Preserved Sheet Arasseth Na'akuel

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May 26, 2015
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Basic Information

  • Full Name: Arasseth Na'Akuel
  • Age: 76
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Full Blooded Shendar
  • Main Ambition: Moral Enforcement
  • Special Permission: N/A
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Arasseth is currently in Regalia to reaffirm a relationship with her family, as she had lost touch long ago upon departing the Shadow Isles. Only having had stayed within the capital of the prestigious Regalian Empire for a few months, the Shendar hasn't established a place to call her own, or a formal job, besides the occasional bodyguard position.
    • The Nelfin was born to Calanon Na'Akuel and Sylaeerae In'hathzae in the year of 228ac. She wasn't quite aware of that many of her siblings, but Ara was raised mostly around if not immediate family, extended members such as cousins, aunts, etc.
    • Most Arasseth simply wants to see better morality and understanding instilled into the less-savory people of Regalia's under-city. However, she'd equally wish to reaffirm a positive relationship with her family there, perhaps by serving under them by doing as she does best, protecting them. ---- More to be added upon IC means.

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Muddy Green.
  • Hair Color: Stark White.
  • Hair Style: Short with a slight undercut.
  • Skin Color: "Dark n' dull" gray.
  • Clothing: Simple furs and leathers.
  • Height: 5ft 11in.
  • Weight: 147lbs.
  • Body Build: Narrow pear, though possesses more muscle and less curves.
  • Weapon of Choice: Arcol Bow
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Arasseth has quite a strong and determined build in her facial structure. As typical of the Shadow Elves, the woman has sharp and femininely angled features. That being said, Ara possesses a honed jawline, a very Elvish look about her with almond shaped eyes and thinner lips complementing it. A defined nose rests dead in the middle, being small yet contoured, with an upturned ending flare at the nostrils. Unlike many females in the Holy City, Ara was raised in an environment where combat proficiency, and therefore efficiency, was in an expected demand. Therefore, the Shendar wears a short cut hairstyle, with a sheer undercut below the snow-like, windswept hair on top. All of this accumulates finally in a stoic expression of loyalty and deference, an all-too-rare trait not seen among her haughty and egotistical people.
  • Elves have their height, and Arasseth nearly drew the short end of the stick. While nowhere near short by human standards, the nail-tough Nelfin is overshadowed in her five foot eleven standing, by towering-height kin and cousins. With shadowy dark skin and green eyes, however, the woman doesn't step outside too many bounds of normalcy in that regard, though once one takes into account her athletic and toned rest of her body, the differences become starker. Due to a proficient skill in the Arcol Bow, Arasseth is blessed with a better arm strength than expected from the rest of the more feminine Shendar. Not being held back either by a rather lax approach to Hex Magic, Ara takes use of a toned body, though nevertheless has the boundaries set by her race. Nothing goes too far here, but compared to a typical Shendar woman, the contrasts are obvious.
  • Fashion is lost mostly on the Nelfin. A lack of caring on top of an equal lack of excess funds, Arasseth doesn't wear elaborate or decadent clothing by any means or standards. Typical furs from hunting, or cheap leather from a shop is commonplace, and the woman isn't afraid to show off her toned stomach as well by revealing skin on a daily outfit. However practicality usually stomps and crushes egoism and class, resulting in a normally covered, peasant-like outfit. The only out of place portion of an outfit are a handful of Elvish earrings worn about on the rare days a fight isn't expected by the paranoid woman. Weapons are the centerpiece of all fashion in the Na'Akuel's eyes, though. Proudly strapped to her back lies a rustic Arcol Bow, never without a handmade, leather quiver of arrows attached horizontally to her lower back, on the belt.
  • Speaking is overrated to her. There's no point to go out of turn, be aggressive, be passive. A speak when spoken to woman, Arasseth saves her words for those she cares about more. When hearing her voice, however, it's tone is a rather tough monotone, though not emotionless; the better description is an absence of flavor, neither excited nor depressed.

Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • [+] Just: There is a right, and there is a wrong, and according to her, this must be observed constantly and vigilantly. Arasseth is a stern believer in that one should never act in an unfair way, especially if it isn't properly warranted. While this may not be synonymous to ensuring law is upheld and followed, it very much so means there is a line one could cross; you do so once your actions become prejudiced and unfair. In the under-city's world of debauchery and crime, this can translate to passing up a robbery if the recipient does not deserve it.
  • [+] Loyal: Keeping your allegiance to someone or something is as simple and basic as honesty to Arasseth. Treachery is a coward's tool, and turn cloaks are the foremen of them; therefore, one should always be on guard and remain firmly in support of who or what they're loyal to. She'd never break her service to such, going as far as to break other morals, or even the law, to keep it from shattering.
  • [+] Unassuming: Wearing a humble face comes as second nature to this Shendar, and thanks to the teaching and humility of her past partner, she diligently distances herself from pretentiousness and arrogance. There is no high horse for her to sit upon, and even the fact of her taking the moral high ground isn't visible in her demeanor. The woman would never hold herself over another, brag of her virtues, nor assume herself to be better than anyone else.
  • [~] Obedient: Without a word, Arasseth is willing to comply to a request or order, although from the people she's loyal to. While most people skilled in combat have a penchant for individuality and aggression, this Shadow Elf would much rather submit to the will of another, and follow the orders given to her without a moment's question or thought. To others, this can cause her to come off as slavish, or to others it seems a morally correct trait of loyalty.
  • [-] Boring: There's no way to not be blunt on this matter, the Shendar here can be an incredibly dull person. While she certainly has her own interests, her personality and stoic gait can be off-putting, that she's dis-interesting and monotonous, which does have a bit of truth to it. In conversation, she's more "speak when spoken to", and isn't one to pry or entertain. While this makes for a diligent worker, it makes for a horrible conversationalist.
  • [-] Ambitionless: This person is completely satisfied with their lot in life. She seeks neither fortune nor fame, but only to reconnect with family and make a decent life for herself. Arasseth is not one to pursue a goal with fervor nor tenacity, but rather passively works to the next rung of the ladder. While not lazy, or slothful, the Shendar doesn't strive to achieve much, and it negatively impacts relationships, and personal success, but makes for an excellent person to walk over.
  • [-] Critical: Just because a person doesn't vocalize their red hot, passionate hate for something or someone, doesn't mean it does not exist. In actuality, Ara is quite judgmental and disapproving of most people, because of her strict moral code and the difficult it takes to follow for other people. She doesn't expect people to strive for it, and is prone to show disinterest or coldness to those who are more outright or opposed to it, yet not extremely outwardly or adamantly in that she rarely speaks it.
  • Unsure - Unionist Leaning: While as much is unknown to her family, the woman hasn't truly been invested in the faith of her kin in a long time. Her time with Christofo certainly instilled many Unionist tendencies into her mindset, shaking the foundation her mother worked into her.
  • Arasseth isn't much of romantic. It isn't a big part of her life, and isn't something she spends too much time thinking about; that is unless such a person really worms their way into her life that she respects and cares for enough.
  • Skilled Precision-Archer: Decades of work and tutelage have gone into mostly one skill ,which is Arasseth's usage of archery, and more specifically, the Arcol Bow. While she could, in theory, be proficient with any bow, her excellence is in the Elvish Arcol Bow, which is in layman's terms a recurve shortbow. Precision and accuracy are her strong points, yet she falters at long distances, due to the restraints of her race's physical frame. Hitting a moving target at short to medium distances prove on the easier side, yet even someone standing far enough way can be difficult, sometimes the arrow not even making it to their feet.
