Preserved Sheet Anthonius Gewittermän

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Average Wallachian Noble
Jun 6, 2017
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Anthonius Hortensilesis Gewittermän
    • Aliases: Hedwig Seewald
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Alt-Regalian)
  • Main Ambition: Knowledge, Self-betterment
  • Special Permission: Trainee Mage
Skill Information
School: School of History
Level: Learned
Source: Private tutors, Academy, Self-teaching

School: School of Mind Magic
Level: Trainee
Source: Old scriptures found in Etosil.


Chithaman - [Under 6 months]
Languages: [Scale: I-X]
Proto-Regalisch - V
Alt-Regalisch - VIII
Common - VII
Etosian - IV

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Deep Beryl
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Short Cut
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Dark robes, trenchcoat at times.
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Body Build: Average
  • Weapon of Choice: History Book

Personality and Abilities

The Populace's View
Often found studying and preaching, he gives off the impression of a hard-working and learnt individual. A soul who is dedicated toward his duties, also the paths he pursues on his own. When spoken with, he comes off as a caring and benevolent person who seems a tad cautious at first, then changes to a rather direct approach.

Considerable amounts of time spent with the examination of Pre-Catalysm history, Anthonius' perception of himself darkened significantly; Flawed, sinful, and by all means decadent he views his own person as.
Knowing that the Spirit forsook the Nelfin due to how they never attempted bettering themselves, he believes that history might repeat itself eventually; meaning that humankind can be forsaken just like the Nelfin were. In light of that, the young reverend aims to perpetually improve himself, and those who are within his environment; Wishing to keep Humankind as the Spirit's chosen as long as it is possible.
Growth and development though requires time, and perhaps even more than the length of his own lifetime. However, the world and its denizens are consistently undergoing change and betterment; this grants him hope that his efforts will not be left discontinued, and that this is his true legacy: To perpetually improve.

Close Ties and Beloved
Anthonius values spending time with those who he considers friends and mates. These people enjoy more liberty when conversing with him however, he is careful nonetheless. Individuals who possess identical world-views to that of his, he interacts with more and more, seeking their interpretation and ideas about the world and the Spirit. Souls who walk the same path as he does are greatly appreciated, though he may or may not treat them as vassals if not more.

Fiend in Priestly Robes
Brisk in his actions of spreading Unionism, firm when tending to the troubled and those in need, merciless against the heretical. He abides by the Emperor's written words, though he enjoys a very loose interpretation of said scriptures; learnt in the Themai of Horopados. When an opportunity to better Humanum and himself appears though, considering the circumstances, he takes it after a bit of calculation. This can often lead to nefarious acts, and to ones of benevolence.

Anthonius is a follower of the Themai of Horopados; he believes that it is the soul that matters and not the body. Any modifications upon one's body is but a mean to better their ability to walk the Great Way. He also views Undead, Url and Half-Breeds with a tint of understanding, believing that they are powered by a Human soul which suppresses the lesser traits and heredity.

The Nelfin refused to improve, and fell further into the depths of decadence. Refusal equals with denying the Spirit's gifts, and so those who act in such fashion must repent and suffer for their foolishness. Anthonius would likely force these personnel to adapt progress and improvements, or else brand them as heretics. In this sense, he is rather dogmatic. He would forego free will to achieve ultimate salvation.
The Nobility have been granted rights and power, so they can maintain the Empire in His Imperial Holiness' absence. Anthonius grants them the respect they deserve, yet nonetheless, they are stewards to the Emperor and the Spirit.


Attentive at most times, keen on finding a glint of 'gold'; tidbits of information, he can use. Anthonius can easily remain concentrated on a subject whilst also following other individuals' conversations, or he utilizes this ability to essentially find ties betwixt two matters he has under scrutiny.

Pre-Catalysm Annalist
Anthonius already spent two whole years with attaining Pre-Catalysm knowledge, which he is able to use to benefit his cause.

Life Story

Early Years
  • Born in 279 AC, as a son to Reinmar Gewittermän and Robin Hellewalden in Calemberg.
  • At an age of five, he was given in to study in Seminary. There he learnt basic skills and honed his voice, also his knowledge on a set of languages.
  • Early on in the Seminary, he was humiliated by higher ups for he was physically weak and hadn't enough endurance to withstand the bulk of the work he was assigned to carry out.
  • He took up on the School of History and found the Pre-Catalysm studies quite intriguing, into which he soon began delving in depth. He spent a whole year with attaining and practicing said discipline.
  • Anthonius spent another year studying Pre-Catalysm teachings, and finished them barely before graduating from the Seminary.
  • Post-graduation he was sent to do Missionary work- Destination Opper Calem and Drixagh. Spending a set of years as a Curate, carrying out the allowed three Sacraments of Unionism.
  • A few years he spent there before pursuing his thirst for knowledge, eventually finding himself in Etosil. There he learnt the language itself, and experienced the Etosian subsect of Unionism. During his studies, he found out about the Undead and the rumours about them. The matter fascinated Anthonius, yet he only pursued the matter as long as it was comfortable to do so.
  • During these studies did a Young Anthonius happen to find traces of, then soon recover texts about manipulating the restless deceased at one's own behest. Fueled by curiosity, he set himself unto following a path toward greater understanding of the forsaken beings.
  • Returned from Etosil in 303 AC, he continued his studies of History and actively began to use the hoarded information he gained on his journeys.

