Shelved Character Arkeliam Isvaalaran

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Still lost in the void
Dec 4, 2023
Reaction score
"Every farewell is a lesson in strength"
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Character's information
"But a dagger in the heart"═─

Full Name: Arkeliam Isvaalaran
Aliases: Ark (short name), The wandering tragedy (as known in Northbelt), Arqelian Isvaelarian ul-arajtel (Full name)​

Race / Culture:
Isldar (Bene Vixit)​

Age: 71 (240 a.C.)
Physical age: 27​

Gender / Pronouns:
Male (he/him)​

Draconism (public knowledge)​


>Core Concept

Arkeliam Isvaalaran is an average Isldar dedicated to guiding those who have lost their way, as himself in the past, and protecting the rightful and noble causes. A wise man whose long life have shown him that violence only leads to more violence; as such, he has only used it when absolutely needed.

─═"Beware the mask that hides multiple sins"═─

Arkeliam is an average height Isldar with dark purple eyes and a snow-like, soft, and silky hair, his hands have been mutated, making them grow dark and grey. Ark can be seen walking around with a common white shirt covered with a blue starshimmer cape with star patterns and golden details. He has a smell like steamed flowers, but his magic has been described to smell like smoke and ashes, with a dark and dense color, like coal or black smoke.


Ark presents himself as a medic and an amateur astronomer, ready to help others if needed. If someone he values is in need or in danger, he will not doubt to help in whatever form he can. Apart from that, he considers himself neutral in any conflict or problem that does not affect him directly; for example, when it comes to the problem of the occult, he will defend any law or action taken in favor of them.

Combat style

Spellblade caster


Magic: 6

· Magic Point Buy

o Magic Summon

o Magic Warp

o Magic Counter

o Magic Snare

o Magic Shove

o Magic Isolate

Constitution: 5

· Shielding Point Buy

o Shield Block (Free)

o Shield Deflect

o Shield Bunker

o Shield Wall

o Shield Slam

· Training Point Buy

o Rebound

Wisdom: 2

· Chem Point Buy

o Chem Bang

o Technique Parry

Intelligence: 1

· Adapt Point Buy

o Wardrobe Pack (Magical variation)

Strength: 0

· Athletics Point Buy

o Building Scale (Isldar)

Dexterity: 0

· Roguery Point Buy

o Soft Landing (Isldar)







Plot hooks
─═"The scales of life rarely balance perfectly"═─

  • Arkeliam has lived in most of Northbelt, where he came to be known by some as the Wandering Tragedy.
  • Ark has done terrible things in the past, the thoughts of which still haunt him, a crack on the porcelain's mask useful to his enemies.
  • For the standarts of Regalia, Ark is a very wealthy man; from where does he get his funding is unkown.
Arkeliam grew up in Ellador, specifically in one of the crystal spires located near Dorkarth's border with what would later be known as Islavaal. Since he was little, Ark trained his magic with the guidance of his father and the elders on the spire, refining it as much as he could and forging the ten thimbles he uses when doing magic. When he was 17, Ark became the messenger of his tower, in charge of communicating with the other spires across the wasteland of Ellador.

It was in one of his crusades, while returning to his home, when Arkeliam was informed that his spire was raided by vampires, who massacre all within his home. This resulted in Arkeliam going out for vengeance as he and some of his closest allies raided the vicinities of Dorkarth's. But this did not heal the wound, so he searched the wisdom of the priests and elders of the Moon Vault. They told him a verdict that he could have not foreseen and that still haunts him to this day:

"Upon our sacred judgment, it is decreed that your sole path to healing lies in departing from Ellador. Journey southward to Northbelt, where another spire awaits to mend your grievous wounds. Return not to these lands, for your destiny lies elsewhere."

Arkeliam, now without home, family, or place to belong, departed from Ellador, visiting The Cains's spire first, where the division between the people were as clear as the night sky; he departed to the small island of Barratt, where the natives did not welcome him. Then Ark reached Hvitskag's spire, where he lived for a decade before moving on to Middeskag's. Again, he tried to resolve the ever-growing conflict between groups, resulting in an attack on the spire and Ark's name getting stained as "the wandering tragedy."

Finally, Arkeliam reached Nordskag's most southern spire, after 30 years of wandering from nation to nation since his exile. Now in his fifties, Ark grew interested in medicine and so he studied it for more than a decade until, in 309 a.C., the frost choice happened, and a great number of the spire's inhabitants turned into Rexit, including his closest friends. He left, sailing from the coast to the small island of Èriu-Innis and then fleeting east, to the Holy City…

  • Arkeliam wears a pendant on his forehead, it is a very sentimental object as it belonged to his father.
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Edit 25/1/24

Added combat style
Changed proficiencies to match c.s.
Changed history for the sake of the lore

P.S. Thanks to Chapterdeath for the help!

Edit 19/5/24
Remaked character to be playeable

Edit 20/6/24
Character shelved for the time being
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