Preserved Sheet Arran Black | The Viridian

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Mar 29, 2015
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Basic Information (Required)
  • Full Name: Arran Jay Black
  • Age: Thirty-four.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Ailor (Alt-Regalian).
  • Main Ambition: Ensure the protection of his family and friends well serving the Empire.
  • Special Permission: Viridian Champion.
  • Origins: Dragenthal, Narlas.
  • Religion: Strict-Unionist.
  • Languages: Alt-Regalian, Common.
Skill Information (Optional)
  • School: School of Viridian.
  • Level: Champion.
  • Source Viridian Academy located in Regalia.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sky-blue.
  • Hair Color: Jet-Black.
  • Hair Style: Messy.
  • Skin Color: Alt-Regalian pale.
  • Clothing: A black overthrow jacket with a right undershirt.
  • Height: 6'3
  • Body Build: Ripped.
  • Weapon of Choice: Longsword and Heater Shield.

Visual Information Extended
  • Arran's face may not seem one of a fighter, as it is very clean or otherwise scar-less. Overall, his head is very angular, coming to a very narrow chin. Aaron's beard is something he is very proud of as he has well-kept not only a mustache but a beard for awhile, along with his sideburns that just barely join with the beard as a whole. His hair is the opposite of what his beard may look like, as it is messy and let loose atop his head.
  • Unlike Arran's face, his body is worn like any warriors would be, the well-built man has scars along his back and chest. And Arran has tried to hide them with tattoo's, various ones being of the entire Hohe Erhen code along with his forearm, and his family's surname plastered on the top of his back. Anything with some significance in Arran's life is usually crafted into a creative tattoo on his body.
  • Arran's clothes are rather simple Alt-Regalian type clothes, not to say Arran has no style, he holds some originality with some bronze trimmings here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary for a member of the Black family. He worries about more important things than getting his style down pat and making himself look 'individual' per say. Overall, Arran enjoys the clothing he wears and usually will never complain about what is in his closet.
  • Arran's voice is somewhat deep with a Ceardian accent, despite his Alt-Regalian roots, he spends more time around the Heartland-Ceardian part of his family then the Alt-Regalish side. That being said Arran may seem quiet at first, but when he does need to get attention or shout he can do so in a very assertive manner.

Personality and Abilities
  • First Paragraph: Arran wasn't the same jovial boy when returning back home, his years of non-stop training and competitiveness led him to change his ways. Upon meeting the Black you will notice how staunch the man is, always referring to a person's title, even to his friends he is very respectable and well-kept. This being said, after a little while of getting to know Arran you'll notice how he is genuine and sincere when the man does speak. Overall, Arran is a respectable man who doesn't look to make a fool of himself or be sarcastic when not neccessary.
  • Second Paragraph: A true heart of a Viridian, inside Arran, feels the need to serve the Empire and protect his family. He struggles with influences by his family that doesn't really match with his overall goal of serving the Empire the way he wants to and sometimes feels down that he is probably one in very few Viridans in the family. The Blacks have been through a considerable amount, from Travis's death to an accusation based on Chris breaking the first creed and through all of this Arran has a want to help out the family where he can. Something that Arran does struggle with is relating with the family since of his unique skill set he really has no set place for him to act or be. Overall, Arran tries hard to serve his family but also struggles to find a place within the Blacks for him to serve.
  • Third Paragraph: Arran chooses friends who have similar interests as him, or otherwise agree with his way of thinking most of the time. This usually results in a strong bond with this person which only grows as the year's pass. Arran also decided to stay away from people who have a result of causing harm or are known troublemakers because he feels the people who you surround yourself with have a strong influence on your life, because of these restrictions Arran has few friends and fewer lovers. With that said his own family holds their place in his mind. The family is something Arran struggles to understand at times, their sarcastic or rather energetic way about them and their love for the sea was never something Arran fully understood. That being said he still loves them, and he has forced himself to try and understand them and how they have made a name for themselves.
  • Fourth Paragraph: Arran lives and breaths to serve the Empire when needed. He finds that people who don't make an attempt to serve are trouble and should be looked upon as such. The Black believes that everyone is born good, but their path and influences on life lead to bad actions in the future so he tends to carefully inspect people before making solid friendships. Overall, Arran doesn't trust those who he believes doesn't have good intentions.
  • Fighting: Spending eighteen years in the Viridian castle comes with a lot of skill. Still training day to day Arran has definitely earned his title of Paladin. This being said, he offers a spar to anyone who can equally match his skill, or who he thinks can. Overall, through his various spars and training, Arran can be considered a well-taught opponent.
  • Truehearted: Through his years of dedication to his skill, he has crafted the talent of being ardent to groups or people. Eighteen years in a castle, training and perfecting his form and discipline, meaning that he is dedicated and loyal to what he does. Overall, Arran is truehearted to groups and people all the same, but most importantly he is loyal to his family.
  • Competitive: Over the years, Arran has earned a lot of good strengths, but with strength comes weakness and in Arran's case this is no exception. His competitiveness out-shines everything and when challenged or otherwise shown-up the Black tends to overwork himself to be the very best he can be. This often hurts more than it helps, this is most likely the reason for the man to make enemies.

