Preserved Sheet Ardige Viduggla

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The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia
Staff member
Mar 22, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ardige Sevre Viduggla
  • Age: 35
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Northern Ailor
  • Main Ambition: Power
Basic Information
  • Ardige originally came to Regalia to observe the Noble Assembly planned back after the Anahera debacle before it was removed. Since then, he has stayed around for the last several months to continue to do so and try to set the foundation for his dream. He lives in a smaller home in the Old Gods District as he runs his family's trade of granite and the fruit of the sea from Nordskag. He also plans at some point to set up his father's auctioneering company again after it was frozen.
  • He was born to parents Leugel and Toverata Viduggla and has several siblings. His family tree is a bit spread out from there, with several relatives marrying into similarly powered families but from Ithanian or Daendroque regions.
  • Describe any secondary ambitions your character may have. Short term ambitions, or ambitions that may not be related to your character's main goal in life.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: Shaved sides, smoothed back center.
  • Skin Color: Pale, scars across chest
  • Clothing: He wears Northern garb much of the time, varying between cleaner and more rugged wear
  • Height: 6'2
  • Weight: 185 lbs.
  • Body Build: Broad shoulders, mesomorphic
  • Weapon of Choice: Double Hand-Axes
Visual Information
  • Describe the Character's facial features, like the shapes of their eyes, mouth, ears, the size of their forehead, what kind of expression they usually carry, any freckles, scars etc, hair color, hair style and more. This description is purely for the head (and by extension neck) alone.
  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, weight, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body.
  • Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories. Talk about what kind of clothes they usually wear, preferred colors, what jewelry they have, weapons they carry on them or any item of note that they may always have on them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Stark: Ardige is a serious and stark man when it comes to his life and emotions. If he had his way, his home in Regalia would hold very little beyond the items he sees as required and useful but considerations must of course be taken for his guests and other family members. He does not like finery or displays of wealth, instead enjoying more meaningful gestures by people or good morals in a man. This is mostly displayed in his dress, simple and basic leathers or furs and barren room though to deceive others, he will don fancier dress.
  • Understanding: He understands a great many things about the world and how it works, as well as what drives people and nations to action. He does not blindly hate the Qadir as some are liable to do, he does not blindly hate Adrieu as he finds that the man was complex and he does not hate his father, despite his general dislike of him and his actions. He knows that hard decisions must be made on the field of life and while some may seem wrong or poor, they may end up becoming positive. As such, he would be called a traitor by some if he shared these views with them, yet he often doesn't.
  • Eloquent: Ardige is tactical in his speech, attempting to be as precise and exact as possible with others so as to be sure of no confusion. He also enjoys long sentences and sometimes unnecessary words to try and confuse people before hammering home his point suddenly. He also holds himself stiffly and elegantly with the mark of a military man due to his actual military experience and believing that such actions make an impression (though his impressive height might also be the reason).
  • Severe: Due his own problems with discipline in the past and his since reformation into the man he is today, he can be incredibly harsh with others when angered. His express is one of death and his flat tone may sound bored often, but may fleck small bits of anger into it when he wants. In combat, he is merciless and cruel, dispatching enemies with ease unless told otherwise but even then, he will just barely not cross the line.
  • Deceiving: Ardige is a deceiving person and an easy liar. He grew up doing it to his father and mother and he oftentimes got away with it. This continued for awhile and he further developed it in school and with women. Now he uses it as a tool to cover his ass and for politics. He may initially lie to those he doesn't trust to test and fully examine them, and even with people he trusts he may sometimes do half truths.
  • Proud: Ardige is proud in himself and his culture. He believes that the North has greatly contributed to the world and is internally often disgusted at how his people are treated. He holds a disdain for those weak and signs of submissive action without prudent cause or good reasons from other Northerners. He himself also battles with his own sense of pride, not having a lot in his life to be be prideful about due to his numerous bastards and may attempt to blow up his accomplishments to compensate.
  • Vain: While Ardige doesn't actively acknowledge this as a problem for him, it is still present in his life. He deeply considers and thinks on how to present himself to others, both personality and appearance wise. He is very careful also how his facial and head hair, shaving the sides of his head and edges of his beard every few days to appear as he desires, in control and clean. He dislikes being injured or put out of sorts as well because of his vanity and desire for full control of his exterior image and will get angry if this happens, nearly unavoidably so.
