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Announcement Of Vasalization - House Black


The Black Wolf-Bear
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Kingdom

I, Dianne Black, do solemnly swear the fealty of the House Black of Narlas to the House Kehlen of Redde. As a sworn vassal of the House Kehlen, we do swear to adhere to the following rules.
  • Provide troops should our liege lord have need of them
  • Provide gold should our liege lord have need of it
  • Provide industrial support should our liege lord request it
  • Take up arms for our liege lord should they have need of our service
In return, the House Kehlen of Redde promises to its vassals the following:
  • Financial support where needed (EX. Rebuilding Narlas following the uprising)
    • This includes an opening investment of 5,000 regals towards the rebuild.
  • Military support where needed (EX. Sending troops to route out rebels)
  • Industrial support where needed (EX. Naval supplies for building fleets)
As such, it is natural that House Black should desire to have their freedom returned at a later date, with this in mind, the following exit terms are agreed upon:
  • House Black reaches a title weight of 4 (Duchy)
  • House Kehlen abuses/neglects its power/duty.
Ser Wulfram Ernst Kehlen

Lady Dianne Grace Black


With the signatures of both the House Kehlen patriarch and the House Black Matriarch, this contract is now in legal effect. Should the vassal house break any of their contract terms without established understanding between the vassal and the contract holder, House Kehlen of Redde is entitled to the following:
  • Claiming of at most ½ of the contract breaker's value (Seizing of gold, property and holdings)
  • Conscription/ Decimation of ¼ of the contract breaker's standing army (Troops will be drafted or killed)
Should House Kehlen of Redde fail to uphold their terms, damages will be paid both in troops and gold to reimburse vassalized families for any losses suffered due to House Kehlen's negligence of duty.

I hope you know that vassalized nobility cant have more than two title points? At least to my knowledge.
"Interesting turn of events." The retired Edmond remarked, as he sat back in is favorite chair, overlooking his medium sized orchard.
The hustle and bustle of the city streets played out as it did on any regular day. Aristocratic and noble men talked of the war in the west, while the ladies chattered about fashion and perfume. To an ear that was paying very close attention, another faint noise would be heard, emanating from a quaint town house window, somewhere just up the street. Inside, Christopher Black held a harmonica to his lips, one of his old prison blues melodies flowing from the instrument.