Preserved Sheet Aralynne Belrose

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another canadian
Oct 13, 2016
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"Their line is gone through all the earth, And their words
To the end of the World,
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the Sun."

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[ M U S I C ]
I Hope Your World is Kind | Finding the Pattern | Get Up Stand Up | Stars | Artemis
| Once Upon a Dream | Planets and Stars | Shrike |


BASIC INFORMATION《"I exist as I am, that is enough."

Full Name || Aralynne Huinousse-Troissant Lunar Coeur Belrose Chouette de Cérilly
Nickname || Ara, Arya
Title || Lady-Sera
Race || Half-Teledden
Culture || Ithanian
Age || 28 [Looks to be 22]
Day of Birth || July 2nd, 250 A.C
Gender || Female
Pronouns || She/her
Eye Color || Grey

CORE CONCEPT《"Moon-soaked and dawn-flavoured. Kissed
by the wild and loved by lightning."


Who ||
Patient, thoughtful, and reserved, Aralynne prefers the works of observation rather than direct communication. Even so, she is an enjoyer of the social scene, and when she speaks, she does so with a level of ease and confidence, uncaring of her words and the impact they may hold on others. Despite such, she aims to grant everyone a certain level of kindness, always willing to offer aid to those about.
What ||
Aralynne is a Knight of the Reliquary Order, Chatellane chapter, with the intention of becoming a religious figure.
Belief ||
While placing trust in the Dogmatic Unionist ways, it is that and the Estellon faith that guide her, where she dedicates her life to both ideologies given to her at birth.


"To reign over the birth of flowers and gentle beings,
and with fawn to play.
But to reign over demons and demise alike
That before her fury, even Death himself shall pale."

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〚》 PROFICIENCIES《〛"To hone one's skills."

Strength || 6
❂ Duelist Pack
❂ Heavy Pack
❂ Skirmisher Pack
❂ Unyielding Pack
❂ Demolisher Pack
❂ Pursuer Pack
Constitution || 2
❂ Block Pack
❂ Counterplay Pack
Wisdom || 0
❂ Dimenthist Wisdom Pack [Free]
Dexterity || 0
Magic || 5

❂ Displacing [Free]
❂ Materialism
❂ Casting
❂ Blessings
❂ Protection
❂ Spellsword
Charisma || 1
❂ Empire Linguist Pack
❂ Diplomat Pack
Faith || tba

〚》 LANGUAGES《〛"To listen, as much as speak."

Parental Tongue ||
❂ d'Ithanie [9/10]
Empire Linguist Pack ||
❂ Calem [4/10]
❂ Skodje [5/10]
❂ Letz [8/10]
❂ Daendroquin [6/10]
❂ Anglian [6/10]
❂ Breizh [6/10]
❂ Altalar [9/10]



"Her heart is wisdom skinned and wit warmed together
splendor, The echoes of a war
cry holding its four chambers together."

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〚》 SPECIAL ABILITIES《〛"A mage's soul and a warrior's spirit."

Racial Specials || Teledden Dominant
❂ Subjugation Immune
❂ Invasion Immune
❂ Counterspell
❂ Teledden Buffs 1, 2 & 3
❂ Ageless
❂ Arcane Mastery
❂ Elleyon's Gaze
❂ Trance
❂ Savellon's Hands
Proficiency Abilities || Melee, Defense and Charm
❂ Technique Parry
❂ Knockback Sweep
❂ Pinning Throw
❂ Steady Body
❂ Force Smash
❂ Leaping Charge
❂ Shield Cover
❂ Shield Block
❂ Rage Counter
❂ Forced Truce
Mage Spell List || Magic Abilities and Specials
Arcane Knockback
❂ Material Armour
❂ Arcane Attraction
❂ Healing Hands
❂ Saving Grace
❂ Magic Throw
Airwalking | Starwalking | Body cleanse | Health call | Celestial power | Rune smithing | Life wall | Arcane sight | Evil tongues | Arcane wardrobe | Radiant guise | Celestial manifest | Heat immune | Cold immune | Pocket dimensions | Dreamland | Self mutation | Element Control


"As if on fire from within, the
lives in the lining of your skin."
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〚》 VISUAL INFORMATION《〛"The aim of art is to represent not the
outward appearance, but the inward significance."

