Argost Lore: Memory

Jul 19, 2014
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"It's a long drop," Mathias mused as the two crossed the expanse of the entrance hall.

Four walkways diverged from the centre of the chasm, from a central pillar of stone and polished iron that glowed with a silver tint. On each side of the walkways, darkness shrouded the steep drop below, concealing a death of jagged rocks and stone.

"Excellent observation." William quipped.

"You ever had someone… fall down there?"

"Almost did once. Turns out that Argost's finest brew, two idiots and a pit of death don't mix."

The two laughed at that as they approached the great gate, a glow of orange and purple shining through the gaps signifying the end of another day in Essalonia. Mathis and William were met with a rumble as the wooden gate descended into the ground beneath them.

"Why's the gate opening?" Mathias asked as William greeted the steel-clad dwarves entering the hold.

"Safer beneath the mountain. Warmer, too. Most of the dwarves that came with us from Hadar live within the fortress, but there are still crops to tend and livestock to feed." William explained as he leant against one of the pillars by the now descended gate.

"I suppose tha-"

The deep reverberation of a horn cut off Mathias mid-sentence as the sound echoed through the chasm and into the starlit forest that encircled the gate. William knew its purpose, though Mathias did not.

"Are we under attack?" Mathias' hand snapped to the hilt of his sheathed sword in a fluid, rehearsed motion.

William chuckled at that, as did the guardsmen on duty around them.

"Are you at war with Humorrin hospitality?"

Mathias understood before long, laughing with them at his initial response to the sound. William gave one last look to the dark of the forest, before striding towards the smells emanating from the other side of the halls.


The warmth of the dining hall struck William like a wave as he found a seat near the head of the table. As the food and drink flowed onto the tables of the hall, so too did the gossiping and political talk.

"This… new Insani. What changed them?" William asked across the table as Terro helped himself to a cut of red beef.

"New leadership." Mathias drank at length from his cup before continuing.

"Ronaen is- well. Ronaen is dead."

"Ronaen." William repeated the name to himself as he remembered the wars of Hadar only a few months prior.

"You knew him?"

"Once. An enemy, then an ally. Then enemies again. Never a dull moment with Insani, I suppose."

A silence drowned out the gossiping and talk of the dwarves across the table between the two, as William focused on his ale, and Mathias his steak. Mathias broke the silence.

"Ronaen and I never agreed on much. On anything, really." He stopped midsentence, as if registering William's accusatory glances towards him.

"But I would never have murdered him. Or sacked Lamplight and pillaged its citizens and coffers."

Then who did? He wrestled with the thought.

"Who heads this new leadership?" he asked, hoping to change the topic away from Ronaen's murder.

"Theon, Athius. Last of the line, or so I'm told."

He said nothing, turning his attention to the cup of ale before him as Mathias continued.

"Ambitious, like his father. Warmonger. And a threat to the both of us."

"Sounds like you have experience with him." William replied, refilling his cup with a dark ale. Perhaps not the best choice given the heat of the room but refreshing nevertheless.

"Too much, you could say. I have killed his men, and he's killed mine. Once, I even saved his life."

"You'll have to tell me that story." William laughed.

"And you?" Mathias asked after a long pause, grabbing a leg of mutton from a basket to his left.

"What about me?" William replied, looking directly at Mathias for perhaps the first time that night.

"Why Belegost? Why Argost?"

William thought long on that. The "why" of something was often the hardest to answer, he'd found. He stared into the dark surface of the ale, before finishing the cup in one draught.

"I… wasn't always here. With dwarves, I mean. Some boys wish to be Viridians, great knights of honour and glory. Others great captains and seafarers, exploring uncharted waters and territory. Some might even wish to be the Emperor one day."

"And you?" Mathias repeated.

"I suppose… I suppose I wanted to be free. An inn behind and the forests ahead, with my sword and wits to see me through the day. Fighting the good fight on my own terms, whatever they were."

William looked up to wait for Mathias' interjection, but he could tell the Jerusalem leader was intent on listening. So, he continued.

"So, when the mercenaries and sell-swords descended on the Bloodcast castle grounds like vultures to carrion, naturally I was enchanted by their promises. A life of adventures and heroism, and a bit of coin in it too if you so fancied."

William filled his cup again.

"Eventually, I joined. 18. I gave my farewells to my mother and father, sparred my brother for the last time in the yards of the Bloodcast castle. Drank one last toast with my friends of 4 years- Vienne and Eira and Allister and Rhett and others who I've forgotten. Began the fabled life of adventure I'd always wanted."

William glanced at Mathias and could tell he was considering his words.

