Preserved Sheet Aneyt Vszaladesz

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Apr 2, 2017
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> Full Name: Anyevaeta Kati Vszaladesz
> Nick Names: Aneyt, An, Etta
> Race: Ailor
> Culture: Szabadok
> Age: 20
> Birthday: December 10th, 290 AC
> Zodiac: Sagittarius
> Gender: Female
> Eye Color: Green eyes




> Aneyt is in all ways a supporting character at heart, she strongly believes that her family should be her highest priority. Regardless of this, she comes off as a confident and independent young woman. Originating from the Szabadokian lands, there are multiple layers to her, when first meeting her she typically will come off as a kind and sociable person, but there certainly is another side of her.
She follows the Old God's Religion loosely, when beneficial.






(8 Magic)
(Ordial Mage)
> Displacing Pack
> Disruption Pack
> Enchanting Pack
> Materialism Pack
> Mimicry Pack
> Protection Pack
> Illusionism Pack
> Thanhicism Pack

Arcane Knockback
(The user can blast a chosen target within range (1 block), knocking them back up to 10 blocks in a chosen direction horizontally. This cannot be used to send a person over a ledge, but it can be used to slam the target into an object or other person. The user can choose how many blocks to send the target back. Arcane Knockback has a 30 minute cooldown.)

Link Disrupt
(The user may target any person in Emote Distance and cancel any Link Powers that are currently affecting a target. Additionally, the target cannot be affected by another Link Power for 15 minutes from any source. This ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown.)

Enchanted Buffer
(The user is rooted into place, being unable to move, or use any other Ability except for Enchanted Buffer, or Enchanted Wall. While Enchanted Buffer is maintained, the user can grant up to 5 HP to any Target (or multiple) person, in any desired combination, which is applied through a Link Power while this affects them. Additionally, the user becomes Immune to any type of Displacement, meaning the only way to cancel this Power is either by choice, or by attacking the user in Melee. When Enchanted Buffer is ended, it goes on a 2 Hour Cooldown.)

Pocket Dimension
(The user can store up to a closet's worth of items inside a pocket dimension or alternate dimension. This dimension cannot hold a living being, nor weapons, or Artifacts. If however the user is an Artifact holder and is presently using a disguise feature, they can store the Artifact inside the Pocket Dimension for up to 1 hour per day.)

Reflection Strike
(The user conjures an imperfect copy of themselves next to a target within range (10 blocks). This copy delivers a default melee hit (with a melee weapon or magic Combatforce) to the target before it vanishes. This hit functions as a normal melee hit as if the user had 5 Strength, and can be countered with block counters. Reflection Strike has a 1 hour cooldown.)

Saving Grace
(The user targets an ally within range (1o blocks), removing all current debuffs on them and pulling them to any block adjacent to the user. Saving Grace cannot cleanse debuffs from Artifacts. Saving Grace has a 2 hour cooldown.)

Altered Self
(The user can create a Magical disguise for themselves as some kind of mythical or magical creature, but never just a normal person or someone else. The appearance masks their identity, including all traits that could cause anyone to identify them, but it must always be the same. Aesthetics of the disguise (like being a literal skeleton) does not confer additional functions like ranged immunity. This disguise can only be removed at will by the user, and cannot be combined with any other Disguise Abilities or Specials.)

Disrupting Rune
(The user chooses a target within range (5 Blocks), summoning a rune beneath them to knock the target off their feet instantaneously. Disrupting Rune as a 2 hour cooldown.
Draining Curse
(Connecting a Link Power to both targets, the user is able to trade Bonus HP pools between the two for as long as this Link Power is maintained. Draining Curse can be upheld for a maximum of 30 minutes, and goes on a 2 hour cooldown once ended.)

Knight Summon
(The user can summon three things (either all at the same time, or only one/multiple): A full set of Armor, a Shield, and a Melee Weapon of any kind. These can be summoned on the user, but can also be summoned on others in Emote Range, and even be divided over different people, so long as a single one of each is produced. These summoned items can leave Emote Range, but cannot be switched between people. If one of the items is destroyed or unsummoned, all of them disappear. Both when unsummoned or destroyed, Knight Summon has a 1 House Cooldown.)

Perfect Copy

(The user targets another person in Emote Range, after which they produce a perfect copy of their entire kit, including: Proficiencies, Point Investments, and any additional Abilities they may have gained from Afflictions and Racials (but never Artifacts or Custom Kits), while losing all of their own from these categories. If Abilities are copied that the user already had and used, Cooldowns are not refreshed. If the person copied uses for example Ranged Point Buy, and the user does not have a Bow on them, a Magical weapon is produced for them that allows them to use all Abilities with the same capability. The user is stuck with their Perfect Copy Kit for 24 hours, though Perfect Copy does not have a Cooldown.)
Arcane Mastery
(The user has telekinetic control over solid objects, able to move them around with their hands or automating objects like a self-sweeping broom or self-opening curtains.)

Arcane Wardrobe
(The user can change their clothes on the fly, color, texture, shape, size, material, even whole outfits being swapped is all possible and instantaneous.)

Armor Cleanse

(The user may target either their own armor or that of another person, using Magic to instantly clean them of any dirt and dents or scratches, though not destruction damage.)

Blood Element

(The user is able to manipulate any blood, able to bend it through the air, congeal, liquify, change its color or absorb and expel it from their own body. They can also drink blood without issue.)

Cursed Touch

(Any wounds the user inflicts upon others rot. This does not cause additional harm or effects, but can optionally leave behind a unique scar in the form of a Deathspeech rune.)

Dark Element
(The user is able to coat themselves or items they are holding in inky clouds of shadow, giving off wisps and absorbing light. This can never count as a Disguise.)