Gordon Black (Father): Gordon Black was Arran's father, the man was a naval commander and wanted for his son to follow his footsteps into the Navy. To this day there is tension between him and Arran for choice in school.

Geneva Black (Mother): Arran's loving mother, always giving into the boy. Arran and Geveva hold a long lasting relationship ever since she persuaded her demanding husband to give into Arran's begging to become a Paladin in the Viridian Order.

Travis Black (Dead Cousin): Arran and Travis were somewhat close before Arran left for school. Arran was extremely saddened by his death, and that was the only day Arran skipped training.

Christopher Black (Cousin/Patriarch): Chris is a mixed bag with Arran as he cannot seem to figure the man out. He takes his advice how it is and obeys the man's command when asked, but he seemingly doesn't know if he is serious half the time.

Elizabeth Black (Cousin): He finds the girl is trapped in an ever running cycle of happiness and depression, just within the few days with the girl he has realized that she gets herself into weird situations. He loves the girl and asks her for advice at times, but wonders how Chris hasn't gone crazy from dealing with her issues.


Reimund d'Vaud: A fellow knight, and seemingly the first Viridian Arran has met in Regalia outside his academy. Seemingly starting to grow a strong liking for the knight as time goes on.

Orlin Wodenstaff: Orlin was an interesting case for him, he realized diversity in Regalian nobility through him and his school of choice. He enjoys his company and conversation with the young man.


Life Story

The Birth:

  • Born in Dragenthal, Narlas to Gordon and Gevena Black in 271 A.C a year after Christopher, the heir to Travis Black was born.
  • Spent his childhood fooling around alongside his cousins, being the only child came to little drawbacks as he was alongside his cousins for most of his child life.
  • Sent to preliminary school at the age of eight until the age of twelve, studying the very basics of history, math, sciences, and language arts.
The Decision:
  • At the age of thirteen Arran abandoned the idea of going into the navy, he found dis-interest in it and decided to research combat schools instead, looking into specifically the School of Viridian.
  • He approached his father with the idea several months later after hearing and reading stories about the knights. He was immediately put down by his strict father, denying him of attending at the time.
  • Arran had his mind set on attending this school, he begged each and every day until his mother demanded her husband to let him attend the school, several fights later it happened. His father reluctantly agreed to send him on his way to the School of Viridian only if he worked the rest of his year with his father out at sea in hopes to change his mind.
  • Arran practically ignored his father's views the whole trip. Finding the sailors and the work displeasing by the year's end Arran still had his mind set on one thing and that was attending the Viridian Order.
  • At the age of fourteen, he was sent off to what was to be eighteen years of schooling.
The Beginning:
  • As soon as he got to the Viridian castle in Regalia he found it to be overwhelming and was very home sick the very first days, his whiny behavior got the other boys to see him as an easy target to harass.
  • About two years after, his depression turned into nothing as it was filled with competitive rage brought forth by the other students, simply put he trained hard and trained a lot.
  • The hardest thing for Arran to wrap his mind around was the courtesy lessons. Well he could be out training he was stuck inside learning titles and manners, this irked him
  • slightly and failed some of the tests set forth by the Order.
  • Some years later he did find his footing with his mannerisms, not overly so but Arran learned to accept that he had to deal with it.
  • At the age of twenty-one, Arran officially graduated from the Viridian Order, but by no means was he returning home just yet. Frequently returning to the Viridian castle for more training and tournaments.
  • During the midsts of his tournaments, Arran created a quite the name for himself from his quick winnings and pins in the pit.
  • At the age of thirty-one the death of Travis Black shook Arran hard, one of the few days he held off training and mourned for his cousins lose.
  • Arran officially earned what he set out for, the rank of Paladin at the age of thirty-two. He had finally eased up and taken a small break from his work at the castle, making his way off to Narlas to visit his family.
The Present:
  • After two years of back and forth trips from Dragenthral to Regalia, Arran ultimately decided to stay in Regalia and seek out the rest of his Patriarch there.
  • Chris decided to let Arran reform the Black's house guard, and so he did.


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Fortunate timing is fortunate, I have enough time leftover on my break to do your review so without further ado, here's what I got.


Nice job.