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Played Character Aqellokh Cioviirn

This character is actively played.


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Aqellokh Cioviirn
  • Age: 361
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Divine Cult Kathar
  • Occult:
    • God Magic (Nilthism)
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents:
    • Magical Talent
    • Cleric Talent
  • Mechanics:
    • Nilthism Religious Mechanic
      • Winds of Calm (Apotheon Mechanic)
      • Winds of Stirring
  • Languages:
    • Common
    • Pannarokh
    • Altalar

Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Faith

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 3
    • Shapeshift [Magical]
    • Mindcontrol [Magical]
    • Wardrobe [Magical]
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 5
    • Sacred Healing
    • Sacred Revive
    • Sacred Siphon
    • Sacred Portent
    • Sacred Circle
  • Magic: 6
    • Magic Bolts (Free; Kathar)
    • Magic Warp (Free; Kathar)
    • Magic Snare
    • Magic Smog
    • Magic Curse
    • Magic Disengage
    • Magic Shove
    • Monster Invocation
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Groomed
  • Skin Color: Pale White
  • Clothing: Blue Robes
  • Height: 6'5"
Shapeshift Appearance
The alternate appearance is a Cult of Reason Kathar with the following:
  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Groomed
  • Skin Color: Gray
  • Clothing: Lab Coat
  • Height: 6'2"
Plot Hooks
  • Aqellokh is a Kathar who Dread Rebirthed during the collapse of the Allorn Empire, having once been an Evolist. He has since become a Nilthist Walking Seer, his eye opened to the horrors of the Blind God.
  • He is obsessed with magical and evolutionary perfection, even having joined the Blacksigil Society to continue the work that he had started under his old allies.

