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Played Character Arya Silverstag | The Marken Magnet

This character is actively played.


Countess Silverberry
Jul 17, 2024
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

Character Information

Full Name:
Arya Silverstag

Heritage / Culture:
Imperial Ailor with Pre-Empire culture

The Stormenn are an extinct culture of Ailor of which barely any information survives. The name is often incorrectly attributed to the Stormenn Velheim who settled the region of Clannadh and Mannadh Alba, and moved south to make war with the Kintyr to push them out of these regions. These Velheim are called Stormenn specifically because they intermingled with the Stormenn people and took on many of their cultural customs. The Stormenn can best be described as giant-Ailor (though giant even is a bit of a misnomer since in general they were only up to a foot or two than the average Ailor). The Stormenn were stone carvers and menhir builders, creating vast structures of monoliths. They worshiped the mountain Gods, believing that each of the seven peaks of the Alban lands were a living God, and that the rumbling of earthquakes was their malcontent. They carved houses out of rock or lived in caves, but moved to living in stone-built houses when the Velheim arrived. The Stormenn culture is largely gone in the modern era, with only their stone-carving customs remaining among the Velheim who have Stormenn ancestry. These Velheim tend to be much taller than most Ailor, but with these body proportions also come physical ailments, sluggishness, and being clumsy. The Stormenn were not warriors, but artists, and while size gave them a certain advantage against the Breizh in conflict, generally the advances in weaponry and military techniques meant the Stormenn became easier to defeat even for short malnourished Breizh soldiers. When Ailor refer to "giants", they generally refer to the historical inference of the Stormenn. Ailor with Stormenn heritage lose Ailor Heritage Mechanic 5, and gain Urlan Heritage Mechanic 5.


Birthday: 25 September
Year born: 287

Gender / Pronouns:
Female, She/Her



Relationship started: 4 October



Character Occupation:
To be Determined

Character Title:

To be Determined


The Marken Magnet

Appearance Information:

Eye Color:

Skin Color:

brownish black

7 ft

Body Type:

Additional Features:
To be Determined

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:
  • Reading
  • Training

  • Mechanic 1: Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

  • Mechanic 2: Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

  • Mechanic 3: Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society, they must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.

  • Mechanic 4: Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.

  • Mechanic 5: Ailor have unusual religious flexibility due to their history. Ailor are able to follow two Religions at once, further than Religious Syncretism could allow, but this can never include Evolism or Pagan Faiths. If a second Religion is followed, the Character must declare one as "dominant" from which they receive the Religious Mechanic and Afterlife, and one "subdominant" (from which they get neither of these). Believers of the subdominant Religion can reject this faith sharing, but the Gods never will. Any other Mechanics that derive off faith will only apply to the dominant Religion.
Replaced with:
  • Urlan can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out of Combat dice roll Strength competitions.

  • Common
  • Sign language


Grew up and worked on a farm within Camborne before going out to explore the world, wanting to find her own way in life.

plot hooks:
  • Somewhat friendly in nature, especially if she sees the person isn't hostile towards her.

  • Trying to find a family to call her own.

  • Is open to Poly relationships, as long as those involved are alright with this.

  • First day in Regalia was rather eventful for the female. She encountered a marken within a few hours of being in the city and won a fight against it. She managed to knock the marken out in the process.

  • Arya got the nickname of 'The Marken Magnet' due to the female encountering the same marken 3 times within 2 days since arriving in Regalia.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7

Defense Stat: 5

[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
  • Careful Fighter Pack [ Melee ] [ Passive ] [ Free Pack ]
    • To gain a benefit from restraint, when the user would make an Opportunity Attack on an enemy, instead choose between two options. Either make the attack as normal, or do not make the attack, and gain 1 Block Token instead. Careful Fighter goes on Cooldown if either option is chosen. Careful Fighter has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Weapon Throw [ Melee ] [ instant ] [ Free Pack ]
    • To throw a side-weapon, use this Ability to make a Melee Attack against an enemy, with range of Emote Range. Also, make the roll with -2 to Attack Stat. Weapon Throw has a 30 minute cooldown.