  • Visage Hex: Being raised originally in the Shadow Isles, under the lock and key of Void Priestesses, the Shendar has an adept usage of Hex Magic, specifically Visage Hex. It should be noted, however, she is unable to make use of the Supreme Form due to her focus in more physical hobbies. In her line of work, appearing to look like someone else can be useful. Hired by a noble to protect them? Take the appearance of a large Orc she's spoken with before, and deter anyone from even trying to attack her boss. Wants a job, but people don't trust Shendars? Taking the form of an Ailor to get hired, and for a few hours playing that off on the job can certainly help.
  • Realist: Despite her own paranoia about things, the Shendar is very much levelheaded about her own personal skills. She lacks no confidence, but stays humble, while not underselling herself. Ara is more or less a woman of action, letting events unfold and play out rather than overestimating her own talents or those around her. This keeps her steady in conversation, by not seeming haughty or prideful, as well as combat to keep her steady and focused on her fighting.
  • Earaches: The Shendar doesn't quite know the cause of this affliction, nor how to solve it. This being that either ear tends to become irritated and painful in a few different situations. Loud noises, for starts, tends to be the largest culprit. Someone yelling in her ear, or uproars of shouts and hollers have a recurring effect of causing extreme irritation in her inner ears, and heavy distraction. From time to time as well, they will just hurt for no apparent reason, and due to the joint connection to her jaw, it can make eating and talking intolerable for the duration of these pains. That being said, Arasseth tends to avoid the louder areas of town, alongside choosing to not be around loud people like drunkards and angry folk. The pain can be so fragile, that even in battle the clashing of swords and shouting can trigger a reaction, causing an inability to focus, and at its worst, complete helplessness under the right circumstances.
  • Poor Conversationalist: The downside of stark neutrality is the making of a rather uninteresting person to talk to. Now though, Ara isn't awkward, doesn't stutter, isn't afraid of being social. Rather, she brings nothing to the table. Her formality, bluntness, obedience, makes her struggle to hold her own in conversations, and typically needs help from a friend.
  • Paranoid: Her eyes are always watching those shadows. Decades of working for people, to protect them, leaves Arasseth with a natural paranoia. She always assumes what can go wrong, will go wrong, and she needs to safeguard those she cares about against it. This is not only a frustration to those around her, but also a deterrent to proper socializing, a hurdle to achieving goals, and can cause her to even, ironically enough, be distracted from more realistic threats.
  • Doesn't Hold Her Tongue: Morals are great, honor is better, but there comes a price to honesty. She's no politician, no liar nor intricate spy and deceiver. The Shendar doesn't know how to lead people away from a conclusion, when she's said enough, or given something away. All of the keenness and know-how required of a sewer-dweller is unfortunately not a natural reaction for Ara.
Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Describe any number of Character Quirks your character has, strange behavior that they exhibit in certain situations. For example, a character rubbing a beard when nervous is a quirk, or a character biting their lips when doing math is a quirk, or a character shuffling their feet when talking to someone is a quirk. Quirks are not mandatory and may be left out if the writer doesn't want to include them or can't think of any.
  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.
  • Describe your character's talents, their inherent abilities that truly set them apart from the common population of Aloria. These talents are the kind of abilities other people would want to go to your character for to teach them. These are things they haven't specifically developed, but have a natural affinity for.
  • TBA
  • TBA

