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Played Character Annabelle May

This character is actively played.


Jan 2, 2017
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Annabelle Rose May
  • Heritage / Culture: Cearden Ailor
  • Age: 26 years
  • Gender / Pronouns: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Unionism
  • Occult: No
  • Character Occupation: Alchemist, Healer, and Technician

Core Concept

"It brings me so much joy to see the effects of my work on the lives of others. Few things could give me more meaning."

Annabelle is a dedicated alchemist, physician, and technician. Nerdy, polite, soft-spoken, kind, and compassionate, she takes great pride in her work treating the sick and wounded.

Appearance Information

"I'm small, and not super strong. And that's okay."

Annabelle is a petite woman with a slim figure, standing at 5'0" (152.40 cm). She has long, wavy brown hair that she typically wears down, without tying it up or styling it. Her eyes are blue, and she is usually seen wearing a white robe and a red cloak, both made of durable and comfortable fabrics. She also wears colorful vials on her hips. Finally, she sports Chemtech accessories and tools and a pair of goggles.

Artwork drawn by @Spectriel

Artwork drawn by @MidnightRey
Skill Information

"Nerd? I embrace that label, you know. I have a lot of fun making things with technology and alchemy. It helps my patients, too."

Hobbies and Talents:

  • Medical Hobby
  • Alchemy Hobby
  • Technology Hobby
  • Cooking
  • Reading books and writing in a journal
Ailor Mechanics:
  • Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divide. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.

  • Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.

  • Ailor make for excellent negotiators. Ailor gain +2 on top of every Persuasion Dice roll result, and their Persuasion Cap is also increased by +2 for every Dice Roll. These effects only apply to non-Afflicted, non-Mystech individuals, as their speech and habits are entirely fine-tuned to the more mundane aspects of global society. They must venture beyond their comfort zone to be able to reach Magic things.

  • Ailor whether by divine intervention or by sheer dump cosmic luck, always somehow end up on the right side of history. Ailor Characters when participating in Events, may sometimes stumble into an extreme luck roll that drops an additional loot item for one of the participants. This loot can be physical items, or intangible things like Divinium or an Artifactspark. Chances are higher for non-Magic using Ailor than Magic using Ailor.

  • Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to three Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just one or two. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.
  • Common (native)
  • Altalar (fluent)
  • Sign language (learning)

"I'm so proud of everything I've learned and accomplished. It's worth it to see the smile on my patient's face at the end of the day."
  • Annabelle was born in a quiet neighborhood within the confines of Regalia with her mother and her father, Linnie May and Maxwell May, on August 5th, 286 AC. For the majority of her upbringing, she was an only child with no siblings.

  • Annabelle has always had a close relationship with her family, especially her father. During her childhood, she would spend a lot of quality time with him, and he was very loving towards her. To this day, she still goes to him for advice and guidance, trusting him with all her heart. She would also help her mother around the house, and her mother also taught her how to read and write in Common as well as do basic arithmetic.

  • Annabelle began expressing interest in alchemy at a young age, fascinated by what things could be done with it, primarily treating illnesses and injuries. She'd begun studying the subject on her own at twelve years of age.

  • At fourteen years of age, Annabelle's parents agreed to send her back and forth between her home in Regalia and Akademie von Kaiserman in Heltover to formally teach her alchemy. She studied there for six years until she graduated at twenty years old.

  • When Annabelle was eighteen years old, her mother gave birth to a baby girl named Elizabeth. Annabelle loves her younger sister dearly, and is eager to teach her to follow in her footsteps.

  • Annabelle moved out of the house at nineteen years of age. During this time, she made a few friends and picked up an entry-level job at the Fier et Calme Teahaus owned by the Peirgarten family. She was also very shy, and introverted, having a difficult time approaching new people to start conversations or get to know them.

  • At twenty years old, Annabelle married a Maquixtl, and agreed with him to get out of Regalia and immigrate to Ashaven. She learned Altalar in order to speak to him in his native tongue. Their relationship fell apart after a while due to complications, and she was divorced by him. Without the money to travel back to Regalia, she stayed in Ashaven and took up a job as an alchemist and a healer, and she found herself working closely with the Llynburh chapter of the Aelrrigan Order, who taught her extensive medical knowledge and how to use her skills in alchemy to heal the sick and wounded. During this time, she also familiarized herself with Chemtech as a means of delivering the effects of her concoctions.

