Preserved Sheet Anije Kierper Wymarc

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i am a girlboss i am a war criminal
Feb 1, 2020
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Birth Name: Anije Kierper
    • Self-Proclaimed Name: Annie Wymarc
    • Alias: Enraptured Mortician
  • Age: 31 (Appears ~26)
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Carnvaal Ailor
  • Sexuality:
  • Preferred Weapon: Surgical Equipment | Biting

Skill Information
Total Points:
(31+5) 36 Core Points + 10 Talent + 10 Hobby
  • Ritualism - 9 Core Points
  • Arcanology - 3 Core Points
  • Melee Combat (Dagger) - 6 Core Points
  • Medical Science - 12 Core Points
  • Linguistic Science - 3 Core Points
  • Needlework Art - 4 Core Points
  • Stealth Rogue - 5 Talent Points
  • Vocal Singing - 5 Talent Points
  • Theatre Art - 5 Hobby Points +5 Vampirism Bonus (10)
  • Dancing Art - 5 Hobby Points +5 Racial Bonus +5 Vampirism Bonus (15)
Body Shape
  • 15 Physical Stat (Vampirism Cap)
  • Slim Body Shape
  • Average Body Fat
  • Common (Free)
  • D'Ithanie (Through Parent)
  • Kathar Elven (Linguistic Science)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Mutations:
    • Monster Truth (White)
    • Monster Draw (Body Hair)
    • Monster Patching
    • Void Tears
    • Void Horns
    • Void Beast (Spaded)
  • Ritualism:
    • Ritualist Marrowsmith
    • Ritualist Blood-Mend
    • Ritualist Counter
    • Ritualist Masking (Aesthetic)
    • Ritualist Body-Singing (Aesthetic)
    • Ritualist Predation (Aesthetic)
  • Sorcery (INACTIVE):
    • Shadow's Embrace (INACTIVE)
    • Healing Grace (INACTIVE)
    • Shadow Guise (INACTIVE)
    • Light in Home (INACTIVE)
  • Arcanology:
    • Arken Knowledge
  • Carnvaal Racials:
    • By word of Mouth
    • Drinks Galore
    • Chicken, Chicken
  • Alais Vampirism (Active):
    • All Free Mutations
    • Form Mutations (5):
      • Crimson Cloaking
      • Crimson Silence
      • Crimson Guiding
      • Crimson Hostage
      • Crimson Guile
    • Crimson Form:
      • Crimson form is of a similar body shape to Anije normally, although they are made entirely of quilt-like segments of skin or flesh of varying tones of reds, scarlets, maroons and crimsons. These patches are seemingly knitted and stitched together by a tendon threads which runs through the body, giving her the appearance of being made from mis-matched patches of body parts. Her head is shaped to be a large eye surrounded by smaller other eyes of varying shapes and colors, and from the back of her head arm-like appendages reach backwards like hair.
Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Anije is a doctor both for pay and for her abnormal glee in such medical practices. Although scattered and initially reliant upon the foundations set by her family for wealth, she has since established a stable income to allow her to continue her hedonistic exhuberance.
  • Anije has two siblings, herself being the youngest of the three, and being quite the unexpected addition to the family. Although certainly of no noble status, the cultures of the Carnvaal settled with her at an early age, and thusly celebratory decadence was established to have a notable liking from the Ailor.
  • The typical Alais mentality, to accumulate further wealth, the pursuit for pleasure and indulgence.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: All White
  • Hair Color: Dusty Brown
  • Hair Style: Upsweep
  • Skin Color: Pale tan
  • Clothing: Whatever
  • Height: 5'1''
Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Anije's eyes are of a thin, almond shape, either being entirely whitened and glossy, akin to a marble. There are no scars or blemishes on her face or neck, due to her Vampirism curse, however the locks of her hair upon her forehead typically do not parallel this, being messy and unkempt - ruffled about into disheveled bangs.
  • Anije is on the shorter side of Carnvaal Ailor, being 5'1''. From mutations, she lacks any body hair upon her skin, which is untanned from Alais Vampirism. Much of her body fat is in her lower body and abdomen, resulting in a far more slender top, with notably skeletal hands befitting her dextrous fingers.
  • Anije typically wears baggy, flowing robes that run down to the feet or ankles. She has piercings upon either ear, two rings upon the left hand's pointer finger, and a single ring upon the right hand's ring finger.
  • Anije's voice is usually fluid, however, at times it may sound rasped or groggy to certain aspects from her intake of Tabacca.
Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Neutral Evil
      • Anije is willing to step on others as a means of reaching her goal without remorse for doing so. There is a lack of sympathy or caring when she may violate an agreement made or a pact if she believes it was beneficial to her own self. Heavily ego-centric, this lends to Anije being Neutral Evil.
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • Debater ENTP-A
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • 7/10 (Arken) Void Worship