  • Anthonius received his Verwaltung in Calemberg, and during those years was when the young Reverend had the ability to more or so continue his studies of Pre-Catalysm History.
  • Seeking more knowledge and opportunities, Anthonius left the lush forests of Calemberg behind, and arrived in Regalia. There he joined the Holy Synod, seeking to leave his name in the books of history in one way or another, whilst also spreading the tenets of Sancella Unionism.
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@_XIII This is your review:

For Personality point Self Perception:
  • Given his knowledge of Pre-Cataclysm history and support for the Themai of Horopados, I wouldn't necessarily say that a state of perfection is really something this character would aim for. Given the knowledge that the Cataclysm was an event that by Unionist terminology ended the Spirit's blessings on the Elves and brought forth the Humans as deserving, I personally think he should view the world in a constant state of self improvement. That way you can also get rid of the barely explainable factor that he somehow isn't bothered despite feeling inadequate to reach a standard set for himself. Instead, I think it would be better if the knowledge that the Spirit could just switch to a more deserving race if Humankind does not develop out of its hubris, would give a strong engine for perpetual embetterment, something that connects perfectly with Horopados. Furthermore, that allows you to tap into an endless supply of progress rhetoric, since it creates the sense that there is urgency to human development.
For Close and Loved ones:
  • I suggest adding 2-3 sentences on how he treats those who have similar world views to him. The Themai of Horopados is a really extreme one, which can lead to great rejection, or huge appreciation to those who do agree with it. Does he treat those who have the same world views differently than his regular drinking buddies? etc.
For Philosophy:
  • Given the character will inevitably be at odds with various forms of authority, it may be pertinent to form some sort of pre-established opinion on the aristocracy and the relation between the church and the assembly and nobility.
There is one more thing I'd like you to squeeze in here: What the person's morality is on forced change. Perhaps with the sentiments described above, and the existence of forced Url conversion, how does the character feel about forcing bodily modifications on those who refuse, or on those who do not agree with the views of Horopados? What does that say about the character? Are they pragmatic or dogmatic? Are they forceful, or giving? Are they willing to forego free will for ultimate salvation?

Please tag me when you are done.
Edits done accordingly, also highlighted. @MonMarty
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Requesting re-review.
Changes are marked in THIS colour.
I am claiming this character application for staff review! (In the absence of Marty)
Expect a response within a few minutes.

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.
Sorry for the delay in having this re-reviewed!​
  • At his current age, Anthonius would not be able understand 4 languages. He will likely be limited to 2 languages, or 2 and a basic knowledge of 1. You can read all of the language specifications here.
  • The Nelfin refused to improve, and fell further into the depths of decadence. Refusal equals with denying the Spirit's gifts, and so those who act in such fashion must repent and suffer for their foolishness.
    This section beneath "Philosophy" seems a bit out of place in the context of the previous paragraph. Was it accidentally copied from somewhere else?
  • The Pre-Cataclysm Analyst talent is a bit lacking in description! It takes 6 years to reach a level of Learned in the School of History, so be sure to correct this and add a bit more information. What subjects does he specialize in, if any? How does his historical knowledge aid him?
  • When and why did Anthonius decide to learn magic? It seems a little odd that a firm Unionist studying the School of Pre-Cataclysm would decide to follow a path of magic, which is deemed heretical in both of these fields. Try and add a little more context to this in the life story, or possibly personality section if possible.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.
Sorry for the delay in having this re-reviewed!​
  • At his current age, Anthonius would not be able understand 4 languages. He will likely be limited to 2 languages, or 2 and a basic knowledge of 1. You can read all of the language specifications here.

  • This section beneath "Philosophy" seems a bit out of place in the context of the previous paragraph. Was it accidentally copied from somewhere else?
  • The Pre-Cataclysm Analyst talent is a bit lacking in description! It takes 6 years to reach a level of Learned in the School of History, so be sure to correct this and add a bit more information. What subjects does he specialize in, if any? How does his historical knowledge aid him?
  • When and why did Anthonius decide to learn magic? It seems a little odd that a firm Unionist studying the School of Pre-Cataclysm would decide to follow a path of magic, which is deemed heretical in both of these fields. Try and add a little more context to this in the life story, or possibly personality section if possible.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!

It will be reworked completely the soonest I am able to find inspiration-

As for if it was copied or not- Yes it was copied from my google docs, though even there I left some sentences unfinished.
Very well! Since this is being completely reworked, I will reject this application so it doesn't sit in "review in progress". You're welcome to tag me in your new thread when you post it and I'll come and look.

Best of luck!