Archived Announcements

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Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Every so often an announcement is displayed in the server chat. I am talking about the automatic ones not the ones that server staff send out. Some of these announcements are very out of date. For example, there is one which says "prospera is the trade center of massivecraft" or something to that effect, prospera was deleted a while back.

What I am suggesting is the staff go through the list of announcements and update them. This would help new members get correct information about the server and make it generally less annoying for all the members who know they are incorrect.

Thanks for reading.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Updating these messages has been suggested multiple times internally, but when it comes to manpower, we don't really have anyone available to deal with them right now.
I am currently done fixing the outdated announcements, i'm just awaiting approval for the file to be added. :)
OK, well since it is already been fixed can this thread be lock. Thanks for fixing the problem.
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