  • Technique Parry [ Melee ] [ Counter ]
    • To defend against an attack, use this Ability as a reaction to protect the user only from the effects of an Instant or Movement Technique from Melee, Bruiser, Veteran, or Cutthroat Point Buy. Technique parry does not use an Action. Technique Parry has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Steady Body [ Athletic ] [ Counter ]
    • The user braces themselves against (or avoids) a single Displacement or Trapped Status Effect, rendering them immune to the Displacement or Trapped Status Effect only. The Ability that would apply it is still used as normal, and any other effects activate. After using this Technique, the user can perform a basic attack directly after. Steady Body has a 3 hour cooldown.

  • Bruiser Stance [ Stance ]
    • During Bruiser Stance, the user cannot use any Abilities from the following categories: Shielding Point Buy. While in Bruiser Stance, the user cannot have their Attack reduced by outside forces. Additionally, if the user's attacks would have their damage reduced or ignored by anything (except Block Tokens), the user gains +2 Attack Stat (breaks cap up to 11) for their next 3 Attack Emotes. Bruiser Stance can be maintained indefinitely and can only voluntarily be ended by the user, though when ended, Bruiser Stance goes on a 20 Minute Cooldown.

  • Bruiser Flurry Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Instant ]
    • To disrupt the battlefield, instantly displace all characters within range by 5 blocks backwards. If any Enemies within range had Block Tokens gained by Abilities, remove up to three of them, and grant them to the User instead. Bruiser Flurry has a 1 Hour cooldown.

  • Bruiser Slam Pack [ Bruiser ] [ Movement ]
    • To close the distance with a foe, leap in a straight line to an Enemy within Range without triggering Opportunity Attacks. If the Target has Block Tokens, one Block Token is immediately broken and the Brittle Status Effect is applied. If the Target has no Block Tokens, apply both the Prone and Brittle Status Effects. Bruiser Slam as a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Bruiser Agony pack [ Bruiser ] [ Passive ]
    • To heal on the edge of defeat, this ability activates automatically when the user is at 6 HP or less. The user's next successful Attack Emote heals the user by +2HP. If the attack upon the Target has a Block Token broken instead of losing HP, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Agony can only trigger once Per Combat.

  • Bruiser Feint Pack[ Bruiser ] [ Counter ]
    • To interrupt an enemy's attack, as a reaction, Stagger an enemy within range's Basic Attack or Instant Technique usage. Also, gain +2 Defense Stat (breaks cap up to 9) for the next 2 turns. If the target has any Block Tokens gained from Abilities, additionally apply the Brittle Status Effect. Bruiser Feint has a 2 Hour Cooldown.

  • Bruiser Tackle Pack[ Bruiser ] [ Instant ]
    • To use an enemy as a weapon, target an enemy within range, displace them backwards 5 Blocks and apply the Brittle Status Effect. If the target already has the Brittle Status Effect, deal a guaranteed Attack, and displace them 10 blocks. In either case, if the target hits another character before moving the full distance, also apply Brittle to that character. Bruiser Tackle has a 2 hour cooldown.
Constitution: 5
  • Iron Will Pack [ Training ] [ Passive ]
    • This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.

  • bulwark pack [ Training ] [ Passive ]
    • The user counts as an obstruction for enemies, blocking Line of Sight for Enemies within Range. Additionally, when an Enemy takes the Move action within Range, the user can apply the Prone Status Effect to them, without using an Action. This can only be done once per combat.

  • Interception [ Training ] [ Counter ]
    • As a reaction to an ally within range becoming the target of a Basic Attack, this Ability forces the user to be the target instead. If the user takes 3 or more damage from this Attack, grant the user 1 Block Token afterwards. Interception has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

  • Status Endure Pack [ Training ] [ Passive ]
    • When the user has a Status Effect removed from them by any means other than an Ability or the Status Effect activating (ex. timing out naturally, using an action to remove), increase the minimum of the user's Defense Rolls by +1 for the rest of Combat. This Ability can activate multiple times, but caps at a +4 Bonus. Status Endure had no Cooldown.

  • Rebound Pack [ Training ] [ Passive ]
    • As a reaction to the user being Displaced any number of blocks unwillingly, count the number of Blocks Displaced, and increase the distance of the user's next Move action by that number. Rebound has a 1 Hour Cooldown.

Intelligence: 2
  • Safeguard Pack
    • The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Mortisphage Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Mortisphages, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
  • Wardrobe Pack
    • The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 0


Found Family:
  • To be Determined
Close Allie/Friend:
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
  • To be Determined
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