Architectural School?


Mason for Rent
Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
I was thinking the other day, about how some people just can't seem to build eye pleasing things. Or some can but don't know how to put a good finishing touch on them. Would an Architectural school be something anyone would be interested in going to? I'm not sure yet how serious it would be (like having homework or such) or if it would be in game entirely, or just have an RP front and take place elsewhere.

But it's something I'd be interested in starting if there's interest in joining.
Now this doesn't mean I feel qualified to act as the go to builder of the realms, I'm certainly not. But I'm pretty sure I can teach basics and some advanced techniques. Plus, if it were to really take off, I'd ask around for other teachers to join as well.

So, let me know if this interests you, and if it does, give me some ideas on what you'd like to learn.

Current Staff:
Draco918: Headmaster
Bobeto8442: Interior Design
PrPininja: ???
SirTinkles: Theory of Structure
Made_By: ???
I would enjoy helping you teach others the art of building :) Pm me ig or in the forums if you want to see some of my work. :)
like it :) Builders that had done the Building Schools Program could get a Certificate or something to prove it ! I would like to hire some of your students when theyr done learning I got a lot of building and working projects for Qarth.
That would be fun. I think its a great idea :D I'd also love to help teach, cause I'm kind of tired of seeing box houses lol.
If I could, I'd sign up to teach. This is a great idea and will hopefully reduce the amount of ugly shacks around Aloria.
If any of you are interested, I made a few tutorials on my imgur which I made for Reddit a while ago.
(Depth tutorial covering the basics of the topic) Minecraft Building Theory - Imgur
(Tutorial for a compact shack) How to Build a good-looking compact home - Imgur
(Tutorial for a typical large medieval house) How to build my medieval house - Imgur
(Tutorial for a nice looking hovel) Building Hovels (Tutorial) - Imgur
(A castle to indicate my level as a builder) Ravengate Castle - Imgur
I wouldn't mind signing up for a teacher, can't really show pics right now on my mac :)
That would be fun. I think its a great idea :D I'd also love to help teach, cause I'm kind of tired of seeing box houses lol.
I agree with the school cause I also agree with prplninja, I tired of seeing box houses. But I used to be one of those people that would make a box house but I have found some pretty cool ways to build a house. So I would support this school.
Make me the Noble Oligarch and i will have the best builders of the server teaching anyone building giant cities and amazing palaces!
I would like to teach, Something along the lines of Theory of realism and/or Exterior design studio. Most minecraft buildings would be unable to stand, its a bit ridiciolous and narmy, and while Tink teaches structure (Damn it Tink, I wanted to do that.) I think Realism could cover a broader set of bases, slightly touching base on structure.. but being more about making buildings look.. plausible. It would certainly make factions more pleasant to snoop through.. *cough* Not that I do that. Exterior design studio would still be rather broad, not too specific.. but it would focus entirely on the exterior. I enjoy ideals of symmetry and Asymmetry- and as will hopefully displayed by my building portfolio (which is still uploading atm :/ ) and try to apply them in designing things in general. I'm not the best builder in the world by a long shot, but I am a pretty good one. I would understand if you don't want me to teach, I'd be happy just attending.. but I'd love to share my knowledge with the students, after this is fully established.
I will join and actually learn how to build. I am pretty bad and would greatly benefit with some lessons.
I like this idea. I would acctually considder participating a student. One can never learn too much.
I would love for this to take off as my only real ability seems to be style replication and not completely original builds
You could hold field trips past the Osai Foundation list of cultural heiritage sites.

If I had any.
Well, I've been super inactive while I wait for another server to update to 1.5. Last I checked the idea is on hold until Mecharic becomes Oligarch (unless this goal has changed since last I checked) so that he could fund the school.
So the idea is still good to go, just on hold.