Preserved Sheet Ardige Viduggla

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Ardige Sevre Viduggla
  • Race / Culture: Velheim Ailor
  • Age: 36
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him
  • Occult: N/A
Core Concept
  • Ardige is a military-minded general with a long, varied experience in the capital of the Regalian Empire ((as a character played frequently over nearly half a decade)) who is now intent on relaxing, given that his "debt" to Regalian-born obligations is largely paid, but also support the Velheim and Old Gods communities of the capital when he can.
Appearance Information
  • Ardige Viduggla stands at 6'3 with a well-built body, a tattooed left side and neck and a youthful face with deep green eyes, thick dark brown hair cut short at the sides and pulled back into a small bun, a similarly dark brown-toned beard well kempt at a medium length. His clothing is often Velheim in design or at least in darker fabric tones though his time in the capital is slowly expanding his style and color palettes.
Proficiency Information
  • Strength: 1
    • Swimming Expert Pack (Ailor Buff 1)
    • Steady Body Pack
  • Constitution: 3
    • Rebound Pack
    • Debuff Endurance Pack
    • Cavalry Charge Pack
  • Arcane: 0
  • Wisdom: 6
    • Focus Command
    • Aquatic Command
    • Defend Command
    • Champion Command
    • Overwhelm Command
    • Resist Command
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 0
  • Common
  • Skodje
  • Barrudh
  • Kriv
  • Gallwech
  • Aontaithe
  • d'Ithanie
Life Story
  • Ardige was born the 11th of December to his mother Toverata and his father Leugel as a twin with his sister dying shortly after their birth, though Ardige remained largely unaffected by this tragedy with other early notable events being his encounter with his Destined Familiar, Akte as an owl chicklet.
  • Growing up Ardige was often a handful, with a deep brash streak running through him, though he was soon shipped off to attend officer's training at the Imperial Regalian Marshal Academy in the Regalian capital, before later expanding into generalship.
  • Ardige ended up having a large personal family of his own, with four children in fairly quick succession but was united in a political and honor-forced marriage to his Sol-Kvinne, leading to him seeking romantic and sexual fulfillment elsewhere while he continued his service to the Regalian Empire, resulting in long absences from home.
  • Ardige got a scare when, following the death of his grandparents in the Chrysant War, his father also almost died and Ardige suddenly realized he had minimal knowledge in how to run his father's lands while also seeing his excessive lifestyle as a problem, causing him to cut back and refocus himself on his family.
  • In the years since he has come to the capital, a lot has taken place, but he now focuses on the social scene of the capital when possible, as well as supporting the Velheim and Old Gods communities in the capital.
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Looking for a new reviewer as I've updated the character after his birthday and to in general, reflect his RP more.
Approved, a very good read. Enjoyed this one a lot
@BillyTheScroofy This application has been updated to the new template and all of that good stuff!
@BillyTheScroofy Redid his Proficiency Points to suit all of the new updates to that area, and also to reflect that he is now one year older! Woooo!
@BillyTheScruffy Updated the Character for Lineage adjustments, as well as keeping the LS up to date. Also shifted some Proficiencies around due to changes to Hunting Knowledge. All edits are ultimately in red.
@BillyTheScruffy Updated the app in multiple areas, though mainly in Proficiency Points.
@BillyTheScruffy Ardige's birthday just came and went! He's not 45, so there was a minor change to some Proficiencies and his Physical Stat, but that was the only change.
@BillyTheScruffy Had to redo some of the Proficiencies, making some overall changes. You'll likely be tagged again soon whenever Marty finishes his Husbandry update, so, look forward to that.
@BillyTheScruffy Updated the character information to fit the Proficiency update. Everything new or changed is in red.
@BillyTheScruffy Considerably updates given the changes to the App format and more.
Ardige is now one year old!...that is the only change.
Again, a tiny change, added one Language granted by People of Many Tongues, and a few other small updates to suit the new Ailor Update on their Abilities @BillyTheScruffy
@HydraLana I think you have 2 points still to invest