Preserved Sheet Arzi'liziell Zulazzalo

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eater of nuggies
Mar 20, 2020
Reaction score
a place of love

  • Full Name: Arzi'liziell Zulazzalo
  • Age: 53
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Slizzar
  • Sexuality: Homosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Throwing Knives
  • Proficiency Limits: N/A
  • Set of silver lockpicks, engraved with flowers
  • Keystone of Sassrakkand
  • Maraya Stirrin
  • Five silver throwing knives
  • One ornate bola
  • Pouch of regals (10-25)


Total Points: 50 (Age) + 10 (Hobby) + 10 (Talent)


  • Warlash Combat + 4 (4 Invested)
  • Throwing Combat + 7 (7 Invested)
  • Bola Combat + 5 (5 Invested)
  • Linguistic Science + 3 (3 Invested)

  • Burling Rogue +10 (10 Talent)
  • Stealth Rogue +5 (5 Invested)

  • Dancing: +10 (10 Invested)
  • Theatre +10 (5 Invested + 5 Racial Bonus)
  • Circus Arts +15 (10 Hobby + 5 Invested)

  • Ritualism +6 (6 Invested)

  • Physical Stat Calculation: 5 (Theatre Art) + 5 (Dancing Art) + 7.5 (Circus Arts) + 4 (Warlash Combat) + 7 (Throwing Combat)
  • Physical Stat: 29 (capped at 20 when infected)
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low

  • Zasta (Native Tongue)
  • Common (Learned in Childhood)
  • Alt-Regalian (Learned in Calderia
  • Kathar-Elven (Learned among Kathar)
  • Shalota (Linguistics)



  • Exist Sight
  • Exist Purify
  • Exist Carry
    • Sweet, flowery aroma
  • Exist Airing
  • Exist Feather
    • White in color
  • Exist Bite
  • Exist Crown
    • Silver in color


  • Ritualist Beastwarp
  • Ritualist Meld
  • Ritualist Mythtelling
  • Ritualist Growth
  • Beastwarp: Arzi'liziell can, through a five-minute ritual, transform into a fully-grown domestic cat. While in this form, she appears like a completely mundane cat, but cannot speak. Additionally, she cannot squeeze through holes or enter areas they could not fit in normally, and if she is struck physically or with an Ability, will immediately transform back.
  • Meld: Arzi'lizeill can, with Direct Touch, infest another person by borrowing their body as a vessel. The target must be either fully restrained or willing. While inside that person, she can direct where the body moves, but they cannot stop the body from speaking or moving its head, and neither she nor the target can utilize any Abilities. If involuntary, this fusion lasts for 15 minutes, if voluntary, it can last up to 1 hour, and Arzi'liziell can choose to let the host walk freely and just use their body to hide in. Regardless of the duration, when the Ability ends, she is painlessly ejected and cannot use this Ability again for an hour.
  • Mythtelling: Arzi'liziell can weave natural paint dust through the air and apply it to walls to form animal, plant, and myth-based cave-painting-like depictions on any wall, floor, or ceiling surface. Furthermore, she can also animate them.
  • Growth: Arzi'liziell can 'grow' small plants in their hair and from their skin without harming themselves. These plants have no functional purpose, but she can have any number of them on her body. These are usually small flowers.


  • Eye Color: Lavender (Silver when infected)
  • 'Hair' Color: Hot pink
  • 'Hair' Style: Medium-length and left down
  • Scale Color: Pale pink, white underbelly
  • Clothing: Pastels with leather accessories
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Name: Ellirium
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Fuchsia (Silver when infected)
  • Hair Color: Pink
  • Hair Style: Long, wavy ponytail
  • Skin Color: Pale green-yellow
  • Height: 6'0"
  • Body Shape: Athletic
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Name: Fritz Herschlag
  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Deep blue (Silver when infected)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Man bun, stubble beard
  • Skin Color: Fair, rosy
  • Height: 6'0
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Average
  • Name: Aksoni Kunzoss
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Emerald green (Silver when infected)
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Long ponytail, stick-straight
  • Skin Color: Dull burnt-umber
  • Height: 6'0
  • Body Shape: Muscular
  • Body Fat: Low


