Art Peice Contest...sorta...thingy


Dec 4, 2014
Reaction score

I'm looking for something else to draw...I'd like it to be a weapon of some kind. I'm open to anything. If anyone has a rp character that uses a weapon that they have grown fond of and would like it drawn, give me a little info about your rp character and a short description of the weapon. If I chose you, you will get a hand drawn picture free of charge and I will send you a message asking for more details to have them ready and maybe a few example photos (Example: for a bow have a example of the type of handle grip and one of some carvings you would like...)

Character Blurp Example:
Rp Name:
History: one paragraph summery
Personailty: One short paragraph

Weapon Description Example:
Small, Medium or large (weight wise)
Long, Medium or short?
What its made of...
Any decorations... colored gems? colored metal? carvings?

Some Examples:
Potato.jpg My Verson of the Dauth Bow.jpg
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I dunno if I've seen anyone using hammers about as weapons. But I have seen axes, swords, scythes, bows, whips, knives, and staves as weapons.

I have a character that totes around a set of brass knuckles, myself. :P
Rp Name: John Sasindota
Age: 29
History: Born to a military family in Ithania, he exercise from his uncle and father, ex-marines. His mother and aunt really ignited an enjoyment of baking for him and at 17 was allowed to go to culinary school. Graduating at 22, he then travelled across the Daendroc Supercontinent until he was 25. He then returned to his family before travelling briefly through the Northern area of Aloria and then went to Regalia. He's been there ever since, occasionally returning home.
Race: Ailor Human
  • Joyful- He a joyful person with little hate in his life normally, mostly choosing to let negative things go
  • Fierce- In contrast to his joy, he can be very fierce and over the top if he is severely insulted or believes in a cause enough
  • Overcautious- He does not like to rush into things, preferring instead to take a step back and look at the whole situation before proceeding
  • Stubborn- He is a very stubborn person and dislikes to compromise with most things, especially his cooking
  • Compassionate- He is a kind soul, giving to those who have little, a trait he quickly adapted while on his journeys and was seen quite a bit in the Poor District where he once ran his Bakery
  • Reserved- He says little, only sayings things essential to the task at hand and does not beat around the bush when saying so
  • Direct- He is often very direct when he speaks, getting the point across and not caring if he offends anyone in the process
  • Loyal- He is loyal to his homeland, his fellow Ithanians (when they are in the right), the Emperor and to those who earn his trust, no one else
Weapon: His crossbow "Feu de Fer"
Small, Medium or large (weight wise): Medium
Long, Medium or short?: Medium
What its made of...: Wood and Iron
Any decorations... colored gems? colored metal? carvings?: It was made by Dwarvish smiths and probably has some nice detail work. I'd like it to have a dragon design incorporated somewhere on it, weather in the wood or the stirrup or some other place you'd think works for you. The iron is simply a dull grey and the wood a deep brown.
Character Blurp Example: Don't really have a picture of him, however there is a character application.
Rp Name: William Watson
Age: 44
History: William is the second born in his family making him have no claims to the family brewery, as such he would openly seek out adventures to make a name for himself. William got married at a young age and had two little girls, abandoning his two brothers and the rest of his family as he went to a life with his wife and two girls. He took up the trade of a bounty hunter, or mercenary of some kind, taking on a harsh life leaving his family for long periods of time to do hard job. William risked his life fighting orcas and other such things just to make a living for his family. William and his two daughters however left their home and return to the rest of their family once William wife had passed away from a horrid illness. Upon arriving in Regalia William stayed with his cousins David, Oliver, Randolf and etc., he was then adviced to join the guards by David, this brings events up to current day.
Race: Ailor Male Human
Personality: William is a blunt old fashion man who's very protective of his two daughter and the rest of his family. Being in his older years William is a grim and stern looking man who's at times rather cold as his duty as a guard it always put before him. Despite being a grim rugged man William does have a very humorist and childish side when it comes to joke around with his family and friend. Being in the guards William is a very athletic man, who tries to be in charge of any situation that comes up making him a authoritarian figure, or so he tries to be.
Weapon Description Example: William's weapon of choice his a massive war hammer, the hammer in which he uses the most would be a Coen Forged Hammer named "Peacekeeper". It would be a hammer with a blunt end and on the other a pike of some sort. The hammer itself would be made from perhaps a Damascus steel or something along the lines of that. The hammer would be a heavy weapon that takes a lot of force to swing, with a handle that's quite long and can be hooked onto ones back. The only details or special things I would know about the hammer would be that there's a few elegant engravings on the hammer. Other then this the rest of the hammer would be open to interpretation.

(Also thank you @LilDipper_ for finding this!)