Dressage Cleanse
(The user may target either their own clothing or that of another person, using Magic to instantly clean them of any dirt, stains, grime, or liquid that has appeared on them.)

Dueling Brand
(The user can enchant an arena for an expanded dueling experience, allowing two parties to fight to the death and be revived when the fight is over.)

Echoes of the Past
(The user can leave behind ghostly aesthetics like shimmering footprints where they walk and handprints, as well as a spectral mirror of themselves that lags slightly behind them.)

Emote Infuse
(The user may infuse jewelry or other consumables with emotional feeling, causing anyone who wear/consume them to experience this feeling like a constant effect.)

Evil Tongues
(The user can, if a person in Emote Distance uses a language they don't understand to speak badly of them, still understand what is being said, without understanding the language.)

Floral Element

(The user has telekinetic control over leaves and floral petals, able to summon them from thin air, and bend them around in the air to their will and directions.)

Grave Armor
(The user, when wearing Armor (or having Summoned Armor) can overlay ghostly aesthetics onto it.)

(The user can create 3 sentries at the doorways of their home. They act as doorbells, alarming the user when 'rung' (even if they are offline), and can be given pre-made phrases to repeat.)

Health Call
(The user may bond with any number of people, and they will always be able to tell if they are healthy or wounded, but never where they are, nor can they communicate.)

Life Wall
(The user may, with direct touch, prevent a person who is about to die from dying, keeping them in a state of protection from death so long as they can keep touching them.)

Lightning Immune
(The user becomes immune to any damage caused by electric shocks, lightning, static, or electricity, this does not affect any Lightning based Abilities.)

Nature Element
(The user may have some control over plant matter, encouraging their growth, moving them around and causing them to bloom, but never as skillfully as Yanar can.)

Pocket Scan
(The user can scan a person in Emote Distance, which forces that person to DM them back what is in their pockets and on their person, and it can never be nothing or nothing of value.)

Rune Smithing
(The user can apply aesthetic runes to objects like weapons, applying aesthetic elements to them like a sword that can self ignite. No element gives additional functions.)

Self Control
(The user can change their general Body Shape, Height, Weight, Sex, Body & Top Hair, and Eye Color at will, but this can never function as a Disguise Mechanic.)

Shadow Element
(The user is able to manipulate their own and other people's shadows, making it change shape, disappear, re-appear, or move independently from the user.)

Spark Element

(The user has control over electricity around them, able to summon sparks of lightning out of thin air, and bend them through the air and onto objects, though never harming.)

Time Element

(The user may outside of Combat or a chase, control time in the past 3 hours, winding back private roleplay so long as all parties are in agreement with the narrative.)
(2 Wisdom)
> Hoterie Pack
> Medical Pack - Godsamtro Branch

(This Pack allows a Character to have been a member of, or trained among the Hôteries, an organization of Ithania-based courtesans and entertainers who specialize in providing exotic services and personal attention to their customers, with maybe a little bit of spying and information brokering as a side-job.)

(This Pack does several things for your Character: Your Character may attempt to employ this information to seduce an NPC in Progressions (permitting marital availability, and sexuality compatibility). This may confer additional benefits both in server-roleplay (if the entity is near Regalia) or in further Progression orders pending success.)

(Your Character is able to apply a make-up and prop based disguise with perfect voice modulation that acts as a disguise and can change anything about the user except their Race and Sex. This acts as a disguise, and unlike normal disguises, cannot be removed when restrained or knocked out.)

(Godsamtro is a branch developed by devout Old Gods worshipers made of black stone, and glowing blue rune lines funneling Pagan faith.)

Healing Hands
(The user and the (willing) Target (who is not Knocked Out or Downed) must be rooted together for the duration of this Ability, and cannot use any Abilities, Mundane Techniques, or Specials while this Ability is active. The user establishes a Link power onto the Target, healing any wounds and refreshing their stamina over the duration of 10 minutes. If the Link Power is Disrupted, or the user is Displaced or attacked, the Ability is Canceled, though this Ability has a 5 minute Cooldown. This Ability can be used out of combat on a knocked out or downed target, but only if they do not return to combat for at least 2 hours afterwards.)
(2 Charisma)
> Empire Linguist Pack
> Mount Husbandry Pack

Empire Linguist
(Calem<Cal>, Etos<Etos>, Skodje<Skod>, d'Ithanie<d'I>, Lëtz<Letz>, Dressalo<Dre>,
Daendroquin<D>, Kriv<Kri>, Anglian<Ang>, Breizh<Br>, Altalar<Alt>).
(Not included but Native Language; Réginyelv <Reg>.)

Mount Husbandry
(Allows a Character to own a Mount outside of Regalia, and also hand a copy of this mount to every Progression Order ally. By default, this is just a regular Horse. Mounts are only available during Progressions, and can never be shown or used in Regalia.)
(Pannor Horse - A black tusked horse with a temper that frequently attacks strangers.)




> Réginyelv (Native)
> Common (Free)
> Empire Linguist Pack (Linguistics)




> She does not have any mutation nor physical abnormalities.

> Aneyt stands as an averaged height woman, with a slim physique. She has long wavy brown hair and green eyes.






Aneyt was born in Szülőföld to her parents, Beatrix & Ambrus Vszaladesz. Along with multiple other siblings.

> She spent her adolescence learning the Szabadokian customs as well as traveling as much as she was able.

> She spent her early adulthood continuing to learn as much as she could, often seen trying to perfect her studies.

> Aneyt decided to relocate with her family to reside in Regalia.


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@AColorfulPigeon Hey here's the review. Can you add a note about the characters religious beliefs or outlooks in your core concept. Please specify which branch of Artificer and Technician your character is using next to the abilities. You're unable to invest in Technician and buy packs from the Melee Weapon point-buy. Please adjust and @tag me when edits are made.