Archived Approved Character Protection

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Forum Warlock
Jun 10, 2013
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The void, between ends and beginnings.
Roleplay Guilds
In light of the Regalian Purge, which allows the guards to punish any crime with RP death, I think approved characters should get some sort of protection against untimely demise. Because the Regalian law book holds no value anymore, I believe a rule should be added: To kill a approved character, guards and all others would generally need to ask permission to kill the approved character first.

While this wouldn't affect the guards jobs very often, it would end the frustration of creating a brand new character for months, only to have a minor crime be discovered and your character killed for it. While unapproved characters would be just as vulnerable to death in RP as they are now, those who spend the time and effort to have their characters approved, would be able to RP their character as they wish, without the worry of Role Play death constantly looming over them.

While some people would point out that this might lead to more Crime, I suggest that instead of the guards instantly killing a character, they can instead imprison approved characters for a set amount of time based on the Regalian Law book. This of course means, attempted murder of a high ranking official or Guard would still result in death, regardless of Approved state.
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...So basically end the purge for Approved Characters?
...So basically end the purge for Approved Characters?

Essentially, seeing as most criminals and general undesirables of Regalia don't have Approved Characters, the guards would barely notice the change in their work. One out of a dozen they would have to lock up instead of kill. Vampires, Undead, and assassins would always be killed on sight anyway, as the Regalian Law book says to execute them.
Wait, guards can /kill/ for /minor/ crimes? I can get killed for starting a fight or theft of small things?
I thought I would let you know that roleplay staff are currently working alongside Green_Hood to create an up-to-date and relavent version of the character death rules. This might take a little while to come out - we will have to see how long the purge lasts to say whether they will arrive in time - but will most assuredly attempt to create a better atmosphere, provide more realistic RP, and be fairer to roleplayers.
Well, Lanaskan will be going away for a bit......hello Faren Crassan!
Yup. Ever since the purge, you can be killed for anything. I have had this confirmed by multiple guards.
That... Is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Also, Feykronos, perhaps you could do something about Dakkars? I believe there is a reason for them not being played, because it's just ridiculous to be insta-killed by guards without even the ability to hide or whatever.

I will mention it as an issue then of course. Though careful measures have to be taken with that one due to the lore involved.

I realized that too, but still, currently there are like 0 people playing as a Dakkar, while it is quite a cool race.
It's also quite frustrating for guards and roleplayers in general to have to deal with people abusing the fact that you can't really kill someone's roleplay character without their permission (Provided you didn't give up that permission by being an idiot in front of guards.) and going in front of six or so orcs and begin insulting them, then just walking away because 'lolno u cant kill chractr'.
It's also quite frustrating for guards and roleplayers in general to have to deal with people abusing the fact that you can't really kill someone's roleplay character without their permission (Provided you didn't give up that permission by being an idiot in front of guards.) and going in front of six or so orcs and begin insulting them, then just walking away because 'lolno u cant kill chractr'.

I agree, also, don't go taunting a big Arachne if you want your character alive, folks.
I see no problem with guards killing my RP character if I perform a crime, mainly because none of them break the law. If you hate having your character die from guards don't break the law.
Yes, and to add to this: When I am arresting people, they feel as if it is a good idea to casually come up and assault a Crimson Inquisitoner / Noble. PEOPLE, if you WANT your character to live, HAVE COMMON SENSE. If you're an OBVIOUS vampire, we are going to find you and kill you. Especially if your some shrieking fool or walking right into the sun! Vampires, they should have common sense during these times meaning to STAY OUT of public. It's simple! I do not understand, in the least, what is so hard about this. It is so easy. It is so very frustrating when things like that happen, and especially when we try to arrest you and you hit a guard and just run off. PERFECT way to get killed, friend. I am not just speaking and ranting for myself, but under the rest of the guards too. It is very irritating when we try to do our jobs and people go "oh plz i wsnt obv n u no se me k". Sorry to say, but that isn't how it works, you know? The Purge is a good idea for just everything so the criminals, vampires and heretics will just cower so they do not get caught and killed. Simple.
Pretty much what billy said ^