Personality (Expansion)
  • Anije will periodically, quietly laugh when threatened or in fear instead of typical other reactions, or begin to anxiously tap the tip of her right foot against the ground with a rhythmic pattern.
  • Anije is extremely dextrous with her fingers, although such has not been utilized for the purposes of thievery, she has an almost inborn surgical precision with her digits.

  • Medical practice
  • Festivities and celebration, namely parties.
  • Alcohol of any quality
  • Werebeasts (Vampire Mentality)
  • Sihndar
  • Much in relation to Unionism, although continues to use 'Spirit' in vernacular as her subject of higher power.

Life Story
Anije Kierper was born into a family of Carnvaal Ailor, as the youngest child of three, and also the most anomalous. Anije embraces the hedonistic natures of want, taking immense pleasure in decadency and degeneracy of the wild abandon of exotic drinks and food, festivities, and the rapture of mindlessness - and even cruel or sadistic - entertainment. Anije's endeavors unto medical sciences and anatomical study upon both human and animal bodies has hastily lead to the malpractice and repurposing of remains - both of fetid, composting nature and directly from source. Such manifests amidst the cloying Ailor's attitudes as the reconstruction of bodies, dissecting cadavers in private under the guise of other activity.
Anije, since her early years, displayed an uncanny amusement and fascination with death, and the body left behind. This sprung forth from several instances of carcasses from birds and vermin being brought within the family's abode by their house cat, lending to the child's early repeated exposure to the anatomy of animals. Unfortunately, too, did this interest spread to action, lending to the youthful Anije to ultimately attempt to first perform mock dissection upon the corpses of small animals killed by the feline, before reaching a critical of sinister behavior with a similar fate being met to the mouser. It was not uncommon for Anije to misbehave, even to great extents as this, however the troubles of dealing with the child brought her mother to have not a clue as how to proceed with the development of her daughter, opting to try to shelter her within her room in an effort to prevent further outward display of maliciousness or apathetic behavior.
As troubles continued and Anije aged, she was expelled from the house to be put on a search for occupation.
The job she assumed was neither of a noble position nor a safe one, the relatively unkempt and disheveled clinic out of the wake of the patrols of guards lending to frequent visitation of aberrants and the unlawful. This, however, was no issue, neither for others on-site who were more than willing for further payment nor for Anije herself, whom slowly begun to grow an amusement in the irregular natures of her patients.
Amputation was not uncommon for those who had limbs that could not be salvaged. The arm or leg would be removed, the remains bandaged, and a prosthetic thusly made and put in place - if they were lucky enough to receive little more than crutches and a pat on the back. Due to the questionable morality of the clinic as a whole, Anije was nimbly able to take a majority of these lost limbs, and too the patients who would otherwise have none to burry them.
In recent, her medical practices have begun to sour and change, although such is kept in secret, Anije has since degenerated to unethical customs. Stemming from such marked an instance in which the Ailor licked the blood upon her hands clean -- thusly contracting Alais Vampirism from her patient, whom she was unaware to have such. Although portraying herself of an innocent nature with her endeavors upon the surface, Anije assumes a separate identity within the Undercity, skulking about the sewers to further her malicious enactments.

yeah this is totally intended to eventually be a funky silven creechur now that oldritch is no longer a creechur
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Please get rid of the alternate backstory involving silvenism until you're actually given the all clear from the lore managers for such.

Beyond that once you fix that, it is approved.