Preserved Sheet Annabel Av Tordavik

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Very very frightening
Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
likely under a bridge




Full Name: Annabel Johanna-Aurum Berg

Age: Thirty five years of age

Gender: Female

Race: Velheim Ailor

Ambition: Achieve a high reputation as well as public and personal glory.

  • Annabel currently lives in a house in the heart of Regalia. Annabel having stayed in the crown city sixteen years. She now works as a Physician in the Alchimia.
  • Annabel was nursed in the heart of Anglia, raised by a Northern woman named Astrid Berg, and an Anglian father named Alphonsae Berg. She has one older sibling, her twin brother, named Boromir.
  • Some secondary goals of Annabel's are few but important. She wishes to make a difference with her teachings, and influence political bodies that there are better things then violence.



School: School of Medicine

Level: Scholar

Source: Private Tutor in Regalia.



Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair Style: Often having a lot of hair, though one side is slightly shaved being much shorter than one side.

Skin Color: Pale

Clothing: Annabel will usually be seen wearing Ceardian-styled clothing in green colors.

Height: 5'5"

Body Build: Skinny

Weapon of Choice: Getting the heck out of there.

  • Annabel's face takes a spot between angular and rounded facial features, with pronounced cheekbones. Her eyes have an angular shape as well, looking young but keen, not being quite a thinned out, nor as childlike as a Cielothar per se. Her forehead is mostly covered with hair, but there isn't much forehead to cover up, not as though she doesn't have a forehead, but isn't large. Annabel usually carries a stoic expression, but this all depends on the mood she is in. She will either look stoic or carry a gentle smile with caring eyes. Annabel bears freckles, but aren't as obvious as someone who carries them heavily, having only a cluster along the bridge of her nose. She has a scar on her eyebrow, that was caused, funny enough, by accidentally hitting her head on a sharp corner of a wall, she isn't too proud of this story. She bears three parallel scars that go from her forehead, across her nose, and seemingly skips over her eye as it makes its way around to the left side of her head
  • Annabel's body shape follows an hourglass shape. She has average muscle definition and has little to no fat, making her appear very healthy-looking if a bit skinny. As for scarring, she bears scars on her back that are in similar shape to the one on her face, as he three parallel marks seems to plague her back and her arm. There are a few scars that run along her abdomen, and chest from further injuries from attacks. Per her culture she bears Velheimer symbols that seem almost blocky in appearance, in the color of light blue. A fellow Velheimer looking upon this would plainly see her achievements.
  • Annabel's isn't one to dress nice and impress people with splendid clothing and accessories. She will wear more utility clothing, often warm clothing even through the summer (Strangely she gets cold easily.). Though this can also be defined as being prideful of making said clothing. She also wears a necklace made of bear claws that hide beneath her clothing. As well as two earrings that have sharp teeth fitted into the metal. Though as of recent she had been sporting fancy clothing.
  • Annabel's voice bears a Northerne accent. Meanwhile, her voice is calm and gentle, very inviting, soothing if you may, her voice bears an accent that can make some words obscure but understandable. Annabel knows languages such as Anglian, Northern Languages, and some Ithanian and Daendroc phrases.



One: "You seem nice."

Annabel can be perceived at first glance as being very stoic and blunt. Annabel, for the most part, is very kind, and if the cause calls she will be very charitable (which is almost all the time) to causes that call for such conduct. People who have had the pleasure of talking with her for a few minutes will find her very intelligent how she speaks, with large words with meanings deep, and sometimes advice that can be found as beneficial depending on how the participant feels about it. She would also seem rather blunt as she speaks, often making claims about people that she had gained evidence of at first glance. For example, she meets someone who seems shady, she will outright state that they seem suspicious, or if someone seems very judgemental, overly snooty, so on and so forth. Depending on when they meet her, they can find her being chipper and talkative, or they can find her being rather stoic and serious. This would have to do with her mood in the moment, or the demeanor that would be suitable.

Two: "Always room for improvement."

