Preserved Sheet Aren Sterke-enn

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Aug 5, 2015
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ur nan ;)

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⋟ Full Name: Aren Hakanson Brandr Sterke-enn
» Aliases: Oddvar, Brandr
» Pronunciation: Aaah-ren

⋟ Age: 38
» Birthday: November 5th 270AC
» Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

⋟ Gender: Male

⋟ Race: Ailor
» Culture: Velheim
» Bolven Lineage

⋟ Sexuality: "Wouldn't you like to know."

⋟ Preferred Weapon: Fists or Twin axes

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Total Points: 50 + 10 Hobby Points

⋟ Core Category
» +15 Fist Combat
» +10 Axe Combat
» +5 Dagger Combat

» +4 Bodycare Training
» +3 Linguistics
» +3 Roguery
Rogue Gift IV
⋟ Hobby Category
» +5 Hunting Art (+5 Invested)
» +10 Wooden Art (+10 Hobby Points)
» +5 Baking Art (+5 Invested)
⋟ Body Shape
»Physical Stat: 35
»Body Shape: Muscular
»Body Fat: Low

⋟ Languages
»Common (learned in childhood)
»Skodje (Native Tongue)
»D'Ithanie (From travels, Linguistics)

⋟ S
pecial Traits/Spells/Mutations

⋟ Racials
» Body Morph I
» Super Self I
» Super Self III​

⋟ Strength of the Ursarr
» Black Steel Claws
» Ursine Hibernation

» Ursarr Strenght
⋟ Stalk of the Wolverine
» Scattering Claws

⋟ Hunt of the Bear-Dog
» Iron Jaws
⋟ Leap of the Fossa
» Leaping Freedom
» Forever Behind

oul Drain - Werebeast Spell - Direct Touch
Normal Shift - Constant Passive - Self
Halfbeast Shift - Beast Shift - Self
Beastmode Shift - Beast Shift - Self

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⋟ Eye Color: Cool Cinnamon

⋟ Hair Color: Rust Red

⋟ Hair Style: Clean and combed back E-Boy.

⋟ Skin Color: Pale

⋟ Clothing: Simple and easy

⋟ Height: 6'9"



Option Two: The Core List

⋟ Alignment
» True Neutral

⋟ Personality Type
» Entrepreneur - ESTP-A
» Mind: Extraverted 69% - Introverted 31%
» Energy: Observant 72% - Intuitive 28%
» Nature: Thinking 74% - Feeling 26%
» Tactics: Prospecting 54% - Judging 46%
» Identity: Assertive 58% - Turbulent 42%

⋟ Religion
» Old Gods - {6/10} - Exist Corrupted

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⋟Early Life - Childhood
»Born Aren Hakanson Brandr Sterke-enn on a crisp morning on November 5th 270AC. He would be the second son in a small village in Drixagh to a Velheim couple, Hakan and Freja Sterke-enn, becoming the middle sibling to Bolverk and Sigrid Sterke-enn. He would be born a dormant Ursarr werebeast.

»As the younger son, Aren would spend more time with and be closer to his mother, while his elder brother was with their father. However, he still got along with his father even while being a much more boisterous child than Bolverk.

»He'd consider his childhood happy, and very religious. The young Velheim took to be more protective of his younger sister, helping her and joining his parents in the worship of the Old Gods.​

⋟Adolescent - Teenage Years
»At thirteen, Aren's home village would be raided. Both his parents would help defend against the attackers, they would be successful but in the process his mother would lose her life. This would hit Aren hard, the death of his mother ended the warm and idealistic homelife. His father changed as a result of grief, essentially ruining all relationships with the siblings.

»As he got older, his dormant Ursarr 'blessing' activated, going through the changes that it ensued. The two people who had gone through this were his father, who had become distant and aggressive, and his elder brother away at the School of Skagger. As a result, Aren would be left alone to deal with this and teach himself.

»As a Sterke-enn, it was only natural for each of the siblings to gain their share of combat training. Aren was sixteen when he departed for the School of Skagger, going to the Ulf-Bein Lodge and under the Voldsomarg Discipline, where he would train to be quick on his feet and precise with his weapons.

»Aren trained heavily in basic combat, hunting, and obedience. He'd use this to channel the messy and angry emotions that came with the stress from his old home life and mourning his mother's death, both things he would struggle with at this time. He'd also use this in preperation for his Rite of Passage in his religion, choosing the Rite of Basjtur.

»The young Velheim would take an interest in a noblewoman that would make her way to visit their small homeland, she'd be a few years older than him. They'd share a private night that no one would speak of further, nor would he as he'd never bother to contact her. This would become a habit of his, with women.​

⋟Adulthood - Recently
»By the start his adulthood, Aren had been able to hide and become entirely comfortable being an Ursarr, being able to use it to his advantage in fighting and overall saw it as a blessing. He wouldn't have changed it for the world. Right on time, he'd finish his Rite of Connection, The Rite of Basjtur, in which he would win a three on one duel.

»His early twenties became an important few years for the Sterke-enn. He left Drixagh for the first time in many years. He'd decided to travel, making his way to Ithania. He lived in their culture for a few months, enjoying the food and women especially. Later he'd move on to traveling after that to Daendroq for fun. More alcohol and more women.

»After years being gone he made his way back to see his father and kin in the northern mountains he called home for some time. He'd become disheartened to learn his father remained the cruel and coldhearted man, even after all those years.

»Going to Regalia to meet his family, he misbehaved a lot. They'd have an outing, Aren would become very disrespectful to his sister which resulted in his left 'flipping the bird' finger gone. He's still upset he lacks that finger.

»Traveling back to his home once more he'd stay and help with the villages smaller Ursarr and Utherenne. He'd catch the last flames of the Burning of the North, he'd help with the devastation as many students of the School of Skagger, children of people he knew, had perished.

»Aren has now returned to Regalia, both to be with his sister and other kin, as well as to continue the mayhem that follows him.​

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Claimed for review.
@Arhbi With the Skagger update, I changed a few things, moved points around and aged him down by 3 years! All edits made in red