Preserved Sheet Arthur Caro

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
☆════ ⋆★⋆ ════☆
Arthur Caro
☆════ ⋆★⋆ ════☆


[Pinterest] [Theme]
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Basic Information

  • Name: Arthur Caro
  • Age: 30
  • Date of Birth: May 16th, 278 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Archan Ailor
  • Culture: Anglian
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Shortsword or Light Crossbow or Puretek Demishot

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Skill Information
(50 points)
  • Ranged Combat
  • +12 Puretek Combat (+12 Points)
  • +4 Light Ranged Combat (+4 Points)
  • Melee Combat
  • +15 Sword Combat (+10 Points & +5 Racial Boost)
  • +2 Fist Combat (+2 Points)
  • Rougery Skill
  • +6 Rougery Abilities (+6 Points)
  • Rouge Gift 4
  • Wall Climb 3
  • Special Training
  • +10 Perception Training (+10 Points)
  • Culinary Art
  • +5 Cooking Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
  • +5 Baking Arts (+5 Hobby Points)
  • Arcanology
  • +6 Arcanology (+6 Points)
  • Artifacts Knowledge
  • Essence Knowledge
Body Shape:
  • 33 Combat = 30 Body Stat
  • Type: Ripped
  • Fat: Extremely Low Body Fat
  • Common [Free Language]
  • Anglian [Native Tongue]
Racial Abilities:
  • Ailor Abilities
  • Pure Body 1
  • Casting Light 1
  • Holy Manifestation 1
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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sea Blue
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Semi-Long & Wavy
  • Skin Color: Dirty-Pale
  • Clothing: Anything
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Personality Type
    • The Craftsman [ISTP] - ISTPs are mysterious and oft-misunderstood people. This personality type is typically defined by rationality and logic but is also capable of spontaneity and enthusiasm. The personality traits of the ISTP are tougher to recognize than those of other types. Even people who know the ISTP well cannot always anticipate their reactions. Deep down, ISTPs are spontaneous, unpredictable individuals, but they sometimes hide those traits from the outside world, favoring an approach of logic and culpability.
  • Religion
    • Sancellist Unionism [10/10]
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Life Story

0-18 Years Old

The morning brought a new dawn on May 16th, 279 AC within the land of Lokinge. The new-born baby was named Arthur Caro, a less Anglian-style name, who's grandfather was also named Arthur. As Arthur grew up, his grandfather decided to help teach the boy some viable lessons on their family farm. The boy was only 5, as they were ruled under House Harhold. Sadly, his connection with his grandfather would perish as the aging man passed away due to his old age. His grandson, who was only 7 at the time, took the loss the most. After his grandfather's death, he became spontaneous with emotions, prone to anger much quicker than before. However, after a few years, he'd discover that his grandfather was an ex-Darkwald Knight, who served for a long time until he met his wife and settled down. Arthur's time was spent on preparation for wanting to be like his grandfather, where he read some of his old books that spoke on techniques on swordsmanship. When he was ten, the boy managed to convince his father to buy him a used short sword and started practicing with it on and off while he was working in the kitchen with his mother. By the time he was 14, his father managed to contain enough money to send him off to Castle Virgadulvlas. The boy was nervous, but his excitement for a new life overbeared his courage as he'd run along through the forests, watching along for hints of trails until he'd make it to the Castle. In which, he was accepted as a Squire and sent inside. The first few years weren't anything unsual, as the boy learnt some basic knowledge of Vampire and Werebeast hunting while learning some arcanology. His studies mostly involved artifacts and how to fight off against multiple types of sorcery.

19-30 Years Old
At the age of 19, the boy was becoming closer and closer to a full Darkwald. However, during a low-rank assignment with his mentor, a New Regalian by the name of Karl of Calemberg, he and his mentor managed to find a Vampire that was hiding in the woods close by the Castle while trying to scout it lightly. But, with the help of Arthur, Karl managed to take it down. This proved his worth to the Order greatly, in which Arthur continued his path to Knighthood. Finally, at the age of 21, Arthur Caro became a Man-at-Arms for the Darkwald Order. He gathered his equipment and set off for his hunt for Vampires, first starting his way home to find his family barely surviving. He helped them sell their farm, deciding to move them to Calemburg to be treated better there and learn their ways. It was hard, but he left yet again as he'd stay within the country. During his hunts, Arthur found a vampire hunting local animals. In which, he managed to slay while losing his left ring finger. His hunting continued until he was 26, where he barely survived being hunted by three vampires. Thinking he was dead, they left him alone. Arthur was saved by a couple of travelers, who took him to the nearest town to recover. He hid himself of being a Knight, as he feld ashamed of himself. He slowly recovered from his wounds to work as a chef at a small inn, deciding to move to Regalia. Being 28 years old, Arthur moved to Regalia to try and live a new life as a small-time Chef, due to his prior experience with cooking what he could get from the local market and his farm. When he arrived, he instead found his work under a noble house named House Morgann. Arthur's time didn't last long, as he was only there for a few months before deciding to leave. However, during his time under the noble house, he sparred with an old Viridian Knight, who wanted to test the House Guards. So, he used the spars to gain some type of experience on how to fight better. Now, after two years, he has managed to get some money through working at local restaurants as a Chef. However, with his new returning of his line as a Darkwald, he had decided to work alongside the Ivory Company, overseeing how they worked from afar while still acting upon his duties. But, he has recently been given a Puretek Permit by the Belliard Representative. Now, he is waiting for his Demishot Puretek to come in, in which he'd begin to start using it when it came in.
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I am in need of a new reviewer for my character, I decided to turn them from a normal peasant into a Darkwald Knight.. that can see be seen as peasant!
Claimed for review.​
@fantuinn With the new Ranged Combat update, and him getting a Puretek Permit, I decided to move 6 of the original points from Crossbow, putting 4 into Puretek Combat while putting the extra 2 in the spare pool for later use. Most likely for an increase in skill for the Puretek. (Edit) - Also added in that he ordered it, in which I'm planning on waiting a week oocly for it to come in.
@MrNoot1 Arcanology and Roguery are both misspelled on your proficiencies.