Annabel in the headspace is seemingly constantly cluttered, always finding reasons to be stressed, or anxious, even over seemingly little things. With this, she doesn't have a lot of faith in her ability, believing that what she currently is isn't what's ideal, that she must continue her work to be adequate enough. This doesn't stop her from doing things, in fact, this implores that she do new things, to challenge herself, face against new and harrowing challenges. However, Annabel is anxious about failure. This being ironic since she will often challenge herself in substantially low odds of success. Another anxiety she usually has is the anxiety of being neglected or being rejected. The thing about all this she still tries even though she has little faith in herself. It would be also worth noting Annabel is very paranoid. Easily jumped, or even jumped by things that aren't even there.

Three: "Anything for you."

How she acts with people closer in a relationship is rather similar to how she immediately acts with strangers, but she will often act much more respectful towards them, talk about much deeper topics. Family and friends more her age she treats much like equals rather than above her, making banter and wanting to do activities with them to sate any boredom she may have at the time. She is more often to get out of her own way to socialize with them. As this differs with people she met recently, she is more so to seek them out and want to make most of the moment rather than shallow banter with an interested stranger.

Four: "But first, thou shall not harm."

As far as morality goes, she is good, at least neutral. She won't ever actively do something evil or corrupt, the set up on her behalf would have to be very complicated for her to get to the point of doing corrupt deeds. For this to happen it would have to be a vendetta against the person, something that the other did for her to get to that point of a want of vengeance. But for this, she would simply do something like spread a rumor about them, turn people that care about them against them. Though her entire moral code doesn't have to do with vengeance, she seems to be very tolerable with bad deeds, unless it is a personal attack. She is very kind and considerate, no matter whom they are, no matter the circumstances. She will even stoop down so low as a shendar if it meant doing the right thing. She would never harm anyone, either. Per her schooling, and her morality in general, simply refusing to harm anyone even if it meant she herself would die. If someone else were to be in peril, she'd completely throw herself to take the blow herself, then the person in question to be harmed.



Cunning: Annabel is rather cunning, especially when it comes to speech. She possesses out-of-the-box thinking that could perhaps find loopholes in a goal or in a conversation hopefully unnoticed. This could also help with persuasion if the situation is given. Not only this helps with finding her way in a conversation, it proves more than useful when scanning a situation, taking evidence, "putting two and two together" to form an accurate assumption. This can help when something seems vaguely said, or a situation doesn't have much visible meaning, Annabel can in the least make a valid assumption, often times close or even dead on.

Knowledgeable Cooker: With personal experimentation, as well as learning from a friend or two, she has become proficient, as well as creative, with how she can produce consumable pieces. Though being capable of making things on her own, Annabel bears knowledge of some classic meals. These meals may include Veniard d'Estaing, Dragar Shinken, Flatte Brod, and Mousse Puille. Not to say she is as skillful as masterful Culinary Artists, her knowledge of the kitchen at least makes her food taste good.

Scholarly Medical Knowledge: Annabel's teachings throughout the School of Medicine have led her to be proficient in what she does. Able to dress minor wounds with gentle hands, yet swiftly done. Studying herbs and few Alchemical concoctions, she has also learned to dress wounds with the help of such spawns of nature. Stitching wounds, as well as internal wounds, also a force she can deal with when it comes to healing the less fortunate.



Half-Blind: Upon recent happenings. Annabel bears no eyesight upon the left side of her head. This renders her in an awkward situation in multiple schemes. For one thing to her left will be much harder to try and see, making a new blind spot in combat. Secondly would be her lack of depth perception. She won't be as good at throwing objects. Secondly, her half blindness makes it hard to focus on things physically, her eyesight half as good as it was, maybe not being able to see objects as well, or really seeing what things are exactly from a distance.

Paranoia: Through events of trauma, healing the mangled and patients dying with her present, Annabel's mind has gained wear and tear, causing her to be rather paranoid. Meanwhile, she refuses to show this physically, this can be seen under times of stress. One seeing Annabel under this state will see her ranting frantically about bad outcomes, possibilities, what would happen to her, etc. This can also be seen from day-to-day things. There will be times when Anna comes to a greatly absurd reaction to things, "overreacting" if you may. Annabel is also easily startled, even someone laying a simple hand upon her shoulder will cause her to go frantic before laying eyes upon the person in question. In some cases, Anna will strike the person as a fight-or-flight reaction.