Don't want your character to die, don't commit crimes... And get caught
Yes, and to add to this: When I am arresting people, they feel as if it is a good idea to casually come up and assault a Crimson Inquisitoner / Noble. PEOPLE, if you WANT your character to live, HAVE COMMON SENSE. If you're an OBVIOUS vampire, we are going to find you and kill you. Especially if your some shrieking fool or walking right into the sun! Vampires, they should have common sense during these times meaning to STAY OUT of public. It's simple! I do not understand, in the least, what is so hard about this. It is so easy. It is so very frustrating when things like that happen, and especially when we try to arrest you and you hit a guard and just run off. PERFECT way to get killed, friend. I am not just speaking and ranting for myself, but under the rest of the guards too. It is very irritating when we try to do our jobs and people go "oh plz k wsnt obv n u no se me k". Sorry to say, but that isn't how it works, you know? The Purge is a good idea for just everything so the criminals, vampires and heretics will just cower so they do not get caught and killed. Simple.
Thing is, Loren, not everyone has a vast network of people that would RP with them when asked. Yes, you can stay out of the public, but then what? You're just going to sit somewhere on your own for two hours doing nothing?
Thing is, Loren, not everyone has a vast network of people that would RP with them when asked. Yes, you can stay out of the public, but then what? You're just going to sit somewhere on your own for two hours doing nothing?

That is almost off topic of what I said, Darkness. My vampire will have no connections, but she WILL NOT be an annoying, obvious vampire in public. Heed my words and read my paragraph again.
I've said this many times throughout the purge: "If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear." It's that simple. But if you do have something to hide, then it's simple as laying low. For example, I've heard of a few demonic pirates running around, *cough ravenwolfthorn cough* and they have done a brilliant job at not being caught. Any time myself, or another guardsman is near, the seem to slip away. That's my description of the perfect criminal during these times.
Making it so you can't kill without permission is basically opening the floodgates for stupid crimes and god RP. This allows people to start running around saying, -stabz sord tru dis guys hed- and running away, because hey, they can't have their characters be killed. Not only does allowing people to kill your character add a sense of realism, it also teaches people to use common sense. Let's be honest here, does the general population of Massive REALLY act like people did in medieval times? No. So honestly, if their character dies, they deserved it for acting like stupid morons.
I've said this many times throughout the purge: "If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear." It's that simple. But if you do have something to hide, then it's simple as laying low. For example, I've heard of a few demonic pirates running around, *cough ravenwolfthorn cough* and they have done a brilliant job at not being caught. Any time myself, or another guardsman is near, the seem to slip away. That's my description of the perfect criminal during these times.

Hey, I've not only slipped away, I've talked to you without consequence <3 But in any case, I agree entirely with catcat here. If you do something against the law, then don't let anyone find out about it. Hide it from knowledge and don't do it in the open. Drag the poor sod you're gonna kill to some back alley and roll their head down the poor district chapel aisle...Swear it wasn't me...
Although I disagree with the amount of anger being exhibited by those against this idea, I think we should keep a guard's ability to kill off a character. Without danger, where is the fun of committing crimes? The danger of being killed for even slight crimes adds a lot of RP to the game. The only thing I dislike about it is how powerful the guards are. I mean, if in reality a guard could kill a criminal, then in reality a mob would be able to kill a guard. It kinda chokes out rebellion RP since our characters can't do anything except talk about fighting back. So while I think a guard should still be able to kill characters, I also think the RP should be a bit more balanced.
I can see the problem some may have with this idea. However, how often do you see a shrieking vampire with a approved character? How often do you see a Approved character that is devoid of common sense? Unless they created the that way, they would be acting out of line of their character. This new rule would only affect characters that were directly approved, not the general amount of bad criminals that do not have their characters approved.

One other thing, you all state "People can get away with god RP and Vampirism". This rule would not protect them if they were to murder someone, or be a vampires, as the Regalian Law book allows guards to kill both murderers and vampires alike when caught. I'm not suggesting all approved characters are Immune to death, but that the guards be more lenient towards characters people have spent time and effort on getting approved. I agree with the guards on may points, if a character is found killing people he should die, as he was being a moron. But when your character is arrested for simply stealing, and then executed because of that fact. It becomes frustrating for the RP, and downright damages the relationship between RPers and the Guards as a whole.