Childhood (0-20)
  • The Teledden Altalar named Ula'thiel Volthaas was born in the modern day state of Tanaar Hya-Ereya in 82 BC, where he was afforded a moderate life of luxury that was commonplace for the Altalar people at the time.
  • Ula'thiels father worked as an administrative bureaucrat on behalf of an Allorn noble, and was from whom Ula'thiel learned the complexities of ambition and intrigue in the withering Allorn Empire. His mother was a local overseer of the imperial slave trade and taught her son to never hesitate in asserting himself, as his people were surely superior to the races they enslaved.
  • Once old enough, Ula'thiel moved away from his parents and to the imperial capital of Ivaelle, where he could find opportunities that were less present in his sparsely populated home region.
Adulthood (20-35)
  • In his early adult life, Ula'thiel found a calling in music and began to learn how to play the violin, initially entertaining smaller groups before he found on-and-off employment at both public shows and commissioned for celebratory venues.
  • The height of his career allowed Ula'thiel to occasionally intermingle with the higher circles of Altalar aristocracy, though also further exposed him to the decadence and complacent apathy that was eating away at the Empire.
  • Ula'thiel grew somewhat unsatisfied with where he was in life, feeling as if there could be some way to ascend beyond his current station. His wish was granted when one of his socialite friends (a recent Dark Ancients convert) invited Ula'thiel to come along to something occurring in the western Shadow Isles, promising that the experience would be life changing.
A Void-Corrupted Rebirth (35-82)
  • Ula'thiel traveled to the Isles that were ruled by the Princes of Osc'ird, witnessing the first generation of Kathar being born through the rituals there. After some convincing from his friend and realizing what he could gain, Ula'thiel agreed to join in these rituals and underwent the Kathar transformation, his skin now grey and his life tied to the Void.
  • Now a Kathar and no longer a Teledden Altalar, he decided to rename himself to Aq'uello Cionessa as part of his rebirth, leaving behind his old name.
  • Aq'uello was slowly indoctrinated into the tenets of the Faith of the Dark Ancients over the next few decades, until he had become fully devout to those Gods of the Void. In that time, he learned from the local Cults about how to draw power from faith, learning the beginnings of Ritualism and inspiring his path as a priest of the Dark Ancients.
  • The time eventually came when Aq'uello, encouraged by the other priests and cultists, reached deep into the Void and asked for its blessings. Something spoke back to him from the Void's cosmic depths, and the Saivale was granted eldritch power from the Yawning Black.
  • Fleeing to the continent of Saivale following the Night of the Fallen Star, Aq'uello watched from his new home as the Allorn Empire collapsed in the wake of the Cataclysm and Wildering, feeling confident that his new life had indeed paid off after all.
The Dread Empire (82-380)
  • As the Kathar subraces became more distinct, Aq'uello found himself adapting into his now modern appearance of a Saivale, able to join the other Saivale as the upper crust of the newly formed Dread Empire.
  • Aq'uello discovered that he had become capable of changing his appearance into both other Nelfin and into an amorphous mass, and wanted to learn how to better utilize these powers for the good of his people. He joined the Thr-Aqontaal Society that was skilled in subterfuge and espionage, with Aq'uello eventually mastering his Masks to infiltrate Altalar-speaking societies.
  • While at home, Aq'uello spent his time as a priestly figure for Dark Ancient Worship while also incorporating the Katharist syncretist beliefs into his teachings. He took part in the Paarthalaar Prefect Seminary that was able to better train Void priests, as he was a convert who needed to learn all about the Void.
  • The centuries went by and Aq'uello slowly became weary of the world around him, the excitement of his younger Kathar days giving way to an increasing sense of apathy and disillusionment, especially at realizing that the Dread Empire was just a stagnant extension of the decaying Allorn Empire.
  • Aq'uello still piously clung to the Void, but living through centuries in a society where life was cheap and short struck him with needing to find greater purpose elsewhere, discovering that he was stuck in complacent indulgence.
  • While considering another infiltration into Solleria, the Saivale decided that he would go even further into the Holy City of Regalia which he hadn't even entered up to that point, now wondering if he could find a grander purpose there.
Regalia (380-Today)
  • After coming to Regalia, Aq'uello lived in the deteriorated Slums where he found a thriving cesspool of depravity and corruption to take advantage of. The capital of the Regalian Empire exposed Aq'uello to a completely new culture, and yet one so similar in its militaristic and brutal lifestyle to his homeland of the Kathar.
  • He found like-minded Kathar who grouped together and became a loyalist cell for the Dread Empire, maintaining their own survival and the spread of the Void. While he maintained his weariness of the Dread Empire, he still proclaimed loyalty to it nonetheless.
Revelations and the Manathar
  • The day eventually came when Aq'uello and the other Dread Loyalists discovered the truth from the Arken Pride about the Void and the Kathar people, finding themselves questioning or leaving behind everything they ever knew about their society.
  • Aq'uello was deeply conflicted about what he learned, and the Saivale was forced to re-examine and re-adjust his beliefs for the first time in centuries. Aq'uello even lost his Ritualist abilities as he now doubted his faith.
  • The next two weeks were the final catalyst in his severing ties with the Dread Empire, deciding to take both the Void and his destiny into his own hands.
  • By the time the former Dread Loyalists were undergoing the Ritual of the Prideborn, Aq'uello had fully accepted his new destiny, willingly performing the ritual and stepping into the Black Temple. When he eventually re-emerged out of the Flames, his old Kathar form had vanished and Aq'uello was reborn as a Manathar ready to make his own fate.
Changes and Threats