╚ Appearance ||
Aralynne presents those around with a neutral display, save for the occasional, softened smiles. She maintains long, wavy blonde hair, to which is never seen without a gold or silver clasp, as to ensure not a strand obscures her vision. With keen grey eyes, equally sharp features, and fair skin, it is that of her Teledden parent she takes after. She stands at the full height of 6'2", and is oftentimes caught wearing silken gowns of blue, white or pink.

〚》 BACKGROUND INFORMATION《〛"Never dare to forget the
lessons of the past, and the language memories utter."

╚ Birth ||
Aralynne was born amongst the rest of House Belrose, where she was raised in a luxurious Ithanian environment. She adopted the traits of her Teledden father, whilst both him and her mother's Ailor ways were pressed upon her.
╚ Childhood ||
From a young age did she draw inspiration from her aunt, the current Matriarch's mother. Knighthood surrounded her, and it was through such thrill she picked up the sword, and awaited the day she, too, could pledge herself to the Reliquary Order.
Adolescence ||
Overjoyed with purpose, Aralynne set foot from the Ithanian shores for the very first time. With her dominant Teledden features peaking from the specks of her Ithanian origin, and her instinct of the magical arts prospering, it was the Chatellane Chapter she began her training under.
╚ Adulthood ||
Aralynne wasted no time upon graduation. She took to travelling, to which ignited her passion of language and culture. While her focus remained on the protection of the Estellon faith, she took great pleasure in deepening her experience and understanding of other religions.
╚ Present ||
With her House having settled in the City of Regalia, she set out to join them, bringing an end to her travels.

〚》 DICTIONARY《〛"The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment."

╚ Amity || □□□□□
Friendliness towards someone.
╚ Dedication || □□□□□
Loyalty and allegiance.
╚ Ease || □□□□□
Level of comfort.
╚ Disfavour || □□□□□
Annoyance and dislike.
╚ Fear || □□□□□
Caution and horror.
╚ Detest || □□□□□
True, genuine hatred.
╚ Admiration || □□□□□
Romantic attraction.
╚ Respect || □□□□□
Cherishment and idolization.
╚ Family || □□□□□
Familial Relations.


〚》 FAMILY《〛Bloodline.

╚ TBA || Father || NPC
Amity ■■■■□
Dedication ■■■■■
Ease ■■□□□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear ■■■□□

Respect ■■■■■
╚ TBA Belrose || Mother || NPC
Amity ■■■■■
Dedication ■■■■■
Ease ■■■■□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear ■■□□□
Respect ■■■■■

╚ Florentine Belrose || Cousin || @Harrow
Amity ■■■■■
Dedication ■■■■■
Ease ■■■■□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear □□□□□
Respect ■■■■■

╚ Auriane Belrose || Cousin || @Numbless
Amity ■■■■■
Dedication ■■■■■
Ease ■■■■□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear □□□□□
Respect ■■■■■

╚ Félicienne Belrose || Cousin || TBA
Amity □□□□□
Dedication □□□□□

Ease □□□□□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear □□□□□
Respect □□□□□
Family □□□□□
╚ Fani Belrose || Cousin || TBA
Amity □□□□□
Dedication □□□□□
Ease □□□□□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear □□□□□
Respect □□□□□
Family □□□□□

〚》 RELATIONSHIPS《〛Connections.

╚ Vaegon Erhessal || Former love-interest || NPC
"Even the loveliest of songs must come to an end."

Amity ■■■□□
Dedication ■■■■□
Ease ■■□□□
Disfavour ■□□□□
Fear □□□□□

Respect ■■■■□

Admiration ■■■■□
╚ TBA || Blank || TBA
Amity □□□□□
Dedication □□□□□
Ease □□□□□
Disfavour □□□□□
Fear □□□□□

Last edited:
Hello, sorry for the delay! Here's my review:

-Please specify which magical dimension that was chosen for your spell point buys.

Other than that, everything looks good and checks out. Please make the above changes, and tag me when your finished or if you have any questions!
Hey, sorry for the second @! I understand the app is still set under review, but I was hoping to remove the wisdom pack (affliction wisdom) for a strength pack (demolisher), making a total of 0 in wisdom and 6 in strength now. After rping her some, I believe this would be more fitting
Hello, sorry for the delay. That's perfectly fine, and otherwise approved!