  • After several years of practicing medicine and treating the sick and wounded in Ashaven while under the teaching of the Aelrrigan Order, Annabelle could no longer handle being away from her friends and family for so long. She has now set out to reunite with them, and put her skills to use in Regalia as a healer.
Plot Hooks

"I'm just your average Ailor woman. I promise."

  • Annabelle is not particularly brave. She wants to learn to defend herself better, but doesn't trust most people to teach her. Far too often she witnesses "sparring matches" become a brutal fight where the participants almost mortally wound each other.

  • Annabelle has a complicated relationship with magic. Sometimes she feels threatened by the existence of magical healing, as if magical healing will replace her and render everything she has ever learned and accomplished obsolete. On the other hand, she wonders if learning God Magic will be a worthwhile endeavor; after all, it will allow her to better treat her patients in her field of work, and isn't that what ultimately matters?

  • Annabelle likes to talk about and tinker with technology and alchemy, even trying to fuse the two together. She mainly likes to experiment with chemtech, but also dabbles in clockwork from time to time as well. She is often seen wearing a gauntlet on her right arm made of chemtech, which she uses to administer healing through the usage of mists, salves, and nanobots.

  • Annabelle takes pride in her work as a healer, but if there's anything she hates, it's being taken for granted. She won't hesitate to treat the sick and wounded, but to see her work cheapened or under-appreciated will infuriate her.

  • Annabelle's patron Unionist deities are Eora and Al-Asir. She believes she can honor them through her work by employing her extensive expertise in both technology and alchemy to care for the downtrodden.

  • Normally, Annabelle has a kind, gentle, even disarming attitude. She is afraid of offending people however, and when she feels apprehensive or anxious, her tone reflects this and she also begins to stutter a little bit.

  • Annabelle has a pet bird who takes on the form of a robotic chemtech hawk. She built him herself, and can sometimes be seen carrying him on her arm. She calls this hawk Percy.

- Lieven Gwentyr (@Trackedpilled)

"You're sweet, Lieven. I always knew you to be a gentleman, deep down. But I'm not the woman you knew all those years ago. I've changed."

In 306 AC, Annabelle spent a considerable amount of quality time with Lieven. They were separated when Annabelle left to go to Ashaven, and did not see each other again for years until July 13, 312 AC when they stumbled across each other in Amontaar, sharing a hug in their unlikely but welcome reunion.

- Alan Arrand (@jono_98)

"I missed you, Alan. We'll both stay in Regalia from now on, right? It'll be just like the good old days."

Alan is a friend that Annabelle met at a small institution called the Marble House in 306 AC. Alan and Annabelle have known each other for a long time, growing close even as they were separated. They were reunited in Amontaar on July 16, 312 AC, with them both happy to see each other.

Miscellaneous Info

  • Annabelle is commonly referred to as "Anna" by her friends. She has other nicknames, too, including "Rose" (which is her middle name) and "Belle", but these are pet names and she would not take kindly to being referred to that way by most people.

  • Annabelle likes to write in a journal from time to time to help process her thoughts. If she is feeling angry, frustrated, or sad, she may write an entry in her journal about it.

  • Annabelle is a sucker for simple pleasures. She loves being at home and especially loves a warm fire with a book and good food.

