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Played Character Aoife Glenmore

This character is actively played.


Talking rat
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Your mother's house :)




Theme | Family
Order of contents:
ⅰ. Character information
ⅱ. Core concept
ⅲ. Proficiencies
ⅳ. Appearance
ⅴ. Inventory
ⅵ. Plot hooks
ⅶ. Life story
ⅷ. Relationships
ⅸ. Immersive writing


ⅰ. Character information
Full Name and Titles.
╰┈➤Aoife Móirín Ní Eóin Gleann Mór, Lady of Féar Glas

╰┈➤Aoife Glenmore
╰┈➤ Fifi, She-Cub
Race and Cultures.
╰┈➤ Aontaithe Ailor, Unionist/Fornoss
{Favours Fornoss God Svol}
╰┈➤ Twenty-Six, born on the sixth of March 286 A.C
╰┈➤ Female | She/Her
Eye colour.
╰┈➤ Emerald Green


ⅱ. Core concept
Staid +|+
╰┈➤ Aoife is serious in almost all situations. Not falling to the plight of greed or cracking under pressure. She keeps a level head regardless of the intensity of the situation. She follows instructions, not seeing any need not to.
Remorseless -|-
╰┈➤ All her life she's been taught to hunt animals without thinking. This has crossed over into her social life, often coming across as lacking empathy and finding it hard to feel the emotions correct for certain situations.
Vicious +|-
╰┈➤ Regarding her social life and her hobby as a hunter, she can be rather vicious which comes across as blunt in some ways and deadly in others. She regards everyone and everything with a blank expression, not willing to betray her thoughts. Not to say she's impolite.

Regarding Law | How does your character feel about law and authority?
╰┈➤ Aoife respects the law though she wishes they would be more harsh in some of their decisions. She finds some of their decisions to be lax and wishes they would act more violently regarding those she feels harm the community.
Regarding Family | How does your character feel towards their family?
╰┈➤ Family is incredibly important to Aoife, everything she does is for them. She would hunt at a young age to bring home food and would then prep it for them all. Family is probably the only time she shows emotions and expresses herself. She is the only sister of two brothers but doesn't see herself as lacking in any regard compared to them.
Regarding Race | How does your character feel about races other than their own?
╰┈➤ Aoife doesn't mind any races aside from those who are notoriously criminal.
Regarding Religion | How does your character feel about other religions?
╰┈➤ Aoife doesn't much care for religion though she is a follower of Unionism. She feels some hostility towards Unionism though because it was forced on her over Fornoss, her family adapting to Unionism to fit in in Regalia.
Regarding Magic | How does your character feel about the arcane and the magical in the world?
╰┈➤ Aoife cannot stand magic regardless of who casts it. She sees it as fundamentally evil and something to be eradicated. However she isn't one to get her hands dirty, instead looking to others, especially the knights despite how lacking she believes them to be.
Regarding Pride | What is your character most proud of about themselves?
╰┈➤ Aoife is incredibly proud of her ability to hunt, she has overcome many hardships to reach the ability she's at now. She prides herself on her ability so much that she is open to teaching others. She's also taught well in the ways of house management. The family culture believes in the idea that women work alongside their male spouses rather than below them.
Regarding Insecurity | What is your character's biggest insecurity?
╰┈➤ Her lack of empathy. She feels this is a downfall at times, certain that if she was able to feel empathy she'd be able to fight for the people.
Regarding Fear | What is your character's biggest fear?
╰┈➤ Aoife isn't scared of anything, simple as that.
Fears |
╰┈➤ Absolutely nothing, she physically cannot feel fear.
Weaknesses |
╰┈➤ Her absolute inability to express emotions, only possible to fake the emotions she feel 'suit' a situation. Her smiles are fake, her charm made to appeal and manipulate. She has made her weakness a strength.
Likes |
╰┈➤ Painting, she has found it to be something she can actually express herself in, A habit she doesn't often show others though, she believes she should only show the things that could advance her position. Showing her true feelings in a painting doesn't do that, so why bother?
╰┈➤ Hunting, she adores this. Perhaps it was an adoration that was forced upon her but regardless she continues to do it to this day. Feeling even better that the family consider her a 'great warrior' (especially considering she got the sword heirloom.)
╰┈➤ Smoking. Once upon a time she would sneak the garettes from her father's office, rushing outside to smoke them in the dark. Now they have the nasty habit of comforting her, how tragic.

