problems with her sight, and started to require glasses by as young as eleven - simply finding it straining to see things clearly without them.
  • The Lesarra learned about the basics of listening and observing people from Almer, about the arcane and magical, about various history - the likes - and asked for guidance on what would be a good idea for her to pursue if she wished to learn more about archaeology and the likes; he told her that it would be wise to visit Lithántha Allornata some day to attend studies there - as well as perhaps the City of Regalia for its schooling on geographical sciences. She kept such in mind, the twelve year old making notes.
  • For her age - she had become rather mature, and made many decisions of her own based on logic.
  • After much learning from her mentor, Almer, she parted ways and moved on for the time being. She travelled with her family to Litántha Allornata, where they stayed for a couple of years to get a fresh perspective on things - as well as to get into the school as suggested. She wrote frequently to Almer, and spoke with her parents frequently about her studies. Her father was far more focused on his own work at the time, which she understood - her mother being the one to talk with her most about the studies.
  • Said studies lasted for three years, and by seventeen, she had finished them up. All in all, she was dedicated to honing and developing all her skills that she had learned slowly over time from Almer, becoming a promising student.
  • To help with her frequent falls, she developed a habit of keeping some alchemy on her at all times in a secure pouch in her bag, so that it would not shatter and so she could administer it to any wounds she developed - as any wound proved to be alarming for her.
  • In her late teens, Asaka finally split off from her family for a bit and went on to visit the Suvial States, specifically Avela Travinda to see the Marvindë Obelisks in person. While visiting in the Suvial States, she opted to study there on the art of espionage at the Praanistha College of Insight, dedicating to a three year course while residing there and gathering knowledge of the Suvial populace and customs. She made sure to write frequently to her parents and mentor, a bit worried at first about being away from them, but she saw it as a necessary step to independent learning.
  • She eventually finished her studies in the college, having undergone many field tests and developed a keen eye for pathfinding as well. By the age of twenty, she had much knowledge under her belt.
  • Soon, she set her sights for the final step in her first bout of learning: Regalia.
  • Returning home for a year, back to the Fyror Mountains with her family, she reconciled and enjoyed their company. She taught them about all her learning in the Suvial States, and about how she had developed a keen skill in espionage.
  • After getting comfortable for a bit, she finally polished off her glasses and set off once more with some assistant funds from her parents - off to the Crown Isle.
  • Visiting Regalia, the Lesarra had opted to stay for quite a while, enamoured by the variety of populace and sights to see.
  • Particularly, she stayed to study in the Regalian Ecological Academy - and that is where we have ended up now; slowly finishing up her studies, she may go any direction from here... ...or perhaps, settle down for a bit.
Who can say for sure?

All that is clear, is that she has a thirst for knowledge.
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@ThatBurningFox Looks good! Everything seems to check out, however keep in mind any alchemy the character has would have to be bought from someone else, as they do not have any investment into such. If you wish to be able to produce alchemy when needed, spending points would be required. Keeping that in mind though, this application is fine. Approved!