It's also quite frustrating for guards and roleplayers in general to have to deal with people abusing the fact that you can't really kill someone's roleplay character without their permission (Provided you didn't give up that permission by being an idiot in front of guards.) and going in front of six or so orcs and begin insulting them, then just walking away because 'lolno u cant kill chractr'.
If their character has been surrounded by orcs, I assume they must have done something akin to murder, which this new rule wouldn't protect them if the did that. Approved or not, any high ranking crime from treason, vampirism, or murder are all under the death penalty of the Regalian Law book. Plus, insulting a guard would likely result in death before the Purge anyway.
Yes, and to add to this: When I am arresting people, they feel as if it is a good idea to casually come up and assault a Crimson Inquisitoner / Noble. PEOPLE, if you WANT your character to live, HAVE COMMON SENSE. If you're an OBVIOUS vampire, we are going to find you and kill you. Especially if your some shrieking fool or walking right into the sun! Vampires, they should have common sense during these times meaning to STAY OUT of public. It's simple! I do not understand, in the least, what is so hard about this. It is so easy. It is so very frustrating when things like that happen, and especially when we try to arrest you and you hit a guard and just run off. PERFECT way to get killed, friend. I am not just speaking and ranting for myself, but under the rest of the guards too. It is very irritating when we try to do our jobs and people go "oh plz k wsnt obv n u no se me k". Sorry to say, but that isn't how it works, you know? The Purge is a good idea for just everything so the criminals, vampires and heretics will just cower so they do not get caught and killed. Simple.
I highly agree with everything you said, the problem with your statement is this: Vampires, even if this rule were to be passed, aren't protected by guard RP anyway. Assaulting a Crimson or Noble, or being a Vampire, all result in death in the Regalian Law book, which is what this rule would inforce upon Approved characters. Furthermore, if someone is that obvious of a criminal, how likely is it that they have a Approved character that acts so obvious? Really, this idea only protects Approved characters, against death from Minor Crimes. Major crimes would still result in their death, so I don't see how the purge will be affected that much. You make a great point, but the problem is that you're focusing on the effects this would have on Vampires and Assaults, which are still treated with death under this rule as well.
Making it so you can't kill without permission is basically opening the floodgates for stupid crimes and god RP. This allows people to start running around saying, -stabz sord tru dis guys hed- and running away, because hey, they can't have their characters be killed. Not only does allowing people to kill your character add a sense of realism, it also teaches people to use common sense. Let's be honest here, does the general population of Massive REALLY act like people did in medieval times? No. So honestly, if their character dies, they deserved it for acting like stupid morons.
The problem here is, this will only protect against people who do not commit major crimes, and have their character approved. "-stabz sord tru dis guys hed-" Wouldn't be treated any differently as they are now, the guards have free rule to all kill people (Even if this rule were to exist) IF they commit a major crime like murder, treason, or vampirism. When you say "Stupid Morons", when someone is caught putting their hand to a door, then dragged into the prison to be shot in the face with a cannon, was this so called "criminal" acting like a stupid moron? I don't think so, I believe you are saying "stupid morons" to refer to A. Obvious vampires, B. Those who attack or assault others, or C. Those that continually commit crimes. Group A and B, would always be in danger of death from Guard RP. Group C, while possibly a problem, could be easily stopped by adding a small tweak that allows repeat criminals to be executed, regardless of approved status.

I think most of this thread has been misunderstood, I don't know why this is, but I just want to say that; I am happy that you have all made quick and informative feed back. However, there is a few facts some people bring up that don't exactly relate to these new rules. If I wasn't clear on anything, please let me know as the examples for why this rule shouldn't exist, don't really relate to the rule itself.
I thought I would let you know that roleplay staff are currently working alongside Green_Hood to create an up-to-date and relavent version of the character death rules. This might take a little while to come out - we will have to see how long the purge lasts to say whether they will arrive in time - but will most assuredly attempt to create a better atmosphere, provide more realistic RP, and be fairer to roleplayers.

I'd also like to say, thank you, Green_hood, and all the other Role-Play for working together on this problem. I am sure it will improve the Role-Play atmosphere more than my own idea here could. Seeing as my own idea is quite awkward to introduce into the rules, due to how difficult it might be to enforce it.
Speaking of this I really should clean up the kill room in my attic. Don't need any guards coming in for surprise inspections.
I've said this many times throughout the purge: "If you've nothing to hide, you've nothing to fear." It's that simple. But if you do have something to hide, then it's simple as laying low. For example, I've heard of a few demonic pirates running around, *cough ravenwolfthorn cough* and they have done a brilliant job at not being caught. Any time myself, or another guardsman is near, the seem to slip away. That's my description of the perfect criminal during these times.

Im telling you, I totes didnt steal that gold chain ;D
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