  • After recent events and circumstances involving the Manathar, Aq'uello was transformed into a Cielothar, his aged angular features and deep voice now turned into rounded features and a more light-pitched tone. He is stuck in his new form for an uncertain amount of time, trying to figure out an upcoming problem that no amount of previous skill or knowledge can solve alone.
  • The mysterious threat was revealed to be invisible demons that attacked Regalia in search of Manathar, and after a few more circumstantial events, Aq'uello was been rejected from the Manathar and transformed into his old Altalar form.
  • Aq'uello spent his time trying to figure out a new place in the world after being rejected from the Manathar, finding some success but also growing frustrated at what he perceived to be a wrong against him.
  • After many encounters with Clickers and the Void, along with forging some new ties, Aq'uello decided he was done trying to appeal to the world and reached out to take what was his. He underwent the Dread Rebirth ritual, ascending once more as a Saivale Kathar.
Returns and Rituals
  • In the climactic last battle against the Clickers, Aq'uello would join a group of criminals and abberants in crossing over to the realm of Chaos and put beacons in place. Once that group returned, Aq'uello watched from Crookback as the rest of Regalia did its job in purging the threat.
  • Following months after the end of the Clickers were mostly a slow burn, as Aq'uello worked to establish connections again and navigate his way across the Regalian underworld. This would include making allies and networking across the clandestine groups and Kathar kaahls that he was obligated by common sense to befriend.
  • The question of religion became a pressing issue in the back of Aq'uellos mind as he worked, as he was no longer a true Savant but maintained a respect for the Void itself. Watching as the Kathar and Void Worshipers of the sewers remained scattered and unorganized, Aq'uello decided to take action in creating a Void Cult of his own to unite his people and his old faith, seeing it as a "reformed continuation" of the old Vlae'lona that had turned him into a Kathar centuries ago.
  • Even this attempt at organizing followers was not enough, as Aq'uello found his personal beliefs in conflict with the Savantists around him, with the old Kathar wanting to simply take the Void's power into his own hands while many around him were insistent on savagery and violence.
  • The Saivale eventually learned of the Supreme Being Odella and went to learn more about her, becoming more convinced over time that Odella held the path to ascension and knowledge he sought.
  • Turning his back on his old Dark Ancient beliefs for good, Aq'uello devoted himself fully to Odella, with his old Ritualism returning yet changed.
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Completely reworked Proficiencies, Mageblooded Spells and sections of Life Story in accordance with the recent Proficiency rework, changes made in Green.
Note: Special Permission points for Enhanced Ritualism may change depending on the system decided upon by perm managers, in case I tag again for a brief re-review.
Reworked Life Story as part of the recent Geography updates, as well as reworking Proficiencies and replacing a Mageblooded spell. Changes made in Green.
@HydraLana Updated racial abilities according to the new Kathar expansion, changes made in Green.
Massive rewrite for Aq'uello due to his new Ancient perm:
  • Changed his age to 391 and added the Ancient Perm document.
  • Reworked most of his Proficiencies, also added a single point to his Enhanced Ritualism bc it's supposed to be 9 points.
  • Made changes to Languages due to updated backstory and new investment in Linguistic Sciences (D'Ithanie was learned as part of infiltration missions into Elven-populated areas of Ithania).
  • Rewrote his entire Life Story as he is now almost 400 years old, added a Spoiler bracket around IG events.
  • Made changes to Basic Info expansion.
  • Power's Reach edited to reflect the new change to the ability.
All changes marked in Red.
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Point spread, Life Story (In Game Events), Character Religion and Special Traits all modified to accommodate the Ritualism rework, as Aq'uellos Enhanced Ritualism was also transferred over to Obella Ritualism. Changes made in Green.
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Weapon of Choice: Ritualism
Even if it is acceptable to call Faith Manifest, Ritualism, Odella's powers are very focused on the mental aspects of a person. I'd consider changing this to state "Mental Magic" or something else to spell out what and why exactly the subject is a weapon.
Even if it is acceptable to call Faith Manifest, Ritualism, Odella's powers are very focused on the mental aspects of a person. I'd consider changing this to state "Mental Magic" or something else to spell out what and why exactly the subject is a weapon.
Admittedly that was left over from the old Ritualism and I forgot I'd left it. I've decided to remove "Ritualism" from there since Aq'uellos new Faith Manifest has literally no combat use, and replaced it with a Dagger since Fast Blades is Aq's only combat skill.

Changes made in Green.
Made changes in Proficiencies, Languages, and Life Story in Green according to the recent rework.
Aq'uello was made a Crimson Witch through IC means, resulting in new app changes:
  • Crimson Witch Abilities added to the app.
  • Odella-specific Faith Manifest abilities removed while leaving just the base FM kit, in agreement with Birdsfoot.
  • Added a new Sorcery spell due to Sorcery Skill 1.
  • Visual Information details changed to fit with Crimson Witch changes.
Sorry for tagging again so soon, but I added an alternate appearance for Abyssal Body 2 in Green underneath Visual Information.
@HydraLana Dunno if this requires a re-review, but I compressed and slightly reworked languages due to the Linguistic update. Points did not change, just re-naming and slight reshuffling (i.e. Wyld Altalar was merged into Katharic, but Katharic now costs points due to Marty's new rule).
Remains approved.
Had to make changes due to recent Ability rewrites but previous reviewer is no longer Lore Staff, need a new reviewer. Also went ahead and included Demonology and new Magic, all changes made in Green.
@Caelamus Updated the Spell Point Buy and added a Magic Specials tab, to account for the Magic Rework.
Bringing back an old character to try something different, also bc I miss priest RP.