  • Ferocious: Ardige is fierce about many things. He is fierce about protecting what is his and keeping it that way. He wants to accomplish his goals in life and anything that stands in his way he fiercely seeks a way to remove it. Anything he desires falls into this category as well. In battle, this is also apparent, whether in the strategy tent or on the field of battle, he will do his greatest to serve, protect and battle for victory or at the very least, a very costly loss for the other side.
  • Charismatic: He can be very smooth talking and deceptive when he wishes to be. He is able to flawlessly lie and exudate a sense of humble subservience to those around him to placate them. He can also be a dominant and sly personality if he wants to be, a merely more modified version of his own normal personality. He was able to use this in the past to get the woman he wanted a lot of the time, however he now uses for his politics and meetings to hash out deals and gain information.
  • Bulk: Ardige is a strong, muscled individual that takes care of his body. He takes pride in his strength even though he modestly attempts to hide it a lot of the time beneath clothing that often obscures it. He is therefore capable of more physical tasks and aggressive actions, having the bulk to back him up. He can also easily be physically intimidating when he wishes with his body's size.
  • Cold: A simple way to sum up Ardige would be cold, that is, to most people he's cold. However, this is a larger problem for him, as showing affection takes a certain level of comfort that he often doesn't reach with many people. He is also admittedly quick to judge despite his attempt to remain neutral on people.
  • Lust: A weakness of Ardige over the years has been his hidden lusting mind. Introduced to it at a young age, this has persisted throughout his life. Even when remaining true to one person, this often doesn't last long unless his often deep need is fully met by his partner. His eyes wander as do his mind, but this vice is the one that he fully tries to combat the hardest, to slow success.
  • Aggression: While in combat and out in the world, his anger is quick to rise. While he makes sure off the battlefield it is kept under control for the most part, in battle, he unlocks his rage to fully assault his opponent. This remains to physical combat, but can make him rather wild and unpredictable, but at the same time, reckless and even to sparring partners, deadly.
  • Amoral: Ardige for a lot of his life has been rather amoral, in it for himself at the end of the day and his survival. His families words are after all, be prepared for the future and what better way to do that than secure your own first? While his end goal would be to unite the North one day, he will take what he can get or depart back into the nothing with which so many think he comes from.
Personality and Abilities
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
  • Northern Anything: Ardige is quite fond of Northern drinks, whether it is a good ale, a roasted animal on a spit or furs to cover the body, he enjoys it all. He is also very cordial with Northern people as well and will think higher of others who else appreciate or have adopted these things in life.
  • Hunting: Ardige enjoys hunting a great deal, one of the only things he picked up from his father. Small to big game, the thrill of chase and the intellect of his prey hooks Ardige. He has already taken down a few beasts in his day, and enjoys to hear the stories of others as much as he likes to tell his own.
  • Gratification: While he may not act like it, praise for what he has accomplished in life is something he seriously desires at some point. It comes from his deep seated failures in life and he enjoys to be told how good of a job or how good of a man he is. In short, he likes it when his ego is stroked a bit.
  • Gore: The glory of blood, brutality and inards greatly excite and fire him up. There is nothing more he loves than a bloody, brutal fight, either as apart of it or witnessing it. He is a worshiper of the Union of Water and he enjoys nothing more than a bit of brutality in his deaths.
  • Unionists: Ardige hates Unionists as Creed-spouting expansionist pigs who don't see the bigger picture of the world. He sees them as narrow minded, unable to adapt and uncaring to those that matter to him, which in this case are the Northern people and culture.
  • Greed: Ardige abhors greed as one of the greatest evils in the world. Living amongst the Nordskag barons for nearly two years has shown him just how devastating something like greed can be. The lust for coin and kickbacks disgusts him, which is why he spends a lot of time handling and visiting his lands himself to ensure no one beneath him is guilty of this.
  • Being Refused: He dislikes being told "No." Simple as that. While he likes to imagine that he is past the stage where he threw a tantrum whenever something didn't go his way, being told "No" to an offer or deal is not enjoyed by him. This is often because he sees the deal as reasonable and his point valid, overriding whatever the other person thinks.
  • Weakness: Ardige has very specific ideas about how one is weak or not, and will judge often accordingly. He hates people who show mercy to their enemies where he feels it's needed, and those who do not act when the time is right, out of things he'll often he as excuses. Thin people he also dislikes as over-intelectual and not able to use their bodies well.
Leugel Viduggla - Father - Dead, 53