Dislikes |
╰┈➤ Lying, she finds lying intolerable so she'll speak her mind no matter what it is.

ⅲ. Proficiencies
Strength || 7
╰┈➤ Cheap Shot Pack
╰┈➤ Concussive Blow Pack
╰┈➤ Pinning Throw Pack
╰┈➤ Diving Tackle Pack
╰┈➤ Shrug Off Pack
╰┈➤ Knockback Sweep Pack
╰┈➤ Combat Sight Pack
╰┈➤ Weapon Throw Pack
[Free Pack; Melee Investment]
╰┈➤ Steady Body Pack [Free Pack; Ailor Racial]
Constitution || 2
╰┈➤ Rage Counter Pack
╰┈➤ Thick Hide Pack
╰┈➤ Familiar Disrupt Pack
[Free Pack; Ailor Racial]
Wisdom || 5
╰┈➤ Chem Hyperfocus Pack
╰┈➤ Chem Cleanse Pack
╰┈➤ Chem Technique Parry Pack
╰┈➤ Chem Bang Pack
╰┈➤ Chem Mend Pack

Parental Tongue ||
╰┈➤ Common (10/10)
╰┈➤ Aontaithe (10/10)

Minor languages ||
╰┈➤ Gallovian (10/10)


ⅳ. Appearance
╰┈➤ Aoife has no abnormalities.
╰┈➤ Aoife stands at an impressive five foot ten with a face like thunder. She's a rather muscular woman, her muscle built up over years of hunting, horse riding and swordplay. Often she reeks of garette smoke, and a hint of blood though on days when she's wearing her fancy dresses, she'll smell of floral perfume. She has dark brown hair that is often tied into a bun to keep out of her face especially because of how thick it is. Her skin is a pale pink complexion with freckles all along her face and body. Her eyes are a dull emerald green, often blank and lacking the light that comes with an authentic smile. She's often seen wearing a fancy red coat with a gold belt, a white undershirt, dark green trousers and black boots, and a heirloom family sword attached dutifully at her left hip. Though on formal days she'll wear a dark green dress with floral stitching and a burnt orange belt or a brown plaid one. She speaks in a thick Aontaithe accent, her voice velvety and smooth without the lilt of emotion. Bland, is the best way to describe her.



ⅴ. Inventory
Pocket Knife
╰┈➤ A normal silver pocket knife, concealed by a polished oak handle before it is flicked out. It sits neatly on her belt.
Alchemy bottles
╰┈➤ A more unique skill of the family, she spends her downtime creating alchemical concoctions. They usually rest in a bag hooked to her belt, easily accessible.
Garettes and matches
╰┈➤ Simple as that.
Conrí the Pointer
╰┈➤ Aoife's familiar she received from birth, he is a loyal dog, often accompanying her on hunting trips. She's very fond of the dog, if someone were to threaten or cause harm towards him, she wouldn't hesitate to take them out.



ⅵ. Plot hooks
╰┈➤ Growing up she was taught the ways of hunting and now uses it in everyday life. She often can kill animals with adept skill and prowess without thinking, making it easier in the long run.
ζ Are you also a fellow hunter who wishes to go on trips to the wilderness or wants to have a sparring mate? Reach out!


ⅶ. Life story
Born in 286 A.C, on the sixth of March as the eldest twin of Pádraig to Lady Niamh and Count Eóin Gleann Mór, she was an unusual baby, not crying much if at all. From a young age, she was taught to hunt though grew bored of ranged and took up the art of melee, alongside her, her pointer familiar 'Conrí'. She was also taught how to prep the meat her family brought home, becoming adept in skinning, plucking, etc.

She listened to instructions well and never misbehaved. Some may consider it odd though it only furthered her skill so she didn't understand the need to do so.

╰┈➤ As she got older, nothing much changed except for her abilities. She became a primary hunter for the family, rarely spending time doing what Regalia stereotypically deems as a 'woman's role'. Some days she would plant a smile on her face and wear a fancy dress whilst acting like a true lady to appease foreigners who come to trade.

A secret hobby of hers was sketching landscapes, pockets of the environment she calls home. She keeps this habit to herself mostly, not because she's ashamed but because she doesn't see it as important. No other way for her to advance herself or the family which is her entire purpose.