  • Alignment: Neutral Evil
    • Arzi'liziell acts almost exclusively in self-interest. She has little regard for the other people in her life, and she would have no qualms taking a life if she felt she needed to.
  • Personality Type: ISFP-A - Assertive Adventurer
    • Adventurers, unsurprisingly, seek to experience new things. They live in the moment and can go with the flow. Those who are assertive are more likely to bravely jump into whatever life throws at them.
  • Religion: Nessrassian 2/10 | Estel 3/10
    • Arzi'liziell was raised in the faith. She believes in the Ssepston, but, because of her affliction, she does not care enough to go out of her way to pay homage to them.
    • As a werebeast, Arzi'liziell holds Estel in high regard. She does not follow any sort of structure or worship, but she does take steps to avoid offending the being.


Arzi'liziell was born in Sassrakkand to two Scorrico Werebeasts. She had four older siblings, and would eventually have six younger ones. Her upbringing was much like any other Slizzar. At a young age, she took up gymnastics for the sole reason that none of her siblings had done so. When she reached six years old, she was sent to the House of Mentors. There, she chose both a mentor and her prime Ssepston. Her mentor was a silver-scaled woman named Luzzolius. Luzzolius was, like Arzi'liziell, athletically inclined. The older Slizzar had spent years working as a professional rogue-for-hire. Isskarno, the Ssepston of pride, appealed the most to Arzi'liziell. Thus, the young Slizzar was gifted a mask adorned with a large spiked ebony crown. For the next twelve years, Arzi'liziell honed her skills of thievery and acrobatics, as well as learning the ways of the Slizzars.

When her training was complete, Arzi'liziell departed from Sassrakkand for what was, at first, an undetermined location. After wandering across the continent for some time, she settled in Calemberg. She found it easier to amass wealth as a man, so she disguised herself as one. Furthermore, she worked as a thief-for-hire disguised as a Kathar. Arzi'liziell lived this double life for years before she inevitably grew bored with it.

Arzi'liziell set about finding a new adventure. When the opportunity came in the form of a traveling Maraya circus, she took it. Essentially abandoning her Ailor shift, she joined the group disguised as a Maraya hatched outside the vault and threw herself fully into the art of performance. Perhaps this was what had brought on her latent Werebeast infection. The woman's eyes turned silver, and mandibles grew inside her mouth. She sought out an existling to tell her about this new affliction. A Cielothar by the name of Cyrci'ti'una, also a werebeast, fit the bill.

Arzi'liziell learned numerous skills during this time. Among the Maraya, she expanded on her performance abilities. She specialized in trapeze but dabbled in knife-throwing, acrobalance, and aerial silk. With Cyrci'ti'una, she learned the extent of her werebeast abilities and the ancient craft of ritualism.

To enhance the whimsical feeling of their performance, the Maraya had a variety of mutations applied to them. Arzi'liziell declined the more noticeable of these, as they would carry over into her other forms. She nevertheless got her fair share of augmentations, which she supplemented with ritualistic abilities.

It was around this time that a divinely unique Varran woman caught Arzi'liziell's eye during one of her performances. They spoke afterward, and Arzi'liziell gleaned everything she could about her new infatuation including her name, Ebonique. Her crush soon turned into an obsession as Arzi'liziell did everything in her power to become the Varran's ideal partner. Her personality, likes, dislikes, and even pieces of her appearance transformed into something she hoped would impress Ebonique. At first, it seemed to work. They spoke more and eventually went on a date.

For a moment, Arzi'liziell was walking on air. She refused to see any flaws in Ebonique and developed a certain dependency on their relationship. Every second was spent plotting ways to please her. It was a devotion that Ebonique did not share. The time came when Arzi'liziell decided to reveal what she truly was- a slizzar and a werebeast. Ebonique was horrified, and she reported Arzi'liziell's status. She had no choice but to flee, utterly heartbroken and betrayed.

Eventually, Arzi'liziell found her way to Regalia as a much colder and harder person than before. She could only dream of finding someone that would accept her.
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Hi! Everything mostly looks in order, however I need to point out that you currently have ten points going unused, while additionally you have no body stat listed on your application. If you're intentionally leaving these points for learning IC that's also fine, however if this is the case, please note it on your application as to avoid any confusion.

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