"I know what you might ask. If it was everything I'd hoped for, everything I had aspired to be."

William laughed at the memory, though the sound was without warmth or substance.

"The whole truth? I didn't even touch my sword for the first 6 months. Thought I would live the rest of my days as William Arnyn, champion of the latrine pits. Sentinel of the pottery. First time I did, he was unarmed. Some common thief trying his luck at the larder we were transporting."

"You always remember your first." Mathias agreed.

"The history books never tell you about the eyes. Glassy. Peerless."

The silence crept back into their conversation as they mulled over their drinks and thoughts. The crackling of torches and the clamouring sounds of the other table guests filled the air, yet the silence prevailed.

"Wasn't all bad, though. Made friends. Made enemies. Made plenty of coin too, I suppose."

"Where are they now? The friends."

"They died. Eventually the enemies did too, sword-wielding, drunk and shirtless though they were."

Even now, he could feel the blood pound in his ears, feel his jaw clench and unclench with fervour. He tried not to show it.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Mathias said with a solemn tone, his voice a contrast to the jovial atmosphere of the dining hall.

"Don't be. Was years ago, anyway." William tried his best to flash a grin in his direction.

Naturally, the conversation quietened after that, even as the table remained as lively as ever around them. It was an uncomfortable silence, he admitted to himself. Wasn't a surprise when Mathias tried to break it. And break something he did.

"So… meet any girls in your life as an adventurer?" Mathias gave a grin in William's direction.

The pounding resumed. In his heart, and in his ears. He felt his hand shake like wind beaten sails as his innocent enough question flooded him with memories. Drowning in the memories. Dragging him down to a watery grave. He needed to swallow, but his throat betrayed him.

"Just-. Just… the one."

"What was she like?" Mathias seemed oblivious to the flood. To the water. It was all around them, how could he be?

"She?" There was no more girl, only the water.

"The girl you met."



He needed air.

"Is everything alright William?"

Somewhere far off he felt the cup slip from his hands. His cold, useless hands. He observed it and almost laughed.

"Dropped the cup."

"Are you sure you're feeling okay?"


He was dead. Mathias was dead. She was dead. They were all dead. The laughter and talk of the hall faded to screams. Melodic screams.

In an instant, he felt his knee collide with the hardwood floor as he struggled out of the room. Or perhaps it was an eternity. It mattered little.

"My lord?" He heard faintly as he ran. Stumbled. Escaped his grave. His fate. Her fate.


He felt his legs trip over the dividing line between the feast and central hall. The smoothed stone and blue-silver carpet rushed up to meet him as he fell. A bassy note of urgency rang through the hall as he stumbled to his feet and leant against the walkway railing for support.

"The horn- it's blowing!"

"Horn? What horn?"

"My daughter. Where is my daughter?" William heard, somewhere near the entrance to the living quarters.

"Rolf, I can' find me axe! Has anyone seen it- green handle, big!" came from the armoury.

"Spare gear in my forge. Axes on the back wall, and…"

Thara's voice trailed off as the shouting began once more. He needed to move- he was useless leaning here. He clutched the railing as he trudged towards the forge- towards the voices.

"Harran, find any men you can and lead them to the gate. Everyone else, arm yourselves or retreat to the vaults. We will sound the horn again once it is safe."

"Where is Lord Stormheart?"

"Leading the defence!" shouted one.

"I saw 'im with the vanguard, all fierce like!" shouted another to cheers.

"Who are we fighting?" Mathias' voice rang clear through the shouting of the halls.

"My lord, you are a guest. I can't-"

"Commander. And I'll be damned if I don't help my allies."

"Very well. You have a weapon?"


"Aye. Get what you need and meet me by the gate. I lost my brother to these f*ckers. Time to crack skulls."


"Wyvern. Where is Lord Arnyn?"

"Something happened. He went that way, didn't say why."

"Find him and tell him the vanguard need him at the front. With haste, commander."

"Ragnar, Henrik! I need you to go to… get the… meet at-"

The voice faded as his legs slowly returned to normal, and the noises of a fortress under siege grew louder. Always louder.

TL;DR Hot damn that's a long lore post sorry guys ahhahha but nah basically long story short Jerusalem and Argost were like suhhh and then DnM shite happened and people were having anxiety attacks and then an actual attack is happening and Wyvern are at our gates and all the gang are coming together to fight some angry trick-or-treaters at our gates so ye all in all pretty solid story

Part 2 will have the actual battle bit ey
@Sephite @MazzerDK @MyCatBubbles
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Damn, all that dwarf stuff, I play a humorrin dwarf, shame I'm in a different faction :< very nice read btw