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Archidocese Of The Stalwart Defender Bull | 2/2/308


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
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Spirit's blessings and benediction to all who walk the path. May the Spirit look after and foster new growth and advancement as we march in unity towards the Great Way.

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I. The changing of a name
II. Recognition of the congregation
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I am pleased in writing this first Bull for the Archdiocese, we have seen much growth in our flock and wish to continue this momentum as we spread our message cross the Archipelago and hopes for greater expansion across the whole or Aloria as it is deemed necessary for the Great Way. There have been recent events that dictate a formal Bull to address them as well as some long overdue recognition of those States that have accepted the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender into their lives.

I wish to begin by addressing the decision to change the name of this holy institution from the Imperial Orthodox Church to the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender. It was brought to my attention by the humble Leutz population of Prestelle that the Orthodox name is seen as pandering to the conservatives as well as alienating to the moderates of the faith. It is through careful observation and discussion that we have agreed to this perspective. Ultimately, the churches name is meant to represent its full doctrine and those who worship beneath its structure. As this church respects the necessity of moderates to promote the Great Way, we too believe that taking steps back from a hardline conservative naming scheme is necessary as well.

We have agreed that the name of the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender is more appropriate as the notion of a Stalwart Ailor is the ideal model for the faith. Loyal to his Emperor and one who works hard in their labors to promote not only themselves and their livelihood, but to assist in the Great Way with their lot in life.
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Next, I wish to acknowledge those who have accepted the Archdiocese into their states. I firstly thank the County of Ragulia for their support of the church, continuing even after the revelation of the Tenth Creed. I thank the Genevaud Cantons and the entirety of the Waldmark, the states of the Drachenwald Electorate, the Duchy of Treppewitz, the County of Duerrstein, and the Calderlia Federation. I also thank the Barony of Alexanderburg. May our beliefs in this Unionist doctrine strengthen us and allow us to continue our march forward towards the Great Way.
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Oratario Ode

His High Holiness Henri I
Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender
Bishop of the County of Ragulia

((The official seal of the Archdiocese is at the bottom of the document.))

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