Annabel was born in the heart of the Northern Skags, in the Village of Hindersfjall where her family resided in with the clan of Tordavik, born only a few moments after her twin brother. Growing up Annabel enjoyed her mother much more than her father, and her brother to his father. Annabel enjoyed hearing the stories her mother brought before her conceiving, even before her mother being wed to her father, envying the harshness and danger the life her mother lead. Her mother, Astrid, said that Annabel should learn to carry her own and fight for what would bring joy and honor to those around her, disciplining her to be selfless, fearing Annabel would become selfish. Her brother took more political eras, such as trade, seafaring, and leading, taking this info from his father.

Around Annabel's turning of ten, her family moved from the North Skags and went into the Crown City where other members of the Clan Tordavik resided dealing with Imperial business. Annabel turned fourteen and her mother and father asked if she would take part in a combat school,
Annabel refused, she took no interest in learning combat, even the thought of harming someone didn't turn out to be such a good thought. After some years, turning eighteen. She had made friends with a Yanar whom participated in medicinal practices. They had come to an agreement that she would pay sums of regals from her current job in exchange for tutoring.

Throughout her tutoring she had taken upon talents such as cooking (taking a particular interest in the craft), singing to herself, reading, and going for often strolls. Annabel often assisted her tutor with their work, helping fix patience up. At one point in time whilst wandering the city, she was attacked by a stray Tresimae, she, fortunately, made it out alive, someone coming by in time to get the thing off her, she was heavily injured, bearing the iconic scar upon her face.

After a sum amount of years she had gained her medical degree at the age of twenty six. She had used her degree to work at healer houses, where she worked tirelessly to ensure the populace would remain alive.

Upon the happening of 304 AC, she found herself in the middle of the Lo Occupation, healing the rebels against the deathlings, being attacked a few times herself by the creatures. The wear and tear of the event had spawned her large habit of being anxious, and paranoid.
Last edited:
Due to some ooc events I have decided to rework Annabeth. I also call upon @Walrussaur to review some changes made due him taking part in a fraction of the character's backstory and current upbringing.
While I will let Walrus peer-review this if you so wish it, the changes from this rework are in that blue, I imagine?
  • Add one more sentence to the combat talent.
Life Story:
  • This has random spelling mistakes put around parts of the life story, can you read over this and fix them.

Make the above edits in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Changes have been made in blue. Changes include the spelling/grammar mistakes in the life story and extending Talent traits to be a bit more specific on her capabilities (Or the limits). @Vegemiite
Character update 1/1/2018 for @Vegemiite to Review

  • Fixed up some things in Basic information, nothing too major.
  • Minor changes to physical extension.
  • Changed skill in Grun to Warrior along with an age change to match the skill.
  • Strength added! Minor Medical Knowledge
  • Added weakness section along with weaknesses Half Blind and Paranoia!
  • Minor/major backstory changes. Backstory changed to match her Velheimer upbringing, changed the story to mention things done in the School of Grun. Changed a few things around so it makes sense of Annabel to be the current Aldermann of Clan Tordavik.
Change in previous update 1/4/2018

  • Changing a bit of the backstory due to something being irrelevant after some internal debate.
Changelog 1/26/2018

Another, and probably final, rework has occurred! Not as large as others, but notable.
  • Due to direction of my current Roleplay, as well as my personal comfort zone in roleplay. Annabel has had all combat skill removed. Replaced with the school of medicine.
  • Life Story changed in accordance with the previously mentioned change.
  • Removed Survival skills and replaced it with Cooking!
  • Minor physical details tweaked.
How does the character possess an Athletic build without a combat school or implications of any physical activity to maintain it? Understand that build would take a lot of time and effort to maintain. I would switch to Ripped or below for a medical character. If you do decide to use Ripped, I will need you to mention some form of consistent physical activity, like exercise or weight lifting, something very basic.

Make the above edits and tag myself once completed @DockedRelic