Preserved Sheet Annika Vauclain

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Sass Incarnate
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score




Full Name: Annika Sofia Vauclain
  • Preferred Nicknames: Nik/Nick, or Ani.
  • Despised Nicknames: Nika, Nikki
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Race: Alt Anglian and Ithanian
Sexuality: Heterosexual




Total Points: 21
  • +10 Body Care Training (Race)
  • +8 Nature Care Sciences (points)
  • +6 Statesman Knowledge (points)
  • +4 Perception training (points)
  • +3 Athletic training (points)
Body Shape: 0 + (3x2) = 6
  • Type: Toned
  • Fat: Average body Fat
  • D'ithanie (fluent, learned from childhood )
  • Common (Fluent)




Eye Color: Emerald
Hair Color: Deep Brown
Skin Color: Pale
Clothing: Fine Dresses or prim riding outfit
Height: 5'6



"She guarded herself like a secret"

To the perfect stranger, Annika is relatively reserved. Due to her upbringing, she is always careful to maintain a poised and proper demeanor in public, especially in the company of those she doesn't know. While she will be cordial and kind while holding a conversation, she is generally bored by small talk with those whom she is unfamiliar with and often will get antsy to move along and find something more interesting to do.

"Part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet"

Though she does a relatively good job at concealing her inner emotions, Annika is a relatively anxious person. She holds herself to aggressively high standards, taking care to plan everything she does down to the last detail to ensure she doesn't make a fool of herself. When she does mess up, she takes it to heart and her nervousness gets the better of her as she overanalyses every aspect of what went wrong to ensure she never gets placed in that position again.

"She has fire in her bones and honey in her soul"

To those lucky few whom she holds close, Annika's naturally standoffish demeanor melts away exposing her softer side. To her family, Annika tends to be sarcastic and teasing, though all from a place of love. She will always go out of her way to aid her family and close friends and has no qualms on lashing her temper out on any poor sap who dares step to those she loves.

"Without justice, courage is weak"

In terms of morality, Annika tends to stay true to being Lawful Good. She holds order and justice in high regard, trusting that following the laws will keep you an upstanding and righteous citizen. She frowns heavily upon those who treat the law lightly, strongly believing that they can be rehabilitated through harsh punishment.




Early Childhood:

  • Annika and her twin brother Amett were born October 10th, 285 AC in the lush city of Loiree to Auriane and Godfred Vauclain.
  • From a young age, Annika was drawn to equestrian pursuits. She would often beg her parents to let her go wander about the stables to admire the stunning horses, cooing over their powerful beauty for hours. Her father often would take her with him when her purchased or sold new horses, knowing how much she loved the spectacular beasts.
  • By the age of 10, Annika had a private tutor working with her a few hours a day teaching her how to ride and care for horses so that she could one day assist in her family's business. It was only during her work with her horses that Annika would be relatively calm and focused, showing off her eagerness to learn.
  • Outside of her training, Annika would spend her time playing with her siblings and getting into playful mischief. When she became too much of a handful, her mother would sequester her to the library to study. While this started out as a punishment, it ended up encouraging Annika's love of literature.

Teenage Years:

  • At the age of 13, Annika's mother deemed her ready to enter into etiquette and diplomacy schooling in hopes of reining in her spirited daughter and molding her into a proper lady. Although Annika put up a fuss, she was eventually convinced to appease her mother by her father with the bribe of receiving a proper horse of her own.
  • While enrolled in her schooling, Annika quickly asserted herself as a leader and voice of reason among her peers. She loved aiding in the resolution of disputes almost as much as she loved being with her horses.
  • By the time she completed her schooling, Annika had blossomed into a conscientious young woman with a strong sense of self and a love for order.

  • At the age of 20, Annika took a more forward role in assisting Godfred, specifically with the working and trading of horses. She found joy and comfort in equestrian pursuits, often mixing in her diplomatic background to arrange proper trades on behalf of her father and keeping diligent notes of any and all agreements.
  • At the age of 21, Annika and her twin brother Amett were sent off to join their other cousins in the crown city of Regalia. Though she was uneasy with the changes that come with moving to a new home, she felt relieved that she could be surrounded by family at the very least.
  • Presently, Annika is assisting her cousins as a joint force to bring the Vauclain name back to its former glory. She looks forward to making her parents proud and assisting in the growth of her family's influence within the city.


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