Preserved Sheet Anri Vuhnreniirn

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Lizard and Chill
May 31, 2018
Reaction score
SE Canada/NE USA
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Digmaan Yaotl
Character Information
Name: Anrianokh Raazz'ël-ranvanokh Vuhnreniirn Rokh-Bard Raz-Paravennaar
Titles: Baroq of Valon

Age: 335 (appears 21)
Birthday: 20th of December, 26 BC
Birthplace: Paravennaar, Anchal

Gender: Yes.
Pronouns: All.

Race: Kathar
Cult: Cult of Reason

Sexuality: Yes.

Eye Color: Blue
Natural Color: Blue
Core Concept
Religion: Void Worship
While Anri is not a deeply religious individual, he has come to revere the Dark Ancients through Void Worship; among them all, he most outwardly supports Ifrit, as a result of his close proximity to Dragon Worship in Anchal.

Beneath Anri's surface appearance of being a socialite and hedonist, Anri has attempted to run from his past and burn away his old identity through his loyalty to Regalia in the hopes of building a brighter future and speaking out against fear, harm, and ignorance.
Proficiency Information
Strength: 0

Constitution: 0

Wisdom: 0

Dexterity: 0

Magic: 2
Type: Void
  • Magic Point Buy: Flesh Magic Pack, Blood Magic Pack

Charisma: 4
  • State Point Buy: State Diplomat Pack
  • Language Point Buy: West Linguist Pack, Ancient Speech Pack
Ability Information
Non-Racial Kits

  • Ritualism (Void Worship)

  • Common (Free)
  • West Anglian ("Regional")
  • West Linguist Pack (Language Point Buy)
Appearance Information

Anri only has two mutations, which are his blue hair and his gynandromorphic physiology.

Anri dresses with excessively expensive apparel, jewelry, and makeup, styling himself with very form-fitting and dark fashion that's often complemented by colorful highlights.

Life Story

  • Anri was born a younger brother of Loreanthel, raised among the upper circles of the Allorn Empire and steeped deep in the intrigue of the Altalar.
  • In his youth he studied statecraft, though neglected much of his actual research in pursuit of more sensual pastimes, which drew him into the Void Cults much like his brother.
  • Anri was present during the Night of the Weeping Stars, involved in the turning of other Altalar to support the Void Cults, and emerging as a Kathar in the wake of the slaughter.
  • In the wake of the "invasion" of Regalia by his brother Loreanthel (who had since become Reynaud), Anri fell to doubt, diffusing himself into the cultures of Anchal and burning away his old identity.
  • In the years since, Anri emerged as a mediator between the conflicting peoples of Anchal, pushed away from the militaristic heart of the family but putting his charisma towards uniting the Kathar, Altalar, and Anglian people of Solleria.

Anri has been to Regalia before during his previous tenures as a Western Consul, and has since returned in order to join the crucible of political intrigue and progress, hoping to lend his voice once more for the greater good of the Empire and the Kathar people.
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Howdy! App looks good for the most part. In the future, I'd highly recommend removing your proficiency investments from Spoilers. It overall makes the section a lot bulkier, and it's very tedious clicking through all of them to make sure the investments are correct. Just having them listed out is perfect.

Everything else looks good!

@sonofthestars I just wanted to update one small thing for Anri: I swapped his 2 Strength for 2 Dexterity, since I believe it's a lot more fitting for the character. Hopefully everything else is alright and in order!
Another small proficiency update! I reduced both Dexterity and Constitution by 1 to increase Magic by 2. Added Cosmic and Glamor magic packs and took away both Brittle Pack and Thread Work Pack. I also added Ritualism because it fit with Anri's past of being deeply ingrained in Void Cultism.
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@Yurs I forgot to ping, but I need another re-review, listed changes above. Sorry for so many updates to the sheet!
@Volaie Hey! I've decided to do something weird and reduce all of the points Anri has spent by basically half, because honestly I'm not sure where I want to go with him and I want to keep my cards on the table! I have reduced Anri down to just the things I know I want him to have at minimum, and I guess I'll just update his sheet with proficiencies as I figure him out. Hopefully that's all good and doesn't have any issues?
No issues. Just tag me whenever you make some decisions.