Toverata Schweigen - Mother - Alive, 51

Karin Levkov - First Wife - Alive, 30

Olivius Viduggla - Firstborn Heir and Son - Alive, 18

Sylvia - Second Wife - Dead, 25

Ania Santorski - Lover - Alive, 32

Enok Santorski - Lover's Brother - Alive, 18

Izaak Santorski - Lover's Cousin - Alive, ?

Bastian Ravenstad - Lover's Ex-Husband - Dead, ?

William Coen - Lover's Ex-Lover - Alive, ?

Siirist - Trusted Employee - Alive, ?

Life Story
Ardige was born the 11th of December to his mother Toverata and his father Leugel in Mörkuggla Castle. His grandfather was the Count of Nordland, a region up to the far north of the Regalian Archipelago. He was also born with a twin sister, who sadly died after just a year from a sickness. His father afterwards, dotted and coddled his son a fair bit, growing him up in a house where he rarely didn't get his way. He also received education in combat and other noble subjects thanks to his position as the future Count of the region. As he grew older, reaching the age of 10, his bratty behaviour was no longer tolerated and he quickly entered into a rebellious phase. At age 11 however, to add to this, he accidentally encountered his aunt and future uncle engaged in sexual acts. This, while originally disturbing him, hooked into his mind and he started to gain lustful ideas after this event.

At age 14, he received and passed the tests required for him to enter into a Kommandeur school. He selected Lycée de la Rousette, found in Vixhall, as his school and he was sent away to learn more about commanding. When he arrived, he was a rather rude and abrasive student, unable to turn in work on time but when he did hand it in, it was completed very well. He enjoyed to mock younger students as he got older, through tricks and insults mostly. His summer breaks were filled with what he enjoyed, hunting for both beasts and female companions as well as stern discussions from his father that he mostly shrugged off. When he was 17 and his time at the school complete, the Regalian Army came calling to him however a greater call was demanded. Forced to return home by his grandparents, whom he held some respect for, he was forced into marrying a local baron's daughter whom he had slept with an earlier summer break.

Forced to do so, his father not standing up to stop him, he was forced to decline the Regalian military and marry the young woman, Karin. Shortly afterwards, the Chrysant War broke out and his grandparents announced they were off to the front, not as fighters, but as logistical coordinators and organizers. Soon after their departure, Ardige's early enjoyment as a father diminished and he convinced his father he needed to refine his training, being sent to Università delle arti militari in Tureno. There, he freely committed debauchery, telling no one he was married while also still keeping up with his classes, with a repeat in his handling of work. In terms of friends however, he wasn't as malicious instead having downgraded to a general "mean spiritedness" but he genuinely did try to make some friends this time around. His trips back home slowly became less and less, as Ardige grew more guilty every time he saw his young son. His father however, came to visit him in September of the year Ardige was 23 and freely witnessing what his son was up to. An intense argument occurred, with Leugel furiously leaving after revealing Ardige's grandparents were dead due to Naylar in the war and buried himself in hunting once he got back. Ardige meanwhile, drank himself under the table with utter guilt.

Ardige was called only a few days later as his father had been attacked by a bear and languished in his bed. Ardige, guilt coming crashing in, rushed to his side in Nordland. There, he learned just how much work his grandfather and now father had and were putting into running the county. For several days, he sat by his father's bedside and thought hard. In that time, he decided to change his ways and reform. His father did end up recovering and was simply glad he was alive. They never spoke of their fight, the change in Ardige unspoken and clearly visible. He returned to school, still taking his breaks but seriously deprived himself of his earlier pleasures. He finished his schooling well and by the end of the year, he turned to fully be a father for his son. He and his wife didn't get along too well still, them being rather different personalities but they came to a mutual understanding over their son. Ardige continued for the next near decade to work with his father in running the county and being a father for his son. His activities outside of marriage however, almost completely cut off as he repressed his desires.

Around when he was 33 years of age, they suddenly got a new neighbour. The Blacks arrived and took over nearby Rogdland, with Ardige staying at home and in the background while his father interacted with them and the other nobility in Regalia. He rarely went to the capital city, but he soon regretted not doing so as the family was abruptly shipped off to Nordskag. The old disdain for his father grew even more exasperated but he snuffed it out as soon after arrival, Leugel fell ill after one final trip to Regalia. Ardige meanwhile, immediately delved himself into the surroundings and joined the military as a member of the Spydenhed. When his father finally died in 303 AC, Ardige took control of the Barony of Helllande, He came to Regalia recently, marrying and then loosing a new wife to his new twin children, whom his own mother mostly now cares for. He remains in Regalia, pursuing his quiet dream.
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I am reviewing this sheet!

While I get you're showing different sides of him, the constant hypocrisy of his traits is a bit much. He's either generally loyal, or generally deceiving. He's either blunt, or eloquent. Don't make him a bit of everything, as it tends to lead to a blander character overall. I advise a bit more radicalization in his traits, all said.

Add one weakness, one like, and one dislike to further drill home some outlying, radical traits.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @The_Shadow_King3

Review In-Progress!
I am reviewing this sheet!

While I get you're showing different sides of him, the constant hypocrisy of his traits is a bit much. He's either generally loyal, or generally deceiving. He's either blunt, or eloquent. Don't make him a bit of everything, as it tends to lead to a blander character overall. I advise a bit more radicalization in his traits, all said.

Add one weakness, one like, and one dislike to further drill home some outlying, radical traits.

Colour all changes in blue and tag me when you're done @The_Shadow_King3

Review In-Progress!
Edited @Jared4242