It was certain from birth that connecting with Aoife on an emotional level was a stagnant endeavour. The lack of tears was an immediate concern to Lady Niamh Gleann Mór and her concern grew even more when the girl reached the age of infancy and developed an incredibly militaristic personality. Instead of wanting to play with her younger twin, Pádraig, she would choose to learn. Taking up wooden duelling swords over toys.

Once she grew old enough to speak in full sentences and properly use a bow, she would practice hunting by using scarecrows as targets, much to the chagrin of the farmers of Ard Croí. Lady Niamh, however, wouldn't have to worry for long as Aoife had soon learnt how to mask to appease the people around her. At the age of ten, she learnt that her mother would become upset if she focused too much on hunting game and would appease her by reading to her during the evenings and she would wear the dresses laid out for her with a smile when foreigners came to trade.

Whilst behaving like the proper 'Lady', Aoife would often go with her father on hunting excursions and developed a taste for the blade. She became adept with it, graduating from a wooden sword to a proper silver sword. At fourteen, she would take herself off to hunt along with her Pointer 'Conrí', a familiar she received when she was a baby. Conrí was the first thing she ever smiled at, the second was her twin brother Pád, and the third was her older brother Rían.

When Rían went away for naval school, Aoife felt a sense of guilt towards her twin. She felt as though he could be lonely due to her coldness and moulded herself to become what she deemed to be an 'attentive older sister'. To this day she's unsure if this worked but it mostly consisted of her putting down the sword and following along with whatever activity he desired.

On her eighteenth, she had already established a routine for herself; go hunting for the family, sneak off to paint the landscape, hang out with Pádraig and read to her mother. What she hadn't expected was to receive the Claíomh teaghlaigh an Ghleanna Mhóir on her birthday. This immediately became her primary weapon, it constantly attached to her hip like a third limb.

Her adulthood consisted of the same, normal routine. Others may have considered it bland but to her, it was exactly what she needed to do. It appeased everyone in the household and she became a respected member of the family as a result. She'd cook, she'd hunt, she'd prep, she'd paint, she'd read. Everything was strategically planned and each suited specific members of the family so no one would point out concern.

Things changed dramatically for her when her eldest brother, Rían, now a count decided the best plan for the family was to move them into Regalia. This immediately angered Aoife, for a week she locked herself away in her room and spent her time thinking. She disliked Regalia's idea of lax punishment and hated the idea of ditching the only thing 'real' about her. Her Aontaithe identity.

After a week, she left the room with a smile on her face, a new mindset and a new personality leaving the room with her. She will take up the role of a perfect Unionist Lady, Lady Aoife Glenmore.

╰┈➤ Aoife and her twin, Pádraig were essentially dragged to Regalia. Both despised the way Regalia treated those they considered criminals with courtesy rather than harsh punishment. They also didn't like the idea of dropping their traditional Aontaithe beliefs to appease the Regalian population. However, Aoife quickly accepted the idea, understanding that it could better the family and the lands. Now she settles into her same routine in the alien environment, far from home.


ⅷ. Relationships
Rían Glenmore | Blackfiish | Older brother | 10/10
"I trust your ability to lead our family well. It's your duty."
Although she may not be as close to Rían as she is to Pád, she still feels the sisterly love towards Rían as she should. She respects him greatly for picking up the mantle of 'Count' from such a young age and wouldn't choose a better man for the role. Though he annoys her often with his teasing, usually roping in her twin to gang up on her.

Pádraig Glenmore | Wexford | Twin Brother | 10/10
"Stop smiling for one moment, I can't keep up."

Perhaps Aoife's better half, Pád has perfected the role of the annoying younger brother incredibly despite the hour between the pair. This is not to say Aoife dislikes her twin, in fact, she adores him. She just wishes he'd be a bit more serious in his endeavours.
WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10
WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10
Selvalos Aeval | Peerage | Acquaintance | 7/10
"Aoife, one. Selvalos, zero."
A man she met after a rather embarrassing defeat against someone Selvalos knew, the pair conversed at length over the intricacies of fighting and the difference between different types. One day, she wishes to fight him, regardless of an embarrassing defeat yet to come.

WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10

WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10

WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10
WIP | WIP | WIP | 0/10

ⅸ. Immersive writing
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