Preserved Sheet Aribri’lya Hállëvandëia

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Tree-Hugging Tea Addict
Oct 19, 2018
Reaction score








The Sun will rise

and we will try again.

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  • Full name: Aribri'lya Hállëvandëia
  • Nicknames: Ari, Bree
  • Age: 56
  • Birthday: August 18th
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Cielothar
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Small dagger





Face the light, and the shadows

will always fall behind you.

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  • Small dagger
  • Leather-bound notepad
  • Charcoal pencil
  • Feather pen
  • Coinpurse [30 Regals]
  • Compact circular mirror



Total Points: 60 Total [56 From Age + 4 Bonus] +10 Hobby Points
  • +5 Fast Blade Combat Skill
  • +4 Athletic Training
  • +7 Lightgiver Ritualism Skill
  • +8 Literary Arts
  • +10 Musical Arts [Hobby Points]
  • +10 Medical Sciences
  • +10 Nature Care Sciences
  • +8 Nature Sorcery
  • +8 Lightness Sorcery
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 12 [8/2 Athletic Training+ 8 Fast Blades]
  • Body Shape: Slim
  • Body Fat: Low
  • Common
  • Plains Elven [First Language]



Nature Sorcery:
  • Evergrowth
  • Woodland Grace

Lightness Sorcery:
  • Healing Grace
  • Light's Sustenance

  • Exist Purify
  • Exist Carry
  • Exist Airing





Leave no path


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  • Eye Color: Jade green
  • Hair Color: Chestnut blonde
  • Hair Style: Pinned back or let down
  • Skin Color: Tanned
  • Clothing:
  • Height: 5 feet 6 inches





Sometimes sadness is merely a reminder

that you're still living.

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The Core List

  • Alignment: Chaotic Good
    • Aribri'lya is inherently a good person with a strong moral compass, but her free spirit could sometimes go against the order of society. She is a firm believer in freedom to decide one's own actions, even if they don't conform to expectation.
  • Personality Type: NFP-A
    • Aribri'lya is, by definition, a mediator. Someone who constantly is searching for the good in everything, with a desire to spread joy and ease conflicts. No matter her actions and decisions, they are always pure of heart.
  • Religion: Estel Worship [9/10]
    • Aribri'lya is a devout worshiper of Estel, but in desperate times, may find herself having thoughts of doubt about Estel's divinity and her ability to be a faithful follower. However, it is rare for that to occur, so the Cielothar remains loyal to the religion.





Rain falls and flowers


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Aribri'lya was born on August 18th, to two Cielothar in a small farming village built besides a river. The first five years of her life were blissful and carefree, but the peace was short-lived when tragedy struck and left Ari alone in the world. After her parent's death, she was forced to fend for herself, living off the mercy of strangers and the small bits of food they would toss to her when she scurried from village to village. Families would briefly take her in for a few days at a time, often leaving her to spend long nights alone in sheds or barns instead of providing her a place inside their home.

The naive Cielothar was far too trusting of strangers, a flaw that landed her in terrible situations more than once. After living through the first few years of homelessness, she began to understand that in order to survive, she would have to resort to other methods. Slowly, her pattern of living began to shift, and the young Nelfin grew cold to the outside world. Less trusting than ever, she abandoned her faith in others and instead relied on herself. Instead of begging for mere scraps of stale bread, she'd sneak past shop windows and swipe food straight from the displays. At night, she'd crawl into the home's of others and gather valuables to sell. Rarely did she ever resort to violence, but unfortunate situations did arise now and then. For that reason, Ari began training herself with a small dagger she stole off a merchant, learning a bit of skill with the weapon over the next few years.

It wasn't until one fateful day that Ari's life changed forever. The Cielothar snuck on to a wagon travelling up the river and found herself in a village mainly inhabited by Yanar. Adorning rags and makeshift shoes, she scurried past marketplace shops and selected a target. A bakery had just laid out their selection of bread for the day, and Ari was starving. The scrawny Cielothar charged past her victim, a Yanar who had just picked up her order, and snatched the loaf right out of her hand! But it wasn't the shopkeeper who chased her down. Instead, the Yanar spun around and ran after, eventually catching up. Yet, she didn't appear mad. Instead, she took great pity on Ari and decided to take her in and raise her as her own.

Aribri'lya was only 15 when Kara adopted her into the family, and spent the years after re-adjusting to the life of love and caring that she had entirely forgotten. Affection was slowly re-instilled in the Cielothar, and slowly she learned to be gentle and kind once again, abandoning her ways of thievery. The Hállëvandëia family mentored her on many things, but the Cielothar quickly developed an intense passion for botany and literature. She spent years studying plants and writing research papers on her findings, particularly focusing on the aspect of using plants as medicine. After many years she became a functioning herbalist, taking after her mother as medic. Along the way, she befriended a musician and exchanged her skills as a medic to learn how to play the lute. He mentored her and she attended to his ill family in return.

Despite having learned lots, she failed to feel satisfied with her abilities. A fascination of sorcery gew within her as she learned more about her mother's magickal talents, and insisted she was taught sorcery as well. With the aid of her mother and other sorcerers in the large family, she learned spells of both Nature and Lightness sorcery. Additionally, she was also taught Lightgiver Ritualism by her mother. Using her ritualism, she applied several exist mutations on herself, including Exist Purify, Carry, and Airing.

Aribri'lya traveled to Regalia with her adoptive family, taking up residence in Petal Court. The shock of moving to entirely new, strange place stunned the poor Cielothar and left her as a recluse, hiding within the house for continuous weeks, hunched over research papers. She rarely left the protection of her home but remained glued to the windows, reliant on the comfort of sunlight against her skin. Eventually, she was convinced by her mother to venture out into the city and meet others. Ari vowed to do her best at the task of spreading joy around the city with her presence, after deciding that in such a time of crisis and tragedy, happiness was needed more than ever.​
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Here is my review:
  • This applications is very well put together! However, the Personality and Abilities section is a tad short -- I'll ask that you include at least two sentences per point here.
Once you've made this small edit, tag me, and I'll have no issues marking you as approved!