Preserved Sheet Anneke Deceres

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king of forgetting things
Jun 24, 2015
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anne deceres name1.webp
  • Age: Thirty-Three
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Half Human (Elf and Anglian Ailor)
  • Sexuality: Straight
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Proficiency - 33
  • +10 Heavy Bow Combat (Anglian culture)
  • +5 Threads Arts
  • +5 Visual Arts
  • +13 Medical Sciences
  • +10 Blades Combat skill
Body Build = Toned, Average Body Fat

  • Common 10/10
  • Anglian 10/10
  • Anneke is an Artist by trade, having been living in Regalia since the age of thirteen in their new and improved family-run store. She lives alone, currently, and runs a private company by herself.
  • She was the bastard-born child of Nathan Deceres and Marieke Vos in Dorinn, just outside of Anglia. She was raised to believe her Mother's husband, a talented playwright, was her Father from the day of her birth up until she was fifteen, where the truth was finally revealed. Upon the discovery of her true heritage, Anneke changed her last name from Vos to Deceres, though only recently started using the name in public following her 'Father's' untimely death. She has no full siblings, though a large party of half-siblings whom she shares the name biological father with.
  • Anne wishes to raise a family of her own, one day. Having at least one little girl to dress and a few boys to take after her father. She also aspires for popularity and love, in large quantities.
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  • Eye Color: Light blue
  • Hair Color: Dark brown with the underlayer dyed white with Pureza's Powder
  • Hair Style: Chopped at the shoulder, straightened
  • Skin Color: Ailor pink
  • Clothing: Practical dresses
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Anneke's features are soft, yet defined. Her facial structure is best described as angular with a good amount of plumpness to fill her in. Her eyes are sunken and glimmering, like two sapphires shining out of a cave, surrounded by thick eyelashes and almond-shaped lids. Her nose is nearer to her father's, seemingly large for her face with a high bridge and smaller point at the end; though slightly upturned instead of down. She normally looks quite pleasant and joyous, nearly discerningly so. She carries only a few shy freckles on her face, not enough to allude to her being sun-kissed, as her skin is fair and her hair dark as a raven's back. Typically, she would be described as porcelain, her curls framing her face to perfection with daily styling.
  • She is skinny, though not frail. She has a fair amount of fat on her body, though not enough to amount to much. She carries little muscle mass, and her hips barely fill her dresses. As for her chest, she has a prominent collarbone and sparse freckling across her decolletage Her arms and legs are long, her fingers are delicate for the most intricate designs and her feet seem to match.
  • Anne aims to dress the best she can, while also on a budget. Her clothing seems to be made of fairly common material but sewn in such a way to hint at wealth. She is known to dye furs and fabrics to seem better off in life, though relies on her skill with a needle in order to deceive those around her. She carries gloves in her pockets, made of either leather or a softer, thinner material. When wearing boots, she most often carries a kitchen knife inside one of them.
  • Describe the character's voice. How do they speak? What is their typical tone and speed? Do they have an accent or a tendency to stutter? Any quirks about their voice listed here. Maybe also add a list of the languages they can speak.
  • As a born-and-raised Anglian, Anneke does have a thick accent. While being in Regalia for years has lessened this, her accent is still audible to those with an ear keen enough to point it out.

  • Upon first sight of Anneke, one may note that she is much like the rest of her family. She comes off as confident and headstrong, believing in herself above much else. She enjoys helping others, whether that be through her art, combat skill, or medical skill; she always feels the need to step in. Her heart leads her to assist in any way she can, and she cares deeply for others, which is quite obvious in her actions. Anne is reserved around others, not speaking much about her personal life to strangers, she seems more concerned with others.

  • On the inside, Anneke is extremely self-conscious. Raising her child alone has done a number on her, and becoming a proper adult is even worse. After leaving them arts she so deeply loved behind, she feels a deeper connection to her father's side of the family, thus giving her newfound confidence in her ability to defend herself and her loved ones. She feels more of her own woman now, and less of a defenceless child, giving her a new, better feeling about herself.

  • Anneke is close with her family, namely her parents above all else. She adores her father deeply, though goes to her mother for more advice. Most of all, she cares for her child, who she would do anything for. Anne is indifferent around her siblings, having just met most of them. The death of her sister rocked her, as did the feeling of not truly being connected to them. For friends, this is different. She feels close around those she trusts, and the anxieties of the world melt away when with her loved ones.