  • Annabelle prefers not to drink alcohol. This is something she will do little to justify, and won't take kindly to being pressured to do otherwise.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Intelligence
Defense Stat: Wisdom
[14/14 points spent]

Proficiency Points:

Strength: 1
🏃 Athletic |
[Steady Body]

Constitution: 0
🐴 Mounted |
[Familiar Disrupt] (Free pack from Ailor heritage)
🐴 Mounted |
[Cavalry Summon] (Free, from having at least one ability from Mounted Point Buy)

Intelligence: 7
🛠️Tech |
[Tech Ghost] (Free, from purchasing at least one ability from Tech Point Buy)
🛠️Tech | [Hook Shot]
🛠️Tech | [Tech Resist}
🛠️Tech | [Tech Exhaust]
🛠️Tech |
[Tech Charge]
🧠 Adapt | [Wardrobe Pack]
🧠 Adapt | [Safeguard Pack]
🧠 Adapt | [Oceanic Pack]

Wisdom: 5
❤️‍🩹 Medical | [Medical Stance] (Free, required to use abilities from Medical Point Buy)
❤️‍🩹 Medical | [Medical Resist] (Free pack from Ailor heritage)
❤️‍🩹 Medical | [Medical Buff]
❤️‍🩹 Medical | [Medical Bolster]
❤️‍🩹 Medical |
[Medical Rescue]
🧪 Chem | [Chem Feeding] (Free, from purchasing at least one ability from Chem Point Buy)
🧪 Chem | [Chem Hyperfocus]
🧪 Chem |
[Technique Parry]

Faith: 1
🙏 Prayer |
[Kneeling Prayer]
Last edited:

Hi! I've made the following edits:
- I have changed her height from 5'5 to 5'0 because her MPM model does not reflect being 5'5 in height, according to MonMarty's MPM height reference.
- I have replaced +5 Nature Care Sciences and +5 Food & Drink Sciences with +10 Medical Sciences.

The edits are in blue. Please get back to me once you have re-reviewed it!
Hey @Walrusaur_ !

Apologies for the additional edits, but I will be making another modification to Annabelle's proficiencies since they are not very useful, and I will be also rewriting her personality because it is not very conducive to roleplay.

The edits are in blue! Thank you very much.

Thank you,
Expand upon the morality section by at least two sentences and tag me when done.

Hey there! I'm just tagging you to be on the safe side here.

I have made one very tiny edit to Annabelle's morality. A Chaotic Good, by definition, does not care about laws and regulations. This is not her at all, so I will be changing her D&D morality equivalent to Neutral Good.

The edits are in blue.

Thank you.
Hi @Walrusaur_ !

I've changed Annabelle's life story to include that she has a younger sibling. The edit is in blue!

Apologies for the additional edits! I have added a few things to two of her personality paragraphs. As always, the edits are blue.
@Percuriam Hello! I've made the following edits:

- Changed Annabelle's last name to Gildenstein after becoming married
- Changed up her fourth paragraph in the personality section
- Clarified Annabelle's choice of clothing
- Fixed Annabelle's Main Ambition

All the edits are in blue.
I am claiming this character application for re-review.
Expect a response within 24 hours.

Sorry for the ultra slow response! If you find your old reviewer has left staff, you're welcome to mark your threads with "Needs Reviewer" as opposed to "Needs Re-Review"!

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • I can find nothing to critique! A very sound application, well done!
☼ Approved! ☼

Hi there! I've done a small proficiency rewrite.

Annabelle is now less centered on cooking and more focused on alchemy. This is how I always intended for her to be, so this is why I reduced her cooking proficiency and increased her alchemy proficiency.

Thank you! And as always, the edits are all in blue!
Ooops, sorry for the ultra slow response to this! Don't be afraid to tag me again if I miss it in the future.

☼ Re-Approved! ☼

Hello! Minor character rewrite time!

- Changed Annabelle's last name back to May after her marriage to Klause Gildenstein has ended.
- Expanded on Annabelle's main ambition.
- Expanded on Annabelle's clothing choices.

As usual, every change is highlighted in blue.

Thank you!
Hello! I'll be filling in. @andluc1 Small things like that don't normally require re-approval, the main ambition section was actually removed from the template awhile ago but I sometimes keep it on my apps for just personal aesthetic or for milestones.

Re-Approved never the less!
Full character rewrite complete! Annabelle is back in action!
Updated her proficiencies to make her not suck anymore, and give her a more clearly-defined role.
Character sheet updated:

- Added a plot hooks section!
- Replaced Dirty Fighter with Kneeling Prayer to give her an option to defend herself from an incoming attack.