Find out IC

Life Story

Arasseth was born to Calanon Na'Akuel and Sylaeerae In'hathzae in the year 228ac, within an isolated yet sizable tribe of the Shadow Isles. Due to being born female, she was slated to be subject to upbringing and educated by her Void Priestess mother, alongside others of the same profession. Her childhood mostly consisted of vague teachings of the Void and magics associated with it, though she was known to be rather distanced and uncaring to both.

As she aged, it became clear the Shendar had little interest in the teachings of her mother, honing in more on the art of archery with some talented members of the tribe. After pressure from her guardians, the young Ara took up training of Visage Hex magic, putting down the bow and arrow for some time until the angry faces were no more. Around twenty or so, the Shadow Elf had reached a suitable caster level for the skill, and was permitted to return to combat training without much ire drawn.

After continuing the same agenda for many years, the woman ran into her first set of trials, mostly in that her dissatisfaction with Void Worship, and lack of wanting to be plagued by some demon to change her. No longer needing any more training, she publicly spoke out to her mother about her disinterest, which earned her a quick disfavor among mostly everyone there, with the exception of a few folks such as her archery tutor and closest friends. After word spread of her treachery, the woman was quite literally run out of the tribe with force, nearly losing her life in the process.

She escaped out of the Shadow Isles, using the little amount of resources she had to earn her a boat ride in the process.
Upon ending up in Daendroc, the Nelfin befriended Christoforo de Feques, a former Viridian Knight. Her shunning of Void Worship and openness to change struck his interest, and the Daendroc man spent many years alongside her, instilling his own moralistic code of honor from the Order into her. The two ended up developing a romantic relationship, but following his subsequent natural death a few years later, the woman felt inspired to carry on the good he did for her. With a sympathy for Unionists and Ailors alike, alongside a structured code of honour, the oddball Shendar found herself in the hire of local burghers.

Due to her heritage, looks, and skills, Ara was a decently popular hire. Morals and honour were there, causing her employers to rightfully trust her more, and not to mention she was able to deter many possible attackers with skill, race, and wit. The pay was never amazing, but she took pride in what she did, truthfully enjoying protecting another person; much better than the place she came from in which she was simply judged and expected to commit horrendous acts. However, really did crave familial love once again. Eventually she'd worm her way to the city of Regalia, hoping to reconnect with supposed members of her house once more, and not be nearly killed again in the process.
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Tagging @TheBioverse since him and I discussed this, and I'm having him really scrutinize it.
Because I know your role play is strong, I will be more critical than I typically would be. And if @TheBioverse has anything to add he is free to do so, but I wanted to go on and get some feedback done on this since it is currently the oldest "Needs Reviewer" application.

Overall, this is an incredibly dynamic character with well fleshed out traits. There are a few small opportunities however:
  • That Ol' Shendar Build is not a valid weakness because it is depending upon race. A weakness must be something that sets them apart from other characters of the same age, race, and social status the inhibits the characters ability to fulfill either their basic needs or achieve their main ambition. Because this is specifically just stating a component of their their race, it is invalid. Replace this with another physical weakness that is particular to your character.
  • Conflict-Avoiding and Doesn't Hold Her Tongue seem to be in direct conflict with one another. The strength seems to indicate that she has a certain air of stoicism that avoids conflict, but the weakness seems to indicate that she is going to open her mouth and be brutally honest whether it is within her general interests or not. Replace one or the other of these. In her life story, I can see not able to hold her tongue better, so I actually suggest replacing the strength unless she learned this strength after he time at in the Shadow Isles.
  • Void Elf? I see this name used a couple of times in the application, but as far as I am aware this is not a nickname that exists in Lore. The wiki provides Shadow Elf and Blood Elf as nicknames for Shendar.
  • For your Hex Magic, you should specify if your character has studied enough to be capable of Supreme Form. Since your character has decent combat abilities with their bow, I would say if they are capable of this to make sure the physical weakness that replaces the Shendar Build one be powerful enough to significantly decrease her physical combat abilities even at short and medium range. If you do not use Supreme form, the physical weakness doesn't have to be as extreme.
  • Shendar society is so deeply steeped in Void Worship that if she verbally denounced Void Worship she would likely have to escape from her tribe's attempt to execute her. Reading through the society section it seems that Shendar are ultimately exiled even for failing to praise the void well enough even without verbally denouncing the void. If she was relatively well liked they could have just exiled her, but I find it more likely she would have had to literally run away from her tribes attempts to kill her. It would be a slightly more convincing life story to incorporate this.
Tag me @TheOverseer__ once these edits and any other edits that @TheBioverse suggests (if any) are done.
Haven't forgotten about this. I've done most edits, but I'm trying to find that right physical weakness that really drives it home for me. It's got to be perfect, will make sure to have it all done soon.
Thanks for letting me know. I look forward to seeing how it shakes out.
Haven't forgotten. Just added in the weakness, marked in red. Should be everything now. @TheOverseer__
@Muffins_ Does earaches have any consequences in battle? Does a shout have to be right in the ear to trigger the pain? It's a fine weakness, just flesh it out with 1 more example of a noise that is loud enough to trigger the weakness and provide a a description of how it weakens her in battle.