  • The Dereces is mostly a good woman, valuing religion, the law, medicine, all the good stuff. While she hasn't been the best person on Aloria, she still tries to make amends for all she does wrong, and feels a great deal of guilt for letting her family and friends down at times. Anneke would never do any wrong on purpose, and is a remorseful person.
  • When stressed, concerned or frightened, Anneke will not only puff out her cheeks but also reach her hand into her hair, grabbing a chunk close to the side of her scalp. She does this subconsciously and usually stops once she notices she's doing it.
  • When elated or generally infatuated, her feet tend to become pointed towards each other, and her hands clasped in front. This is also an involuntary action, and she usually stops once it is noted.

  • Describe your character's skills; abilities they've developed, but not necessarily put at the forefront of their lives. For example, if your character is a good cook, but not a chef, or if they are a good horse rider but not necessarily a competition racer, you would mention them here. Feel free to mention multiple skills but try to keep your character from becoming over skilled.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character loves to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking, these are things that make your character happy and in a good mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they love these things and then also explain how it makes them feel.

  • Describe three different activities, things or items that your character hates to see, do, taste or smell. Generally speaking, these are things that make your character annoyed or angry and in a general bad mood when they are near them/doing them. Go into detail why they hate these things and explain also how it makes them feel.

Spoiler: Relationships

Nathan Deceres @Scribbe "Yeah, I have two Dads. I just met one of them, but he still counts."

Araidith Deceres @Ignorantus "She's the best and worst little sister at the same time, seeing as I only have her."

Alistair Deceres @Pastellanar "Some days I want to be there for him, other days I wish he weren't there at all."

Tullion Kearney @ShipIt "He's Alistair's friend, and I guess mine, also. I don't know him much, but he seems helpful enough."

Mae Draylas @Lumiess "She's nice, for a Silven. She could use some work."

Sinfyi Petali @Halsi "I love her style, her attitude, everything. I wish we could be better friends."

Fiske Eberlin @Percuriam "He's probably my favorite person, worth fixing."
life story1.webp

The spring of 273 A.C., on the morning of the Dragon Festival in Dorinn, Marieke Vos was blessed with a beautiful baby girl, whom she swiftly named Anneke. Unlike most, Marieke chose to keep her bastard daughter, not bothering to let her husband know the child was not his. Anneke was fathered by none other than Nynn Deceres, a dear friend of Marieke. Marieke saw her daughter as more hands around the house.

In her toddler years, Anneke was paraded around her home, business and city streets in many different outfits and costumes to advertise for her mother. Her family created for the theater, making costumes galore for every actor available; her mother a tailor and her 'father' a playwright. Anneke was a child of the arts, being blessed with the looks of a painting from a young age.

As an older child, Anneke was actively modeling for her mother, and was involved in a handful of her father's plays, though her memory was never good enough for any large roles. Her birth father, Nynn, visited often, though he was not around as much as Anneke would have wished. This was also about the age of which she began to take interest in sewing, though she wouldn't touch a needle for a few more years.

At the age of ten, Anneke enrolled in an art school, choosing to become properly educated at a young age before moving on to more leisurely activities.

As a young teenager, Anne grew in confidence. And at the age of thirteen, her family uprooted and traveled from Dorinn to the Holy City itself, Regalia. They set up shop, creating a new tailoring business. Though, Marieke was glad to be closer to Nynn, as she obviously liked him more than her husband. She hoped her child might get to know her real father more, and around this time was when it was revealed to Anneke who her true family was.

At the age of twenty, Anneke graduated from the school and then focused clearly on her painting career. On the side, however, she continued to study her tailoring. Anne pursued her trade with passion, her paintings, she began drawing out her designs and slowly adding in more and more as her skills progressed. She began taking small commissions, as in painting a dog or some flowers for the homes of her friends and family.

At the age of twenty-two, she tends the shop alone, having fully taken it over as the owner seeing how a fresh face might draw in more customers. Anneke resides within her shop in Regalia, working hard and making a decent amount of coin. At this age, the man that raised Anneke and called himself her father suddenly passed after a prop sword was accidentally replaced with a real one, and he was ran through the chest during a rehearsal.

After falling for an Isldar Doctor once making herself known in the city to her Father and siblings, Anneke gave birth to a son, moving back in with her mother for guidance and support. Her relationship with her father and the Doctor encouraged her to take up the study of medicine and combat later in life, as she left the arts behind in order to pursue the bustling city in full.
Last edited:
11/20/17 - Added art, splicers and prettiness.
1/11/18 - Added in death of her father, expanded on optional sections.
1/23/18 - Added relationships section, fixed grammatical errors
Last edited:
  • State what culture of Ailor, Anneke is.

Make that one edit in a different colour and tag me once you're done!
Added some relationships, prettiness and fixed some spelling errors.